Transmuting Poverty Consciousness into Prosperity Consciousness

We live in a money world and when you live in a money world, money affects your life in almost every way. You feel it every day and it either makes life hard and miserable in scarcity or easy and joyful in prosperity. Abundance IS our Divine Birthright. One of the themes of 2020 is increasing prosperity as well as, of course, releasing old programs and paradigms that no longer serve us. One of these old programs is poverty consciousness. We simply cannot birth New Earth in its entirety as long as we are still running the lack and scarcity program and it is time to replace this outdated program with the 5D version of wealth/prosperity consciousness. Through Patricia Cota-Robles at, we have been given tools to help us reprogram ourselves to do just that. Together with the Company of Heaven, she is offering a book called “It Is Time for You to be Financially Free”, which this post is based on. God/Source did not create our scarcity mentality, WE did through our egos and falling from the higher frequencies to the lower where we are now. We severely pinched off the glorious flow, we dammed the river. We moved ourselves into the Land of Lack when we used to live in the Pure Land of Boundless Splendor, the Wonder-full World of Wealth as I call it. It is time for us to once again reclaim our Divine Birthright and release the patterns of imperfection because they are no longer serving us.
Maybe you’ve already been using the Law of Attraction with mixed or poor results. “Manifesting” is the hottest buzzword in the spiritual world right now with everyone claiming to be an expert in doing it. I’m certainly not claiming to be an expert in anything, but I have seen the Law of the Circle, aka The Law of Attraction at work throughout my life. I have successfully moved myself from living in the Land of Lack to the Wonder-full World of Wealth and am continually expanding into even more wealth in every possible way.
You Have to Give Away Money
Nothing radiates the wealth frequency like giving away money! When you give away money joyfully, not fearfully, the vibration you’re broadcasting is that you have so much money you can afford to give it away purely for the joy of giving just to give! All of your bills are paid, you are well fed, well clothed, well housed, all of your basic survival needs are taken care of and now you have plenty left to give to those in need. You have more than enough! YAY! When you’re truly broadcasting the wealth frequency you naturally attract more of the wealth frequency because you are in resonance with it. Everything is about frequency alignment. Your frequency NEVER lies and you can’t fake it. You know when you truly feel wealthy even if you aren’t yet a millionaire and you know when you are faking it because they feel very different. So if you want to receive more money, YOU HAVE TO GIVE AWAY MONEY, freely with no strings attached, no expectation of return from the recipient, simply for the joy of giving. Patricia calls this “seed money”. You do, however, expect a return from the universe, a tenfold return. For example, if you give away $5 you say, “This is a gift of Love that I am giving back to God/Universe in appreciation for my gift of Life. In fulfillment of the Law of the Circle, I AM receiving $50 from the infinite flow of God’s abundance, with the highest good for all concerned.”
The key is CONSCIOUSLY CLAIMING YOUR TENFOLD RETURN because unless you do that it may or may not return to you. You have to file a claim with the universe haha! Way better than with an insurance company because this one is fun and it’s guaranteed! After you claim your tenfold return, you feel the joy and gratitude for that gift. I’m sure you’ve heard this many times because it’s so true – gratitude and joy open the door to God’s abundance and they are indispensable catalysts for our tenfold return. Remember, your thoughts are electric and your feelings are magnetic, so the more you stay in the higher happy vibes the faster and more likely you are to receive what you want. Don’t let your mind/ego try to control it though. Once you feel the joy and gratitude of giving and knowing without a shadow of a doubt that you will receive your return, then LET IT GO OUT INTO THE UNIVERSE AND FORGET ABOUT IT. DON’T OBSESS ABOUT IT AND WONDER WHEN IT’S COMING. YOU’LL BLOCK IT AND RUIN YOUR CHANCE OF RECEIVING ANYTHING. GET OUT OF YOUR OWN WAY! Tell your ego to relax and let your heart take over. If you NEED this money to come to you the game is already over because NEED energy is lack energy and you’re still repelling it away from you as long as you desperately NEED it.
Feeling wealthy is easier when you have money
The most important thing I’ve learned over these years of transforming my wealth consciousness is that it’s very challenging to feel wealthy unless you have access to a good amount of money. Truly broadcasting the wealth frequency is something you do with every decision you make, everything you spend money on or give that makes you feel wealthy and financially free. It’s the same as broadcasting the poverty/scarcity frequency. It permeates your daily life, it structures your day, it dictates where you shop and how you live. It’s incredibly challenging, if not downright impossible in my opinion, to feel wealthy unless all of your basic needs are met and you have a decent amount of money left over every month that you can play with. Play with it because it’s a game! Because unless giving for the joy of giving feels easy, fun and free, you will only continue to give from scarcity consciousness and reinforce the fear of not having enough.
Read about my money manifestation journey here.
It’s important to know that the recipient of your money must be adding to the Light of the world and benefiting Life on this planet one way or another. It could be organizations or individuals as long as they are involved in any constructive activity you would like to support.
Giving to Homeless/Street Beggars
This is something I have long struggled with because of my beliefs about “what they’re going to do with MY hard earned money”. Because for all of my adult life except for the last few years, I’ve been in scarcity consciousness living month to month with just enough to cover my daily living expenses and I had to be very discerning in who I gave money to. Even $1 was a lot to give. And like a lot of people, I judged them based on their appearance and living situation. I know not everyone living on the street has an addiction but as we’re playing the limited information game I have no idea what their story is and what they’re going to do with the money I give them. I don’t see how they’re going to increase the Light of this world or benefit Life in some way. Of course I want to help them, but I want them to use it for food or anything good (constructive) for them, not drugs or anything that is bad (destructive) for them. But of course I can’t control how they spend the money once I give it to them. OR CAN I? The Ascended Masters can help with that!
The Fiery Christ Blue Lightning Protection
…Now if you will pour your Love to the Presence and ask your Mighty I AM Presence and the Ascended Host and the Great Central Sun Magnet you fill you with Our Luminous Love, the Great Central Sun Magnet’s Love and the Higher Mental Body so they can draw to you by that Love whatever there is in this physical world that can assist you to fulfill the Divine Plan, give you the convenience, give you the Protection, give you the Opulence you need to live harmoniously and constructively, and invincibly protected at the same time, so somebody else can’t come and take it away from you. The Great Central Sun Magnet can draw it to you. Our Love can give it to you. Your own Mighty I AM Presence and Higher Mental Body can pour forth in and around you the Love that automatically attracts it to you.
But after you get it, what are you going to do with it? Are you going to let somebody else take it away? Are you going to let somebody else misuse it? Are you going to let human creation, after you made the effort to produce something constructive, are you going to let human creation come in and desecrate It? Whatever you create by your own Love and Light, you are responsible for it.
But if you call forth the Ascended Masters’ Fiery Christ Blue Lightning Protection of whatever you call into your outer use, or into any manifestation of the physical world, Our Protection is a Blue Lightning Charge of Electrical Force that can annihilate absolutely anything. Therefore you can have Indestructible Protection to anything and everything you want to create in the physical world to fulfill your Divine Plan the Ascended Masters’ way and to be a blessing to the rest of Life wherever you abide; and you don’t have to live in the fear and the destruction of individuals who as yet will not serve the Light.
I AM Discourses on Supply, Vol 19, Discourse XIII
The Fiery Christ Blue Lightning Protection Affirmations
This is what I say every time I give money to a homeless person in addition to blessing them with the Love of God/Source.
You Must Do Your Shadow Work
Another major activity that must be done in order to transform your scarcity consciousness is releasing and transmuting all of the etheric records, belief systems and memories you have created – IN ALL OF YOUR CONCURRENT LIVES, NOT JUST THIS ONE – that are vibrating with poverty consciousness. These live in your subconscious operating system. Then you must reprogram yourself with patterns of wealth consciousness. No easy feat! That’s why it’s such a long term process so go easy on yourself.
Unless you actively heal, clear and release your limiting beliefs about money you will continue to repel it away from you because your subconscious operating system is stronger than your conscious mind no matter how badly you want to receive money or what you want to do with it. You cannot transform your scarcity consciousness into prosperity consciousness without first acknowledging the fears, the beliefs, the thoughts and feelings you have towards money. Humanity is holding so much programming based in scarcity consciousness everyone has a multitude of energy blocks and distortions to clear so don’t get frustrated with yourself if you’re not receiving the money you wish you were. We have reduced the Waterfall of Wealth that is our Divine Birthright from the Infinite Flow of God’s Abundance to a pitiful trickle of meager rations. You must do the work necessary to restore the flow to the mighty free flowing Waterfall once again.
There is just too much information to cover in a blog so I highly recommend for you to just buy the book so you can read everything you need to know to clear this in yourself. There are other invocations you can give that will really help your efforts. Also if you’re like me you like having a resource you can refer back to whenever you need it. It’s only $12 and it will be the best investment in yourself you will ever make. I receive absolutely nothing other than helping my brothers and sisters free themselves from the chains and prison of not having enough when the Garden of Plenty is available for all. I am here to co-create New Earth and I can’t do it without you so hurry up and get it already! Buy it “It Is Time for You to be Financially Free”
I Love You All!!