Archangel Michael’s Christmas Countdown: 10 Things to Leave at Redemption’s Door – #1 Arrogance

In Channeled Messages


Archangel Michael:

This is your brother, your fan, your cheer-leader, Archangel Michael. Yes, I am here to bring you: personal, holiday and RV CHEER! I come with messages that will be given one per day for the next 10 days. You see Dear Ones, as many beloved messengers have been presenting to you recently, this is a very special time. From now through the beginning of the year, you have an unprecedented opportunity to leave behind what no longer serves you in the arriving Golden Age.

As we go through this together, I will not just be urging you willy nilly to BE DONE with certain qualities because that would be nice. You have done the deep, often excruciating, long-term work to transmute these qualities, and now is the divine moment to release your grip on them once-and-for-ALL. Of course, I will be suggesting what loving qualities may replace the over-and-done lower experiences you may now set free.

When we channel live shows through the Can-Do Gals (Kathryn, Christine and Meg), we often encourage them first to share stories of their personal lives with you, so that in their sagas, you can see that your own wondrous, upside-down and inside-out life is absolutely understandable and even “normal” for a bright Lightworker healing and serving on the surface of Earth at this time. You are doing your “work,” which is to see, feel and release what no longer serves, as you now surge into the Light!

Be at ease. We are here. Billions of benevolent high dimensional beings are focused on YOU right now, so take a moment to let in their love, their soothing, their encouragement, their shared song of Peace on Earth, right now! You are surrounded by family, by friends, by comrades – in Love. Take a moment to settle yourself and to feel the ease we would offer. You are all stretched beyond capacity, meaning that you are ever increasing your ability to hold and emanate Light, which is none other than God.

It is true. Every time you invoke help or you ask for help, you invite God into the situation. It is done 100% and then some! How can I say that? Because Earth is blanketed in Divine Dispensations right now. How do you access these dispensations, these already given God-gifts for yourself and the for planet? All it requires is your heartfelt “YES” towards Truth. Towards God. A gentle alert: it is not a yes towards your own idea of truth, but the humble yearning to know real Truth. There is a Truth that is not subjective. If you go for THAT, then you will end up where you began: with God. You know the difference between your truth and Truth. We all do. The humble, grateful yearning for Truth opens the floodgates – the floodgates of your Prosperity, the floodgates of your Peace, the floodgates of the Company of Heaven and your Galactic family getting to come closer…and closer.

Oh, hurry up and open your hearts wider! Say “YES.” Eventually you will discover that the only thing you wanted all along was Truth. Make the leap! We want to throw our arms around you in such a way that you too know – without question or dispute – that it is happening, we are holding you close and treasured and dear. We already do; we already are. You know that trust exercise where you stand up tall, and then you fall straight back, and somebody catches you? Do it! We’ve got you! Oh, wait. It’s our turn. You might have previously not caught this important point: we are doing it too. We stand and strive and stretch our capacity to love and hold Light, and you catch us too. Remember, we are standing on YOUR shoulders! And you’ve got us, and you’ve got your Mission and you’ve got the purpose of restoring Light on Earth, and together, we are a Family. We are a team, and we are accomplishing our God-given plan of healing and fulfillment.

Be at rest within. Move only from the sacred flame that is God, within. Move from within outward. If you are unsure of where you stand within, GO WITHIN until you are certain and then ALLOW the movement to unfold. I speak to you in this way because all of you comprehend, recall and understand these Light-encoded words and transmissions. It touches the knowing within you. Be at peace.

The Freedom and Prosperity Programs are not going to happen FOR you. YOU are happening. You are rising for the Programs to unfold. It is inevitable with your own inner work, meaning your own inner Truthfulness, your own inner feeling, your own inner choice to choose the qualities of Love: kindness, laughter, joy, humor – that’s your transmutation, your transformation. That’s you!

All is right. Let’s get down to it:

#1 Arrogance

Set down your arrogance. Ask to see within, everywhere you still have arrogance. Now, the thing about arrogance is that NOBODY thinks they are arrogant. Nobody. That alone should be a clue to you. Be willing to look within to ask, “Where am I still arrogant?” Be expectant that you will perceive even the last flecks of arrogance: superiority, pride, overconfidence, underconfidence, annoyance, smugness, supremacy, dominance. Look for things like “I KNOW,” I’m RIGHT,” or “I would never do that!” Especially look for wherever you may still harbor the debasing disease which festers across the planet right now – especially in the more developed countries – entitlement.

What replaces arrogance is its antidote. As you displace your final specks of arrogance with God’s Healing Love, you will uncover the ultimate courage to always be your unabashed and true self. You will find: curiosity, patience and graceful modesty – also called meekness. You will be flexible and interested rather than rigid and demeaning. You will be compassionate. In all matters, you will naturally seek from the core of your being: “What is the highest good of all?” Even if that sounds strange, is a bit uncomfortable, or not your preference, you will find yourself wanting and willing to seek with devotion what truly serves the highest good of all, including you, including ALL.

With arrogance, you’ve got to just honestly face it and nip it in the bud. The key to healing arrogance and entitlement is true service to others.

It is my joy and deep honor to serve you.

I Am your Archangel Michael.

(channeled by Christine Burk)



