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In the “Behind the Design” series I go deeper into explaining my thinking and reasoning for the words of each message so you can really understand the energy and intention I put into each design.

**Disclaimer** I am not an expert nor do I claim to be. These are just my thoughts and opinions on this subject. Take what you resonate with and leave the rest.

Recently in the Facebook group “The Shamanic View of Mental Illness” I spoke to a guy who is having trouble with “intrusive thoughts” and was self-medicating with the drug Abilify. He said the drug works well to “make them disappear” but that it “makes me more dull”. He was asking if the intrusive thoughts are signs of buried trauma. I don’t personally understand what an intrusive thought would be – when you’re unconscious your thoughts are in control of you. They trample your mind repeatedly with broken record persistence. I read from various online sites that people think an estimate of 50,000-70,000 thoughts per day. At those numbers it seems to me they are all intrusive.

Further into the exchange he explained the thoughts are overblown fears that he magnifies “100x”. I asked if he takes the time to go within and ask himself questions about each thought when it comes up. He basically said no, he doesn’t. And he LMAOed me.

We have been conditioned to go outside of ourselves for help. We would rather talk to a priest, teacher, family member, Cosmo magazine, random people on Facebook but we never think to tap into our own eternal wisdom. We don’t know our own power. And this is what amazes me about humanity. We will do everything under the sun to smother, bury, hide, deny and escape from our deepest, darkest feelings and parts of ourselves. We would rather fill our bodies with poisonous drugs than find the root cause of the discontent. Everything but look inside and acknowledge what’s there. I honestly don’t understand why people choose to cause themselves so much more pain and suffering by evading, escaping and deflecting instead of just facing head on and confronting those thoughts to heal and release them. The longer people do that the worse the issue becomes. Because they are just thoughts. They are only true if you believe them. They can either be a blessing or a curse. Positive or negative. They can inspire and empower or deflate and depress. Unless you have disorganized thinking/schizophrenia you are in control of your thoughts. You are able to discern if this is a thought worth believing or not. You are able to observe and extract each thought, ask yourself questions about each thought and decide what to do with each thought. You are in control of your mind and the thoughts you choose to have if you take the time to become aware of them instead of letting them run rampant and uncontrolled all day. You choose to cause your own suffering or not. The question is: are you ready to let go of the story you’re attached to and let yourself heal or do you continue to wallow in your own misery?

What can you do?

When a thought comes up that I have trouble with I find a quiet place where I can sit still and won’t be bothered. Then I let myself relax by just being aware of my surroundings and what I notice. Then I bring up the thought and I observe how my body feels. I take note of any tightness, increased heart palpitations, anxiety, feelings and emotions that come up. You might want to write this down in a journal if you have a lot of thoughts that you want to heal and release. It helps to remember what you’ve done in the past and review how far you’ve come. Then I ask myself these questions one by one (with plenty of time in between) and wait to see what comes up. You may find yourself asking questions different than mine and by all means go with whatever gives you the best answers.

You have to make an effort to slow down your thoughts so you can observe them. This only works if you allow space around each thought. You CAN do it.

What does this thought mean to me?

Is it true? Or false? What happens if it’s true/false? Will I be hurt? Will someone else be hurt?

Where does this thought come from? Is it mine? Is it from someone else?

What can I learn from this thought? What do I need to know?  What is it trying to tell me?

Am I ready to heal/release this thought? Does it still serve me? Is my ego attached to it so I believe I need it?

What belief is attached to this thought? How long have I had this belief? Where does this belief come from?

Has this belief served its purpose? Am I ready to heal this belief? Can I let it go?

What if I don’t get any answers?

Oftentimes when I do this my mind is lead on tangents and I may not get clear and tidy answers to every question but I always feel better and have more information than I did before I asked. Remember this is a practice, not a quick-heal magic pill. You’re taking the time to get to know yourself, and that won’t be done in one sitting. More like many, many, many sittings. You may get what you need and you may not. You can ask yourself/your energetic spiritual team/The Universe for clarity. But you have to be open to receiving the answers or you won’t get anything. It can come right away or it can take days/weeks. You may have to ask repeatedly. Answers can come to you in dreams, flashes of insight, random thoughts that pop into your head, feelings, etc. There are so many ways but you have to be aware enough to make the connection. You could also try hypnosis, either self or by a trained therapist. Hypnosis is incredibly effective as a means of accessing your subconscious as an alternative to meditation. But again, depending on what you want to know it can take many sessions. Both put you in altered states of mind that allow deeper communication from within.

Ask your subconscious using yes and no questions

Your subconscious mind is always available to communicate with your conscious mind. But it is limited and can only reply to yes and no questions.

I find that the first immediate reply in my head is usually the correct one. If you don’t trust answers in your head (I didn’t for a long time and sometimes still don’t), another way to know the answers are accurate is to do muscle testing, aka kinesiology. Kinesiology uses your body’s electrical system and your muscles to tell you with spot on accuracy if something is positive or negative for you. I like this definition from Holistic Health Tools:

“If you’ve ever been to a chiropractor or holistic physician experienced in muscle testing, you’ve experienced kinesiology. The doctor tells you to stick out your arm and resist his pressure. It feels like he is trying to push your arm down after he has told you not to let him do it. Everything is going fine, and then all of a sudden he presses and your arm falls down like a floppy fish no matter how hard you try to keep it up. That is using kinesiology.

Simply stated, the body has within it and surrounding it an electrical network or grid. If anything impacts your electrical system that does not maintain or enhance your health and your body’s balance, your muscles, when having physical pressure applied, are unable to hold their strength. (Muscle power is directly linked to the balance of the electrical system.) In other words, if pressure is applied to an individual’s extended arm while his/hers body’s electrical system is being adversely affected, the muscles will weaken and the arm will not be able to resist the pressure. The circuits of the electrical system are overloaded or have short-circuited, causing a weakening of that system. However, if pressure is applied while his electrical system is being positively affected, the circuits remain strong, balanced and capable of fully functioning throughout the body. The muscles will remain strong, the person will easily resist and the arm will hold its position.”

When you’re by yourself you use your fingers to test. Using either hand, make a circle with your thumb and first (index) finger. Apply enough pressure to keep it closed. With your other hand using the same fingers, form another circle through the first circle so you have two interlocked circles. After you ask a question, using your dominant hand try to pull your fingers through and break the circle of the other hand. If the answer is positive, the circle is unbreakable and strong. If it’s negative it will be weak and easily break. Start by asking yourself some baseline question you know the answers to like your name, age, etc. When you feel comfortable that it’s accurate you can begin asking the hard questions. After each one try to break the circle and see what the answer is. I really do recommend writing down your answers because this journey of self-exploration works best when tracked.

Finger Muscle-Testing Example
Image credit:


I didn’t really know what it meant to ‘go within’ until the year 2015. I knew about meditation, and I dabbled but it never really stuck with me. I’ve been on my spiritual journey on and off my entire adult life and only in the last few years has it really intensified resulting in my partial awakening and higher consciousness. It was only when I began doing serious belief work that I went within to ask myself questions about my beliefs. I’ve since cleared a lot of negative beliefs I’ve held my whole life. I can honestly say that I no longer have ANY negative thoughts about myself (and I used to have a ton like everyone else). I can honestly say that I have released pretty much all negative thoughts and emotions like fear, worry, doubt, anxiety, etc. I’m still working on anger, frustration, impatience and more but I’m aware of them when those thoughts come into my head. This is the journey we all signed up for when we asked to incarnate as a human on this planet so until we cross over or ascend into the 5th dimension we will continue working on the lower vibrations within our energy field. You’re never done! Even when you think you are, there’s always more!

I have compassion for all of us that have lived or are living in the illusion of our pain and suffering. What I do not have compassion for anymore, is enabling people to live in their stories and not calling them on what I see or hear. To me it’s more helpful to point out what they may not recognize in themselves and help them see through the story they believe is causing them pain. And if they are not ready for such bluntness they will fight and resist. And that’s fine too. My job as a lightworker is to shed light on darkness, even if it causes more pain to be illuminated. The path to 5D enlightenment can only be made when we acknowledge our shadow and integrate it with our light. You choose how painful or graceful your process is. Everything is coming up now during this tumultuous transition we are going through, so either face it head on and go within or continue to suffer. You ALWAYS have a choice.















Archangel Michael:

I Am Archangel Michael.

The key code for humanity’s understanding has been collectively achieved, offered and received.

Your role is necessary, acknowledged and contributes to the personal and collective Awakening.

Surface tension becomes flowing accessibility.

Worry and strain give way to Peace and Knowing.

Passion is not the way through.

Sacrifice is not the way through.

Transcend the desires and beliefs.

Displace preferences with Service, suffering with Faith.

Release the driving claim for proof, security and entitlement.

Accept that you are a Soul, a child of God, already Free.

This moment is no longer training or preparation. This is not a drill.

This counts.

Choose God, without hesitation and so fully that your brothers and sisters on the Surface may see the Light of the upsweep.

Do not ridicule, diminish or take.

You are held precious and dear by Father-Mother God.

Take your sacred place at the table.

I Am Archangel Michael, with you.
(channeled by Christine Burk 1/11/2017)

Read the original post here.
Please refer to Patricia-Cota Robles important New Year’s Message – the shining inspiration for Archangel Michael’s New Year’s Gems messages!





Archangel Michael:

It is Archangel Michel. Transcendence is the act and condition of choosing and resting in the Light as the Light in the midst of any and everything that is arising around and within you. To Transcend is to choose to be, feel, think and give love, always, regardless of circumstances or conditions. The Masters of Transcendence on Earth are the generous and beloved animals in your lives. We will use their example today to comprehend and to do as they do: ALWAYS CHOOSE NOW TO TRANSCEND.
Che’ Kumara

Che’ is pure love with arms, legs and paws. Che’ is famous for his phrase, “Love wins.” In all circumstances, Che’ loves. He is an accomplished healer who often works with Sananda and the Arcturians. When someone needs healing, Che’ will stay with them putting his paws in various healing configurations for hours upon hours. Che’ is always kind. Sometimes, Che’ likes to appear as a wise Yoda dressed in a fine wise-man’s coat and curling shoes. Che’ is a Master Snuggler, who creates exquisite balance for and with the one he snuggles.

On the land where Che’ lives, there is a portal which is overseen by the Ashtar Command. This portal allows beings who have a density lower than the 5th dimension to come and speak with with the humans healers who live there. The visitors may come on two conditions: 1) Their Galactic Federation Security Team approves the purpose of their visit, 2) The visitor(s) accept the visit protocol training required from the Galactic Federation Security Team.

Che’, being a highly trained and skilled associate of the Galactic Federation of Light, made an agreement with Ashtar that he (Che’) would be the alert system to his human family for whenever visitors come. Che’ has carried out this duty with extreme excellence. When the visitor arriving in the portal is friendly, Che’ gives a soft notification bark. When the visitor is not friendly, Che’ lets his human family know of the arrival with a sharp, piercing repetitive bark. Once the portal is closed, energetically cleaned and re-gridded, Che’ always does a final check to ensure that all is well and as it should be. What a help Che’ is!

Che’ has been known to emanate so much love that many wild animals have been drawn to the house to feel this mighty love, so now Che’ often goes to the edge of the property to send love far and wide to the people and animals of Earth. Che’ is a world level Transmuter and a member of the Lead Inter-Species Earth Transmuting Team. He works both on a global scale, transforming dense energies back into Light and on a personal scale, profoundly assisting his human family by helping to keep the heavy energies from overwhelming them. Che’ is a hero.

Little Lady BamBam

BamBam is such a unique and amazing being. She is admired greatly by her human family and by us in the Company of Heaven for her inner strength, tenacity, spiritual constancy and unrelenting love. BamBam has explained to her human family that she is an “Energy Super-Scrubber.” Both in the house and on the property, BamBam does hours of perimeter check and dense energy cleaning. Nothing of low-density quality may remain on BamBam’s careful watch! During times of intense spiritual work for the family, BamBam will forgo rest in order to ensure that the surroundings remain energetically pristine. She is an expert at helping to clear humans as well as land. It is wondrous to imagine how so much might and devotion comes through such a soft tiny body.

Besides her many gifts and duties, BamBam has a very challenging Mission. BamBam is here to assist the Animal Kingdom, beginning with the big cats (lions, tigers, leopards, etc.) to transition from aggressive hunters to their true gentle nature. This has been an extremely challenging Mission, yet BamBam never gives up. Through repeated efforts and deep contemplation, BamBam is overcoming what some would call “instinct” by making conscious loving choices that one-by-one override any dark or dense programming and/or experiences in her body, species and Kingdom. BamBam helps her human family understand how humanity has contributed to the imbalances which have resulted in many animal behaviors. BamBam is wise. Her Mission is overseen by the Great Lady Sekhmet.

BamBam’s love showers over you like a waterfall. When she decides it is LOVE TIME, then forget doing anything else! For 30 minutes or more you will be required to engage in aggressive snuggling such as full body rubs and snugs. It is best to just surrender and get down on the floor with her, so that full on love may be exchanged. Then, when it’s over, it’s over, and she’ll let you know when the next session is. When BamBam is feeling cuddly, she likes to gather drier sheets around herself for comfort. During times like this, it is possible to get one of her famous no-touch kisses. Just ask politely for a kiss, and she might lift her head to give you one. Her kisses send healing and love energy through your entire body, leaving you will a feeling of joy and peace. You may respectfully approach BamBam on the Inner Plains through consciousness and request such a clearing and healing for yourself. BamBam is our hero.


Oh little Firefly! Firefly is a special gift from Mother God. She carries some of Mother’s energy, and her story is a stunner!

Firefly came to her human family only a year ago. Before then, Pebbles was living in the body Firefly now lives in. Pebbles was born as BamBam’s sister. Pebbles was (is) such an elegant and divine Soul. When she had completed her Mission on Earth in this lifetime, Pebbles left her home to travel Home…her family was so proud of her, yet they missed her terribly. She does still visit. Ten days later, the bedraggled body of Pebbles turned up at the door with a new Soul inside! The surprised family gratefully welcomed the tender new little one into their home. The human family was told that the little one’s name was Nancy, but that she would prefer to be called “Firefly” because that is what Mother God calls her. All hearts melted.

Firefly was coming into life for the opportunity to heal violent trauma at the hands of those who are supposed to be protectors both for herself and on behalf of all children: animal and human. She went into a cocoon-like state for many months before emerging. The Pebbles body is a little big for her, so it often looks as though she is wearing baggy sweatpants instead of fur. She is so cute because her Light is so bright and gentle, like Mother’s. She has captured every hearts. She is an extremely important member of the family!

Firefly is a “Sonic Wave Healer.” She can emit waves of exquisite energy that fill the room and heal everyone it in. Firefly is very gentle and generous and talkative. Don’t even try to have a family meeting without calling to her first or you will hear about it! Her opinions and offerings are always interesting and helpful. She talks and she sings! She makes angelic sounds in song. It is very very special. It is easy to cherish Firefly because she is pure Goodness and reminds us of all that is True and Real and HOME. Firefly is our hero.
Have you considered the profound dreams, goals, Missions, Life Plans and Service of the animals in your life? They are the embodiment and example of transcendence. It is their joy to be so. To transcend is not to become better than something or someone else. It is not to conquer. It is to be the humble and true ambassador of God, of Godness, of Goodness – no matter what else seems to be transpiring.

Hail mighty ones!

I Am Archangel Michael.
(channeled by Christine Burk 1/10/2017)

Read the original post here.


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