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The Council of Radiant Light is a 10th dimensional council working holographically with the divine plan for ascension of all Creation. The Council is holographic to the council of Ein Sof and one of our areas of focus involves bringing new programs for the Divine Plan, to Earth, through embodiment and through channeled transmissions.

The Council of Radiant Light knows all human beings as multidimensional masters. There is no exception to that statement. We are here to stimulate and catalyze your inner knowing and discover of your true divine identity and to assist you in graceful transition out of playing the game of limitation and into expressing your divine identity.

Expect Wonderful by Ailia Mira, exists as a vehicle for our transmissions and to provide a space for planetary transition team members and awakening humans to connect interdimensionally and together in a multidimemsional communion of light, explore, discover and co-create heaven on earth.


Hello, Beautiful Beings!

Today we want to riff a little bit about you, celebrate you. We love you. We love you and we have so much enthusiasm for what you’re doing. It feels like a good time in our co-creation to reflect back to you what we’re noticing.

​We know you to be the most adventurous souls. Do you see yourself like that? We do. Because we see you exploring life in this amazingly complex and rich environment with a perpetual return to some sort of inner optimism and sense of meaning. You are learning to feel within you to tune to the soul that you are and you’re realizing more and more that your alignment with all that you are is the vehicle for your ascending consciousness. We love to see this and we love to see you believe in yourself, and trust yourself, and start to really get familiar and comfortable with shaping your energy.

We love how much you’re using co-creation like this as inspiration, as inspiration and support and camaraderie. We want you to see what a change that is from when you looked for answers outside of yourself. Now you’re drawn intentionally to experiences that are already in resonance with who you are. The echo your inner knowing. That expand upon your sense of what’s possible in alignment with who you truly are. Together, you’re going even higher.

​We love to see you be soft and gentle yourself, to make light of things and to have humor and generous love in your relationship to you. We love to see you let yourself be in an expanding state and let where you are now also be beautiful to you.

We want you to realize that we see you beginning to live your life as a conscious flow of energy.

As you do this, and as you elevate, lifting higher and higher in consciousness, what you will find, if you’re not already, is that so many of the stories and the ideas about life on earth will drop away. Your relationship, the way you are oriented to your embodiment will change dramatically. It will feel natural and it is, but what used to feel normal by and large, may fall away and the simple directness of what emerges will likely give you joy and make you smile.

There are a lot of stories here, aren’t there?

There are a lot of ways you’ve all been told to think about your life and to feel.

There are a lot of things you’ve been told are important.

There are a lot of rules about how you must act in order to get certain things.

There are a lot of things you’ve been taught and even pressured into, manipulated into, shamed into focusing upon and doing.

As you elevate and align with the truth within you, these things fall away because clarity comes forth, directly from within.

As you live in clarity more and more and as you are feeling good more and more, feeling good being a manifest demonstration of your ongoing alignment, then your sense of meaning and purpose, and your orientation to life, is clearing up. It’s simplifying.

The viewpoints available to you now and coming into focus for you now are much more fun, aren’t they? Isn’t that an accomplishment?

If happiness is what everybody wants, aren’t you getting more of what you want now? Isn’t what’s coming into focus for you now more liberating and expansive and fun? Don’t the viewpoints you’re starting to have about your experience require you less and less to feel bad or try hard? Aren’t they easier and more natural feeling?

Most especially, we’ve noticed and we celebrate your increasing sovereignty.

The more elevated your frequency, the more your consciousness makes it very clear that you don’t need to make life work out for anyone else. In fact, you can’t. You can’t. Your sovereignty and the sovereign truth of all life becomes clearly, brilliantly, and liberatingly, apparent.

Everyone is creating their own experience, co-creating their own experience, whether they’re consciously doing this or not. You can’t create anyone else’s life for them. This is such a radical idea. Living this, is such a radical insight.

We know that many of you still want to make life better for others. We know that many of you still feel that pull to try and make your children, or your spouse, or your friends, or your family, or your world happier. But, in a sense, you really can’t. We’ll say something even more daring here. Even wanting peace on earth, an idea that people think about so much this time of the year, is in a sense fine to hold individually – it’s lovely to want to have a peaceful life. But in a sense, wanting everybody to be in a certain state is kind of aggressive. It’s kind of aggressive, to think you know what’s best for everyone and to wish for everyone to feel the same…and probably that hasn’t occurred to most of you yet.

The idea that – peace – is better and preferable and so everybody ought to want it and live it is, in fact, not sovereign; is in fact not honoring of each and every one; is in fact not seeing each human being as the master they are, here creating the experience they wish to have and are focused upon.

We keep talking about the diversity here, and we really want you to grasp that the diversity is not going away. It’s not going away, and you wouldn’t want it to because the diversity creates more and more clarity within you as you make more and more choices about what you want to experience. The diversity is the platform for expansion. Everyone here is a master. The diversity stimulates your clarity and knowing and with this you expand.

The principles and the structure of creation are active and reliably responding to each and every one of you. As you know this, as you discover this, as you learn to deliberately co-create with this, you become profoundly aware of your freedom.

Everybody’s free to think what they want and be in whatever state they want to be in already. You are also free to claim your sovereignty and to let others find their way from within, as you have found, and are finding your way.

Once you orient to the truth within you, you demonstrate so beautifully what alignment looks like. That is such a gift. As you are in alignment, you become increasingly unconditional. Unconditional in your relationship to the life you encounter.

When you’re unconditional about what you encounter and what you see, that is a gift! Loving life, basking in life, feeling unconditional life flowing within you and feeling your connection to the vaster realms of creation, and being present in that fulfillment – that’s a gift. Your joy, your happiness, your alignment is a gift. In a state of aligned fulfillment, you have much to offer All That Is, and everyone you love and care for. This, along with the creative expression of your uniqueness, is your gift!

We are opening up with you and enjoying the co-creation we are sharing together.

As you tune, as you practice thinking thoughts that feel good to you, and as you choose to live in alignment, most of all sovereign alignment, you are empowering our co-creation with you.

We are here in the non-physical to play our part, to support your alignment, and allowing so that you can experience what you’re expanding into. So, the physical can expand and diversify, and with that, all of life expands and diversify.

You are adventurers and explorers taking life to new levels. We are here holding steady the love we feel for you and amplifying your connection to you so that you can tune into that and let it flow. That’s what it’s all about!

You’re starting to really get that. It’s getting simpler. That is what our co-creation is about: to remind you, to assist you in being fully you, freely you, in your individuated embodied focus for the joy of it.

We are here too for the joy of it, just like you. The joy of it for us is embracing you and all the visions and choices you are making, and then from that state of expanded expression reminding you of who you’ve become, and calling you, amplifying you into alignment with who you really are.

We are here to tout your strength and your ever-expanding capacity so that you can hear it and see it and feel it activated as truth within you when we say it, and live more freely and boldly, from the truth of who you are.

We are here to remind you and to love you dearly, and we do, often, daily, Every time you think of us. Because it is our joy to co-create with you, and to see you extend the realms of creation into new expressions of experience, into new territories of existence, and new arrangements of experience and living and being.

As you unfold this as the light you are in unconditional love, and sovereign alignment, and freedom, and expansive, unlimited joy, creation is basking in your adventure.

We love it, and we love you.
We are the Council of Radiant Light.

Read the original post here.



This post resonates with me so much that I feel the need to share it. This person’s message is so congruent with everything else I have read about the changes we will be going through in the upcoming years that I feel it is solid truth and I trust these words and this person.  If you are not familiar with the Dinar Chronicles website or St. Germain’s Prosperity/Humanitarian Funds or NESARA then this will not make much sense to you and I suggest doing your own research to learn about the amazing things in store for us.

Here Is The EXACT Plan:

There seems to be so much worry about who will be President or not, when the CGR will happen, who are the Good Guys and who are not, etc. However, with all that being said, I know the EXACT Plan, and I am going to detail it for you in this post. But, before I reveal the EXACT Plan, I want to cover some important points.

The Players And Their Places

First thing to know is the “Players” in this epic transformation of our World, and the Universe. This would be a good time to note that not only are the Dark Forces “Turning To The Light” here on Earth, but, it is also happening throughout the rest of the Universe as well. Since this is a change of the entire Universe, then the players are more Universal in nature.

At the Highest Level of the Game or plan, it is a bringing of all the Universe into one “Accord,” one vibration in unity, in the frequency of Love. Since all the Universe is one, the seeming fight is one against self. It is just an “Alignment” bringing all of self, into congruency of the whole. Thus the Uni-Verse which translates to the One-Verse.

However, at a lower level it looks like a battle or fight between the Light and the Dark. But you have to realize that the Light does not hate, or harm, or destroy, it only Loves and overcomes and encourages that which vibrates less than Love, to come up to love.

If this were a true fight against a “Separate” enemy, they would have been wiped out and vaporized where they stand, no questions asked. But it is not that easy to fight yourself without harming the whole. Thus the dark side has been given opportunity after opportunity again and again to give up and turn to the light. During this time many have come over to the light, which is a huge success. If you were to use a medical example it would be like saving the leg from having to be cut off. For every soul who returned to the light, a part of the whole was healed of its misalignment.

However, there are still parts that are so far out of alignment with the Light, that they are finally being cut off (Killed) as they are unable to be saved. In the big picture it hurts the whole, but in the end saves the rest from further harm.

In Summation, the transformation is about saving (Curing) as many souls as possible before killing (Amputation) is required. We are now in the final stages where all who could be saved were, and the rest must be cut away (Killed Off), to save us.

The Place Of No Time

Time is a creation of experience. I have read in many places that time is like a page in a book. If you turn to that page, (Focus There) then you are experiencing that time and all it entails. However, if you realize that is how time is, then you realize that there is an outcome from this page, already “Written” on the next page. At the place where time no longer exists, this matter is long over. The World is a paradise and being Human on Earth is the most beautiful experience to be had.

Your Life Was Your Choice

You chose to be here on Earth at this time in history to user in the change we are now seeing. If you think about it, this time for us now, IS, the most exciting time in the History of Earth. Before now, the lifetime experience for a person would be: Get Born, live a rough life of fear and lack, then die of war, disease, or feeble old age. I am sure we have all lived that experience many times.

Now, before I talk about our experience in this NOW time in history, let me brief you on the future experience on Earth. You get born, are loved and nurtured, have a great life of doing what you want being loved by all as you are expressing love to all, live a long time, may be 1000 years or more, then finally at some point transition out of the Human experience. Yes, I know that sounds great and it is. However these two life experiences have one thing in common, they are “Ordinary” experiences from beginning to end. One an ordinary stressed life experience, and the other an ordinary great life experience.

This Life, Right Now, Was Your Choice

This is the most exciting time to ever be alive on Planet Earth. This is the acceleration phase. The part where we go from lack and pain, to abundance and peace so fast that you can hardly keep up. Not only do we get to see and witness this great change in the World, and the Universe, but you are one of the main participants in the game!!!!! Before you got here you said “Put Me In Coach!!!!, I want to play in this game!!!!”

You will go from traveling around your town, to traveling around the Solar System, and into Hollow Earth. You will have hover cars, that get from one place to the other at thousands of miles an hour, if you are taking it slow. You will have a Star Trek replicators that manifests whatever you ask for. You will go from unhealthy to perfect health in a 20 year old body that will last for a thousand years. You will be living in the time in which you helped the World turn to the light, and get back on its feet, and then usher in the new age of space travel and meeting others from all over the Universe. It is easy to see this is going to get very exciting!!!! It is an exciting time of transformation, the great change, and you are right smack dab in the middle of it.

Here Is The EXACT Plan:

O.K. all that being said here is the exact plan so that you know what is going to be happening. I am going to lay it out in a certain order, even though many things are happening at the same time at various stages:

#1) Convert as many of the Dark Souls to the Light as possible and then, instruct the rest to Exit (Die) in a way of their own choosing.

#2) Supply the World with an abundance of Money so that the people of the suffice population of Earth may participate in helping themselves, and at the same time healing the Earth as well.

#3) Change out corrupt governments with a new governmental structures more in line with the principals of the light and love.

#4) Offer healing assistance to the surface population to heal every disease and regrow every limb until all have been returned to perfect health.

#5) Leverage this new planetary wealth coupled with the new benevolent governments to raise the consciousness of the planet up to the 5d level.

(Over Time)

#6) Improve technology and Human experience to the point where money becomes so unimportant that it no longer plays a part in life on Earth.

(Much Later)

#7) Remove everyone from the Planet (The “Gathering”) so that she can expand in size by 1/3. After Earth goes through her growth spurt, and it is safe to live there again, we will be allowed to return to live in the Hollow Earth area or we can choose to move to another planet, in another Solar system or Galaxy.

(Much Later)

#8) All Earth souls who have gone through this amazing growing experience living on Earth, will be dispersed through the Universe as teachers, and mentors. We have learned compassion as we were oppressed, and learned love in spite of all that we endured, and finally, we all raised up to the higher frequency by our own choice. Only those who have experienced what we have experienced here on Earth, can teach what we have learned in the process. There is a HUGE difference between knowing and experiencing. We have experienced it all.

Your View Point

If you are the public at large, you don’t even know that anything is going on. However at our point of view, we know that there is a big change coming. We are to have huge amounts of money and go forth and help the World. We are to have a new Restored Republic that will act as the model for other governments around the World. It is so easy to think that we know so much when compared to the sleeping public. However, as much as we think we know, we really don’t know squat about what is really going on, and what the real game moves are.

Do you really think you know everything there is to know about Trump or Ryan? Where did you learn what you think you know? Cabal School, or was it from the Cabal Media? Or was it from some hip “alt right” information source on the Web? Do you really think that you know enough from these sources to determine what the best choice is or is not? I’ve got news for you…. No matter what you know, or think you know, you don’t know everything that you need to know to decide the matter.

Maybe they were Cabal…. So what… People change and go the right way. Maybe they will or won’t be President…. Again it doesn’t matter. All that matters, is that whomever becomes President in the end, will be the most qualified, and most capable person, and the very best choice to take us through this World Change. THAT IS A GIVEN. Frankly, I can guarantee you, that if you knew everything about this that you would need to know, you would make the same choice for the same reasons. Suffice to say, that the best person, the right person, will be the one who gets the job, and they will do exactly what needs to be done, for the best outcome. THAT IS A GIVEN.

Your/Our Perfect Logic

How can logic go wrong? Easy! We think that we are so logical and are so well equipped to decide a point one way or the other. But, ironically, Logic has one huge flaw, You have to know all the facts before you can logically decide anything. You can’t debate the logic of our Bases on Mars, if you don’t know we have a secret space program. You can’t talk about the gravity of Earth, and the nature of its design, if you think that it is solid with a molten core. Science and physics? Forget about it. You don’t even have a chance because the real science is so far advanced beyond what you were permitted to know.

Do you think that you have a better chance in debating politics? No matter how much you think you know, unless you are blood line, you don’t know a thing. Just to show you how clueless we really are, consider a recent post about the secret space program. It turns out that we have several secret space programs and each of them has no idea about the others. Even the people who think they have the highest secret clearances and are in what they think is the most secret program there is, are dumbfounded to find out there are even more secret things they don’t know. So I don’t care how logical you are, and how much your arguments make sense, they are instantly flawed due to lack of information that you don’t have or have wrong.

So, Who Will It Be?

We can guess all we want about who will be president of some other matters as a sort of game to see who is right. BUT, there is NOTHING to be upset about, because the EXACT right person will get the job, FOR VERY GOOD REASONS, which you may or may not ever know. So guess all you want. Post daily if you like. BUT, don’t get mad about it one way or the other. It works out in the end, just as it needs to be, just as it should be, just as it will be. Whoever it ends up being, and how ever that process happens, it will be the best choice made by the people who know EVERYTHING there is to know on the matter. No more and no less.

It Is Like A Chess Game

The Turning of the Dark into the light is just one strategic move after another. No matter what moves the Dark make, there is a counter move of love beckoning them to turn to the light. However, here is a spoiler alert, the Light winds in the end. All darkness is turned to the light. Some pieces on the chess board change from dark to the light and now assist, and others must be removed from the game altogether. But no matter the moves by the dark, the light wins.

Sometimes we get caught up in the “Game Play” as it is still in progress. We think that Hillary will not debate Trump, but she does instead. Then we think that Obama will resign and the Republic be announced before the election even takes place, but again the game went in a different direction. That is the nature of the game. From the moment the game began, the end was already certain, but between the start and the end it is so fluid and exciting to say the least.

Some said that there was no way that the election would be cancelled by an Obama Resignation. They were right. But was it because that was the plan all along, or were they right because that is how the game happened to go? We may never know. However, there will be lots of people who were right about one thing or another and wrong about others because the game is fluid and changing all the time. However, we know all we need to know and that is “It works out in the end, just as planned.”

The Bottom Line

The bottom line, is that debating who will be president or any aspect of this whole plan is an exercise in futility. Even if you are exactly right, it most likely has already changed due to some new situation. To be clear, it is fun to try to figure it all out, while we are waiting, but it is nothing to fight about, since we don’t actually know anyway.

All you have to know about the plan, is that it works out perfectly in the end. In the place where time no longer exists, it has already happened perfectly. Whomever is president, is perfect for reasons you may never know. Don’t worry about that because it is already handled by those who do know everything that needs to be known on the matter. What is to happen has already been written in history and is just now playing out before our eyes.

Your part is also already written, but yet to play out and unfold into reality. You get lots of money, and in some way contribute to Humanity and the Earth. That we know. However, your part is also fluid and can go in many different directions from here. It is written that it has happened magnificently in the end, but exactly how, is yet to be seen or experienced by you. That is your part now. Don’t be upset about the parts of the game that are not your parts to play. Instead, concentrate on your part of the World Change, your moves, your game play.

May You Get Everything You Want and Live The Life Of your Dreams

Signed: One Who Believes

Read the original post


Ashtar is the Commander of the New Jerusalem, the Mothership of the Galactic Federation of Light. His messages are channeled by Susan Leland, who along with Fran runs the website, Ashtar on the Road.

Ashtar on the Road Picture

Greetings, Beloved Family!  Well, we have so many exciting things that are going on, and right now it is for you to be patient because all is being revealed – if you listen up and mostly if you go within and access your own knowledge.  You all know this is the – let us say – the falling of the dominos that are close to the end of the line!  You follow that, of course, because we’ve talked about the sequential flow of events for some time.  What we were not able to do, and still are not, is give you dates, because that would disrupt the timeline, first of all.  And anytime that the timelines are disrupted, it is a way of saying ‘going a bit backward,’ or delaying.

 What we’re here to do is encourage you to go forward on the timelines, and that’s an entire—well, it’s the opposite!  Now, what will do absolutely the most to finish off the falling of the dominos in your 3D World is to bring NESARA’s Announcement into it.  The World is ready – I can assure you of that!

 This Holy Days Season is unlike any other, and the reason that we can tell you this is because the consciousness has never put out a call as strong as it is doing now for Peace on Earth, for equality in all areas of your lifestyles!!!  Of course, Abundance is one of these, but let’s talk about Abundance and define it as beyond dollars – because pretty soon you’re going to have so many dollars you can take a bath in them if you want to! There will be many things that you can do with the dollars, particularly those of you who are moving the timelines forward as far as the healing of the Planet and all, ALL of its residents below, on and above.  But there are other forms of Abundance. How about Abundance of Joy?  Well that’s a good thing to contemplate, and believe me, we will have Mother Sekhmet with us shortly, and she will expound on that a bit further!

 There is Abundance of Opportunity, whether it be to engage in something that you have passion to do – or perhaps just to take a nice long, relaxing vacation; whether it is to let go of all of those 3D programs – to clear them out and heal yourselves. That’s a good way in itself of bringing those timelines forward, when you have your ‘eyes on the prize,’ as you’re so fond of saying, and that is, of course, the Golden Age Lifestyle!  And I’ve only touched upon a few of its aspects here; you can go into it in any depth that you wish. 

You want to make New Year’s Resolutions? Make them High Vibe; make them High Dimensional.  Bring yourselves up into that Higher level where the Golden Age Lifestyle is just ready and waiting for you, and then describe yourselves.  Start with a self-description of your Lifestyles in the Golden Age!

And remember, we define the word Golden Age as the return of the Lemurian Lifestyle; the High Dimensional Lifestyle, with ease and grace and the Peace on Earth for all!!!   And that starts – you know that song – ‘Let there be Peace on Earth, and let it begin with me!’  Well, that is absolute Truth and the location within each of you where this begins is within your own beautiful Hearts – let it radiate throughout all of your energy fields and become contagious.  We like that word, because that describes the process by which you radiate this out and others pick up on it and they may even remark about it to you, particularly family members.

Family members are waking up.  How many of you – raise your hands, if you are among those who have been speaking to your family about the Golden Age, what is coming, about NESARA, about your own self-healing abilities and the need to let go of fear and so on and so on.  Go ahead, raise your hands.  Oh, yes, everybody has had some experiences!  And if not with your own immediate families, because maybe you don’t have any close relatives, how about the distant relatives, or your neighbors or your co-workers or the strangers in the street, because you all know each other – on Higher levels, of course.  And so, you can just simply just say ‘Namaste,’ you know, and go on!

This is becoming less and less prevalent because the consciousness is going up, and the more you radiate the High Vibes, the more people will be drawn to you – they are being drawn already – no accidents, no coincidences.  You meet exactly when you plan to meet, unless of course, one or both of you has made some kind of a postponement in your agreement.

And for the first time, even family members who have been, let us just say, naysayers and deniers are going to say, ‘Oh, what do you know about this or what do you know about that?’  This is really miraculous seeming, and yet part of the dominos falling that has been planned from the beginning because, as you would say, it’s time to end the dramas – and the traumas that have accompanied the dramas – to clear out the last vestiges of fear and all those programs.  We’re not going to talk about that.  The dark hats do a good job of talking about it, but have you noticed, as our Beloved News Reporters* have been stating, even some of those are starting to speak Truth!

I will mention something here, and this gives me great delight. Yes, they are listening.  Hello, we love you all, no matter what color hat you’re wearing!  And yes, they are reading the reports that our Reporters* and that I myself give – they are transcribed, you know, and also our guest speakers’ messages – and one of the interesting things is that they are picking up on some of the lingo that I have introduced some time ago such as ‘dark hats,’ ‘white hats’ and so on and so on.  And I find this absolutely a part of what I am talking about!

We’re contagious!  We’re getting out there and people are paying attention.  And this can be a very good way of introducing the darkest of hats to the concept that they don’t need to stay in the wearing of the dark hats!!!  They can change their colors, you know like a chameleon.  Only they have to do it for real. They can’t be pretending, because pretending is the part of the plays that you’ve all been participating in – and it’s over. It’s ending!

Now, you know that this year is about to end on your calendars and it is a year of nine.  And what does that mean?  It means, ‘It’s over Rover!’  It’s completion of this cycle, and not only that, but unlike other nine years – because after all they come up regularly – unlike other nine years, what is so grand and glorious about this Holy Days Season is that it ushers in not just any year of one but a real true, Higher Dimensional Era, which of course is the whole goal – it has been for a long time!  It’s a year of one, it’s a year of new beginnings and what beginnings we see!

But I must add, we are not here to get you there.  In other words, you can’t just have a seat on the ship and be taken there. This is your time to shine forth.  Get contagious, real contagious! Shine your lights everywhere.  If you meet someone who is still a doubter, a denier or whatever, just shine your Lovelight that much more, because it’s a collective-consciousness kind of event!!!  And so the calendar year turns over and you begin a whole new Era.

Now, there will be carry-over events and they are not ‘cast in stone,’ as you would say.  But there are some things that we are seeing in this moment, and we will simply say, standby and stay tuned, because the changes are going to be, well in their own way, the most dramatic ones that the World has never seen – occurring in the United States of America and radiating out from there, because the USA is still the leader for getting NESARA announced and implemented.  And President Obama is still scheduled to be the lead announcer, along with others who have been waiting in the wings and are most anxious to assist in delivering the good news!

By the way, I will share a little something from behind the scenes, a little tidbit.  The Voice does not read the news propaganda, but she did happen to see a headline that indicated that Mr. Trump will have access to a television station which the government has arranged for.  Now, you may recall that it has been stated that he ran for President because he wanted his own TV show. There is some Truth to that.  He’s somewhat of a dramatic personality.

Now, this TV station was arranged, not specifically for his convenience, but it just came up.  But think about it with all of the changes coming up.  Might it not be one of the things that on the surface it looks like, ‘Oh no, Mr. Trump gets to be on his own TV station, blah blah blah’ – you know, as only he can do with all of his rhetoric.  But how about, ‘Well there is a purpose in this that is Higher than a broadcast from Mr. Trump, that will be a benefit Worldwide because there is going to be the need for immediate access in one place to the Truth, the High Truth, and only this Truth – but the Truth without any interference from the dark hats that control the news media themselves?!

In other words, Truth from True Source!  So, stay tuned for that one because a lot of times, something that seems to be not so great turns out to be just a part of getting the plan in place!!! And there is no one who is more expert at that than President Obama and President Putin and President Xi.  They are in their human forms to serve in this capacity – just know that they are serving 24/7!

 Rejoice!  This is Holy Days Season unlike any other – even, even more energizing of Love and bringing more Love to Planet Earth than on that occasion wherein you celebrate the birth of the one known as Jeshua!  And there are other celebrations of the Holy Days Season, many celebrations in many cultures beyond Planet Earth, as well as here.  So join – join in the celebrations!  Let your Hearts feel the Love, and spread it throughout all of your beings and then let it loose!!!

 Be the messengers that you came here to be, and be in Joy – and let go of surprise, like there must be a hidden agenda on the part of this or that person who suddenly comes to you and says, ‘What do you know?’ because this is becoming your reality.  You’re all here to teach; you’re all here to learn!

I will just say that the members of the Ashtar on the Road Family and those who tune in regularly to Tara & Rama – and they are often both – are a little bit ahead in what you know.  So, let it out, even if it is simply in a smile or given energetically from your Heart to someone else’s.  And that, Beloved Ones, is the greatest gift that you can give because it is from Love, a gift of Love to all on Planet Earth and beyond!!!

 And so I say thanks to all of you for being here, and to all who are yet to come to hear this message.  Stay tuned – there’s more great news to come!  Salut!”

Read the original message.




Wayne Dyer was one of the most important teachers in my spiritual journey. I listened to the ‘Power of Intention’ while I worked on various graphic projects. He was instrumental in bringing me through some dark times in my life. I love Wayne and the powerful legacy he left us. Humanity is so enriched by his beautiful presence.

Photo of Wayne Dyer

In honor of his memory, Wayne’s Hay House family will continue to share his advice and wisdom in this weekly newsletter, bringing you excerpts pulled directly from Wayne’s published works. To subscribe visit

As the new year approaches, let us remember the wisdom of Dr. Wayne Dyer who reminds us to reflect on our lives and speak to our soul when we need guidance.


Look back over your life at the key turning-point moments when you were involved in some kind of a peak experience and being pulled in a new direction. Think about your soul and what it truly means to be motivated by your inner thoughts, rather than using some artificial external barometer as your life’s guide. Promotions are nice; salary increases are of course welcomed; a gold watch is a fine symbol of a long and devoted life; a grade on a transcript, a trophy, and so many more are all external indices. They do not soothe or satisfy your soul. Your soul is not finite—it has no form—no beginning or end. It needs to expand—to grow, to avoid being labeled or compartmentalized.

Every move I made in my life was in the direction of more freedom that gave me the ability to decide for myself where to be each day, what to wear, how to speak, how my writing would proceed. These were nudges from my soul—the inner invisible part of me that is infinite and therefore always seeking expansion. Stay in touch with and honor the calling you feel deep within you. Ignoring that will leave you feeling like a prisoner in your own body and in your own private world. Your soul is miserable when it is confined, or labeled, or told what it can or cannot do.

As you begin to see more and more clearly not only how and why your life took all of its twists and turns but what direction it is going to take from here on in, you will see that your soul will not ever lead you astray. This is because this is truly who you are—not your accomplishments or possessions, but that inner sense of purpose that seeks out immensity and expansion. Listen when it beckons you in a certain direction, or when it sends you a teacher, or sets up a synchronistic series of events. It all feels so mysteriously exciting when it occurs because your outer world is finally meshing with your soul’s innate need to keep on expanding. It must and always will prod you this way because it is infinite, and therefore it must just keep growing.

There has been invisible guidance there for me each and every step of the way, just as there is for you as well. In order to access that guidance, I encourage you to make a commitment to be absolutely faithful to that which exists nowhere but within yourself. This is the great secret for seeing ever more clearly and living your life from a place of passion and purpose.

This excerpt is pulled from I Can See Clearly Now, Afterword


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