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This is a message from Jesus (Sananda) channeled by John Smallman. If you are new to reading channeled messages I encourage you to keep an open mind and heart as you read the words and notice how you’re feeling. If the energy of the words makes you feel good that’s a sign that they are resonating with you. If you don’t feel good, however, I suggest taking some time to sit in silence and ask yourself what you’re feeling and why these words are causing this feeling. These messages, especially from Jesus, are only ever about love so you can trust they are coming from a benevolent being who only wishes to help us raise our consciousness.


As you all know, as all life forms presently incarnate on Earth know – and yes you do know! – all is flowing along as divinely planned.  You will have new avenues of growth to explore as your spiritual awareness and acceptance of your knowing of the constant and unimpeded divine Love flow strengthens, releasing the doubts and self-disparagements that you have held closely to your hearts for far too long.  It has been an invalid self-judgment that has caused you much pain and suffering over the eons, as you attempted to abase yourselves before the unreal authority figure you had invented to replace your loving Source.

Instead just open to the REALITY that you are dearly beloved children of God in an eternal and unchanging relationship with Source and withall of God’s perfect creation.  ACCEPT yourselves unconditionally as God does, it truly is insane not to.  There is only Love and with It the unconditional acceptance of all divinely created beings.  And ALL are divinely created beings because God created ALL THAT EXISTS.  There are NO unacceptable beings, ALL are the beloved children of God.  What God creates is perfect, and that perfection is eternally unchanging.

Self-disparagement and self-judgment are extremely negative aspects of the illusion that your egos encourage enthusiastically.  Your egos are the little personal selves you imagined into being to fill and operate your human forms.  That is their only purpose.   They are like a closed off or fenced off aspect of your true Self that you set temporarily aside to deal with the illusion and your human forms within it. That aspect needs to have its many files and folders deleted to return it to its pristine state so that it may be reintegrated with the Oneness that you all are.

God’s Love is the field of Life, of Full Consciousness, to which all conscious entities are eternally connected in an inseparable and utterly joy-filled Relationship.  To be alone, separated, abandoned, forgotten, or unseen is impossible because God, Source, the Creator is infinitely aware of and forever in communication with all of Creation in every moment.

Your individual sense of any personal inadequacies – incompetence, unworthiness, unlovableness, sinfulness, shame, and the resultant ostensible divine disconnect from Source – are all constructs of the ego with which it attempts to keep you separated and dependent on it.  But it is nothing!  Many of you have given your power away to it, allowing it to disparage and judge you, and then accepting those disparaging and false judgments.  Every time you become aware that you are making negative self-judgments, stop!  Then remind yourselves that you are perfect divine beings at One with your Source where there is only Love!

You have all at some time in your lives loved a child or an animal unconditionally, delighting in its simplicity while never judging it.  Its behavior might well have been unruly and messy, but that did not cause you to cease loving it, even for a moment. God’s Love for you is way beyond any unconditional love you may have felt for anyone else.  RELAX, there is absolutely nothing you can do that will even in the smallest way reduce your Father’s love for you.

Knowing that, as deep within yourselves you do, then intend to be always and only loving, and observe how your life changes from one of worry and anxiety to one of peace, joy, and contentment.  You will also notice how all your relationships change for the better because of the loving energy field that extends from you to all with whom you interact, physically, psychologically, spiritually, and electronically.  As the Andrew Lloyd Webber song from his musical Aspects of Love maintains: Love Changes Everything!  And you will discover how true that is.

Love is feared by many because it involves trust, and many have had their trust betrayed while incarnate as humans.  Love is the only Reality.  Betrayal is of the illusion, it is like a preemptive strike against an enemy, and it is nearly always responded to in kind, intensifying the sense of bitterness that led to it in the first place.  All attacks come from an intense sense of inner pain, and possibly shame, that the individual desperately needs to dispose of, and he does so by projecting it outwards onto another, whence it is returned, intensified, often instantly.

Those who claim to be defending love by attacks on another, or on a philosophy, or a religious or political opinion or dogma, are in fact reacting out of fear because they feel their own beliefs threatened.  For many their beliefs are the apparently stable ground on which they stand secure and safe, until someone else disproves them, whereupon they engage in conflict – personal or far more widely spread – to prove themselves right and the other wrong, thus hoping to reestablish the seemingly firm ground they believe supports them.

Love does not attack, nor does It defend Itself, It has no need.  Love is unassailable power and cannot be defeated.  It does not take sides and is beyond conflict, It would stand between those in conflict gently encouraging them to disarm.  Love can resolve conflict, whereas conflict can only lead to more conflict.  This has been demonstrated innumerable times throughout your history, and yet you have frequently resorted to conflict in the mistaken belief that force will prevail, leading to eons of pain and suffering.

The Love now flooding across your beautiful planet and flowing abundantly into the hearts of God’s beloved children will resolve the eons of conflict that have weighed you down for so long.  You all want peace, but many, living in fear, believed that the way to achieve it was through even more forceful conflict, and you even engaged in a number of wars to end all wars.  Finally a large enough percentage of the human collective has come to the awareness of the futility of this approach and has chosen Love over fear.

As the divine Love field continues to expand and intensify in accordance with humanity’s collective choice and decision to engage fully with It, the conflicts across the planet, on every level, will wind down as peace unfolds.  Peace is normal, conflict is insane, and yet for eons the opposite belief has prevailed.  Where you focus your attention brings into your lives the events that resonate with that focus.  Focus on Love, your natural and unchanging state, and just allow fear to fall away, as it will when you focus on Love.

Remember, Love Changes Everything, so engage with Love to change your lives and dissolve the illusion.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

Read the original post here


Wayne Dyer was one of the most important teachers in my spiritual journey. I listened to the ‘Power of Intention’ while I worked on various graphic projects. He was instrumental in bringing me through some dark times in my life. I love Wayne and the powerful legacy he left us. Humanity is so enriched by his beautiful presence.

Photo of Wayne Dyer

In honor of his memory, Wayne’s Hay House family will continue to share his advice and wisdom in this weekly newsletter, bringing you excerpts pulled directly from Wayne’s published works. To subscribe visit

This holiday season, as we witness Nature progress into the slow and quiet slumber of winter, our interactions with family, friends and co-workers only seem to speed up more and more by comparison. Instead of succumbing mindlessly to the demands of any and every occasion, allow divine inspiration to take the lead by making joy and love a priority in your holiday activities, as explained in the wisdom of Dr. Wayne Dyer:


A hectic schedule crammed with non-purposeful activities precludes an experience of inspiration; we feel joy draining from our body and spirit. When the calendar becomes frenzied, full of unnecessary turbulence because we’ve failed to simplify, we won’t be able to hear those long-distance calls from our Source . . . and we’ll slip into stress, anguish, and even depression. So whatever it takes to feel joy, we simply must act upon it. Regardless of our current station in life, we have a spiritual contract to make joy our constant companion—so we must learn to make a conscious choice to say no to anything that takes us away from an inspired life. This can be done gently, while clearly showing others that this is how we choose to live. We can start by turning down requests that involve actions that don’t correspond with our inner knowing about why we’re here. Even at work, we can find ways to keep ourselves on an inspirational agenda. Opting for joy involves giving ourselves time for play instead of scheduling a workaholic nightmare. We deserve to feel joy—it’s our spiritual calling. By giving ourselves free time to read, meditate, exercise, and walk in nature, we’re inviting the guidance that’s waiting patiently to come calling with inspirational messages. There’s also no law requiring us to be at the continual beck and call of our family members. I see no reason to feel anything but joy when we know it’s right to choose to do what we’re called to do, even when it interferes with another family member’s calling.

Thoughts or actions that aren’t tuned to love will prevent inspiration from getting through to us—we need to remember that we come from a Source of pure love, so a simple life means incorporating that love as one of the mainstays of our material existence. Just as love is the priority in the final moments of life, so it must be as we simplify life now. We can go toward a clearer life by examining and purifying our relationships with those we love, with ourselves, and with God. What we’re looking for are connections that keep us in an energy of love, which is the highest and fastest energy in the Universe. If we organize our life around love—for God, for ourselves, for family and friends, for all humankind, and for the environment—we’ll remove a lot of the chaos and disorder that defines our life. This is a way to simplify our life, but more than that, it’s a way to attract inspiration.

This excerpt is pulled from
Inspiration, Chapter 8

The holiday season is not only a time to rejoice with family and friends but also an opportunity to share love everywhere you go. You can do this by spending some moments going back in time and remembering the very best holiday season you had as a child. Bring the memory up in your mind and see it very clearly. Remember the sights, the smells, the tastes, the touches, and the people who were there. What were some of the things you did? If you never had a wonderful holiday season as a child, then make one up. Picture it exactly as you would like it to be.

Affirmation Image

As you think of this special time, notice that your heart is opening. Perhaps one of the most wonderful things about that particular season was the love that was present. Let the spirit of love flow through you now. Bring into your heart all the people you know and care about. Surround them with this love. Know that you can carry this special feeling of the holidays with you everywhere and have it all the time.

You are love. You are spirit. You are light. You are energy. And so it is.

Bring that heart-based love you have remembered into all present moments you share with your loved ones during the holidays. Enjoy time with family members you may not see that often and time spent with friends in which you have shared traditions. Use these precious occasions to share your love and blessings everywhere you go and be grateful for each moment as it passes. Be generous with your love my dear ones and you will feel fulfilled. Your families and friends love you.

Happy holidays to you!

Louise Hay

The New Year is almost upon us. Let’s welcome 2017 with love and joy. Know that what we give out comes back to us multiplied.

This year will be different from any other we have lived. Our knowledge and understanding will grow and deepen in new ways. Our capacity for compassion will expand. Our ability to give and receive love will make daily living feel like heaven on earth.

Every New Year brings us the opportunity for a fresh start. In 2017, peace is within our reach, even as new adventures beckon.

Affirmation Image

This is a wonderful time for reflection. As you prepare to begin your New Year, ask yourself these simple questions:

What shall I now release from my life?
What or who no longer works for me?
What am I holding on to that holds me back?
What thoughts or beliefs belong to the old me?
How am I being unloving to myself?
What do I believe that really works for me?
Am I ready to let go?

What is going on in my life that is terrific and wonderful?
Where am I being very loving to myself?

Where am I most content?
What do I want to bring to my life?
How do I want the next year to be?
Who do I want to bring into my world?
How do I want to look?
What image do I want to project?
How healthy do I want to be?

What changes can I make to feel healthier?
How prosperous do I want to feel?

What kind of world do I want to live in?
How much love am I willing to experience?

Take time to acknowledge all of your positive growth and change in the last year.

Then affirm:

I am one with the infinite wisdom and capabilities of the Universe itself.
All good is available to me, right here and right now.
All I have to do is to use the power of my thoughts to create that which I desire.
I am a Yes person living in a Yes Universe.
And so it is!

Life loves us, and will bring us wonders all year long. I wish you a fabulous 2017!

Excerpted from Life Loves You, Chapters 2 & 3



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