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Most everyone in this world, but especially lightworkers are bombarded every day by our daily life. In addition to the need to make a living and take care of families and ourselves, we are also asked to find the time to meditate, send love to the world and help humanity make the ascension shift. Sometimes its all a little overwhelming so I created this graphic for myself and want to share in case it helps others.

Affirmation of the Day The Universe is My Silent Partner

The universe is basically a Xerox machine. It gives you (for the most part) what you put into it. If you are negative and fearful then those are the kinds of experiences you are going to receive. Life becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy and experiences build on each other. Energy responds to energy. Like attracts like. When you don’t have awareness of how the world works, you are unconsciously creating the experiences that shape your reality. Awareness helps you become a conscious creator, and you begin to be in charge of your experiences instead of them just “happening to you”.

An affirmation is an agreement you make with yourself to improve an aspect or all aspects of your life. Affirmations are useless if your subconscious doesn’t believe them. You have to take baby steps in creating ones that are true for you. I can tell if my sub doesn’t believe something because a conflicting thought will surface like “No, the Universe hates you and is always conspiring against you.” When that happens I use muscle self testing (kinesiology) and yes and no questions to drill down and find out the underlying belief of that thought. But you also have to make the decision to choose to believe it’s working and to take all good things that happen to you as evidence of it working. Your entire being has to be on the same page and opt in. If your ego or inner child is sabotaging you you need to do belief work or affirmations won’t work for you. This is my one of my favorite affirmations that I say all the time and it works! Whether I am getting a charge reversed on my account, or whenever I call customer service for something, or when I’m driving on the road and people let me in front of them, it works! When you state an affirmation and really believe it the magic will begin to happen and you start to see evidence of it working. Then it becomes easy to maintain. If this affirmation is too big of a gap for you to believe, create one that you CAN believe.



Louise Hay is one of my favorite people to listen to. Her affirmations and perspective are so positive and encouraging I always feel better after reading her messages in my email. She is one of the greatest spiritual teachers of our time and we are so blessed to have her with us.

“I do whatever I need to do to keep my inner world peaceful. My inner peace is essential for my health and well-being.”

More than ever there seems to be so much in the world to fear. On the news, in life and in the very fabric of our existence. I understand, it is human to fear what we can’t control and we don’t understand. The wonderful thing about fear is we can change that fear into faith. Though that may sound difficult, it is actually a simple shift of our own intent and perspective. By understanding that we can’t control everything or anything but ourselves, that in itself becomes our strength. Each of us has the ability to influence the world, see the beauty in life, and spread faith through our attitudes and actions.

Louise Hay Affirmation

Psychologist and author Susan Jeffers once stated, “Everybody feels fear when approaching something totally new in life—yet so many are out there doing it despite the fear—then we must conclude that fear is not the problem.”

Love is the opposite of fear. The more we’re willing to love and trust who we are, the more we attract those qualities to ourselves. When we’re on a streak of really being frightened or upset or worried or not liking ourselves, isn’t it amazing how everything goes wrong in our lives? It’s the same when we really love ourselves. Everything starts to go on a winning streak, and we get the green lights and the parking spaces. We get up in the morning and the day flows beautifully.

“By embracing faith, instead of fear, we become an example of the love and strength needed to help change the world. Peace was never won with violence and faith has never been met with darkness. Let us become the deliverers of hope through our intention to make the world a better place, one moment and one action at a time.” ”

We need to love ourselves so that we can take care of ourselves. We have to do everything we can to strengthen our hearts, our bodies, and our minds. We must turn to the Power within, find a good spiritual connection, and really work on maintaining it.

Let’s do some affirmations right now to help go beyond our negative thoughts:

I am willing to release my fears. I live and move in a safe and secure world. I free myself from all destructive fears and doubts.

Then we are in faith, not fear.

Unlock Your Quantum Powers Jean Houston graphic

This exercise is designed to help give you a powerful new perspective on how rapidly you can create the conditions for profound changes to happen in yourself and in your life. Created by Jean Houston and Evolving Wisdom.

It involves the second Key to unlocking your Quantum Powers: Living a New Story in Your Life.

One of the most critical aspects of the transition into living your Quantum Life is to realize that change is actually the foundation of your entire existence.

In every moment you live, your thoughts and experiences change you in some way.

For most people, most of the time, this change is so small as to essentially go unnoticed, and as it is all too easy to become invested in resisting change and keeping things known and comfortably the same, that tends to slow things down even further.

But once you begin to embrace the truth of this constant state of change, it is then up to you how profoundly that change unfolds in your life, through the thoughts and experiences you open yourself up to or consciously choose to pursue.

So, it becomes exceedingly important that you not hold on so tightly to whatever you see as your “story” now, but to instead create a daily experience of wonder and astonishment that reinvents your story as it happens in real time.

In order to do this, you must take hold of the moment you are in and make choices that will lead you to the story you want to live, allowing you to quite literally leap beyond your current boundaries into that life you have dreamed for yourself.

You must discover new ways of creatively engaging yourself in even the most mundane of everyday activities, like getting dressed or preparing food or walking from room to room, as well as finding more significant and inspiring challenges.

You must move out of conditioned habits and into experiments, exploring new possibilities for your interactions with yourself, others and the world.

This generates opportunities for new pathways to arise that will lead you to the future you feel called to create.

Once you do this, you will quickly begin to see the synchronicities reaching out to you at every turn, connecting you more and more deeply to all you are and can be, and so many aspects of your life will simply fall into place, and become, in a word, extraordinary.

Here is an experiment that will help you more easily move into this place of greater possibility:

The Art of Re-storying Your Life

First you must suspend disbelief and imagine very vividly that you can enter into the place where your own life story can be re-patterned and re-storied from the one you’re living now.

Think of it as a second chance, a kind of re-genesis.

You’ve had up to now a good deal of life experience, and chances are you’ve learned much and experienced a full spectrum of joys and sorrows but now wish to consciously enter into the co-creation of an improved, more vital, more creative story for the years ahead.

To start, close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Then imagine yourself traveling to that Quantum place where anything and everything is possible.

Feel the energy of that higher realm coursing through you as you change levels, as you change frequencies and leave your current story behind.

Now, in this higher realm, see the vast domain of all possibilities before you and begin to engage those possibilities in the form of a new plan for yourself, a new pattern for your life to come.

Feel this new life coming toward you, rising out of the frequency waves—a potent, positive and creative tide, carrying the elements of your new story. See it right there before you, inviting your engagement.

Now begin to sense and consider what this new story of your life will be.

Perhaps you’ll choose a new career, a new art form to learn and explore, a furthering of some skill or activity you’ve only dabbled with in the past, new friends and relationships that will grant you the full range of emotional expression.

Perhaps there are adventures in store, visits to strange lands, meetings with new cultures and peoples that astonish and inspire you as they bring you more experience, more life, more delight, and more learning.

Perhaps you see a new story in which your spiritual life becomes more prominent, where you discover sources and resources that gift you with beauty, meaning and purpose.

Allow these and so much more to arise, along with the belief that these wonderful changes are not only possible but probable.

Try each possibility out on the screen of your mind and choose those that resonate for you.

See them, feel them, and above all, know them as potential realities that can manifest into the physical space-time world where you currently reside.

Continue to do this until you truly feel the living force of their reality.

And know, too, that the Quantum Field is drawn into your vision and is adding elements, coincidences, and resources to the vision, as well as the people, ideas and opportunities to help you in the realization of your new story.

This is the interdependent co-arising of you and the Universe together.

The more you use this exercise, the more your new story will grow in you, eventually to the point where what began as an imaginative possibility will become an actualizing probability.

And then, as opportunities arrive that begin to fit into the new story you have set in motion, meet each of those opportunities with deep gratitude and joy for the gifts they bring to you.

 Join Jean in her 7 week online training “Unlock Your Quantum Powers”.


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