This comedy sketch by Kyle Cease is one of the funniest things I have ever seen in my life. If only we could all be so open and honest and actually speak to each other like that! I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!
It is Archangel Michel. Transcendence is the act and condition of choosing and resting in the Light as the Light in the midst of any and everything that is arising around and within you. To Transcend is to choose to be, feel, think and give love, always, regardless of circumstances or conditions. The Masters of Transcendence on Earth are the generous and beloved animals in your lives. We will use their example today to comprehend and to do as they do: ALWAYS CHOOSE NOW TO TRANSCEND.
Che’ Kumara
Che’ is pure love with arms, legs and paws. Che’ is famous for his phrase, “Love wins.” In all circumstances, Che’ loves. He is an accomplished healer who often works with Sananda and the Arcturians. When someone needs healing, Che’ will stay with them putting his paws in various healing configurations for hours upon hours. Che’ is always kind. Sometimes, Che’ likes to appear as a wise Yoda dressed in a fine wise-man’s coat and curling shoes. Che’ is a Master Snuggler, who creates exquisite balance for and with the one he snuggles.
On the land where Che’ lives, there is a portal which is overseen by the Ashtar Command. This portal allows beings who have a density lower than the 5th dimension to come and speak with with the humans healers who live there. The visitors may come on two conditions: 1) Their Galactic Federation Security Team approves the purpose of their visit, 2) The visitor(s) accept the visit protocol training required from the Galactic Federation Security Team.
Che’, being a highly trained and skilled associate of the Galactic Federation of Light, made an agreement with Ashtar that he (Che’) would be the alert system to his human family for whenever visitors come. Che’ has carried out this duty with extreme excellence. When the visitor arriving in the portal is friendly, Che’ gives a soft notification bark. When the visitor is not friendly, Che’ lets his human family know of the arrival with a sharp, piercing repetitive bark. Once the portal is closed, energetically cleaned and re-gridded, Che’ always does a final check to ensure that all is well and as it should be. What a help Che’ is!
Che’ has been known to emanate so much love that many wild animals have been drawn to the house to feel this mighty love, so now Che’ often goes to the edge of the property to send love far and wide to the people and animals of Earth. Che’ is a world level Transmuter and a member of the Lead Inter-Species Earth Transmuting Team. He works both on a global scale, transforming dense energies back into Light and on a personal scale, profoundly assisting his human family by helping to keep the heavy energies from overwhelming them. Che’ is a hero.
Little Lady BamBam
BamBam is such a unique and amazing being. She is admired greatly by her human family and by us in the Company of Heaven for her inner strength, tenacity, spiritual constancy and unrelenting love. BamBam has explained to her human family that she is an “Energy Super-Scrubber.” Both in the house and on the property, BamBam does hours of perimeter check and dense energy cleaning. Nothing of low-density quality may remain on BamBam’s careful watch! During times of intense spiritual work for the family, BamBam will forgo rest in order to ensure that the surroundings remain energetically pristine. She is an expert at helping to clear humans as well as land. It is wondrous to imagine how so much might and devotion comes through such a soft tiny body.
Besides her many gifts and duties, BamBam has a very challenging Mission. BamBam is here to assist the Animal Kingdom, beginning with the big cats (lions, tigers, leopards, etc.) to transition from aggressive hunters to their true gentle nature. This has been an extremely challenging Mission, yet BamBam never gives up. Through repeated efforts and deep contemplation, BamBam is overcoming what some would call “instinct” by making conscious loving choices that one-by-one override any dark or dense programming and/or experiences in her body, species and Kingdom. BamBam helps her human family understand how humanity has contributed to the imbalances which have resulted in many animal behaviors. BamBam is wise. Her Mission is overseen by the Great Lady Sekhmet.
BamBam’s love showers over you like a waterfall. When she decides it is LOVE TIME, then forget doing anything else! For 30 minutes or more you will be required to engage in aggressive snuggling such as full body rubs and snugs. It is best to just surrender and get down on the floor with her, so that full on love may be exchanged. Then, when it’s over, it’s over, and she’ll let you know when the next session is. When BamBam is feeling cuddly, she likes to gather drier sheets around herself for comfort. During times like this, it is possible to get one of her famous no-touch kisses. Just ask politely for a kiss, and she might lift her head to give you one. Her kisses send healing and love energy through your entire body, leaving you will a feeling of joy and peace. You may respectfully approach BamBam on the Inner Plains through consciousness and request such a clearing and healing for yourself. BamBam is our hero.
Oh little Firefly! Firefly is a special gift from Mother God. She carries some of Mother’s energy, and her story is a stunner!
Firefly came to her human family only a year ago. Before then, Pebbles was living in the body Firefly now lives in. Pebbles was born as BamBam’s sister. Pebbles was (is) such an elegant and divine Soul. When she had completed her Mission on Earth in this lifetime, Pebbles left her home to travel Home…her family was so proud of her, yet they missed her terribly. She does still visit. Ten days later, the bedraggled body of Pebbles turned up at the door with a new Soul inside! The surprised family gratefully welcomed the tender new little one into their home. The human family was told that the little one’s name was Nancy, but that she would prefer to be called “Firefly” because that is what Mother God calls her. All hearts melted.
Firefly was coming into life for the opportunity to heal violent trauma at the hands of those who are supposed to be protectors both for herself and on behalf of all children: animal and human. She went into a cocoon-like state for many months before emerging. The Pebbles body is a little big for her, so it often looks as though she is wearing baggy sweatpants instead of fur. She is so cute because her Light is so bright and gentle, like Mother’s. She has captured every hearts. She is an extremely important member of the family!
Firefly is a “Sonic Wave Healer.” She can emit waves of exquisite energy that fill the room and heal everyone it in. Firefly is very gentle and generous and talkative. Don’t even try to have a family meeting without calling to her first or you will hear about it! Her opinions and offerings are always interesting and helpful. She talks and she sings! She makes angelic sounds in song. It is very very special. It is easy to cherish Firefly because she is pure Goodness and reminds us of all that is True and Real and HOME. Firefly is our hero. Have you considered the profound dreams, goals, Missions, Life Plans and Service of the animals in your life? They are the embodiment and example of transcendence. It is their joy to be so. To transcend is not to become better than something or someone else. It is not to conquer. It is to be the humble and true ambassador of God, of Godness, of Goodness – no matter what else seems to be transpiring.
Hail mighty ones!
I Am Archangel Michael. (channeled by Christine Burk 1/10/2017)
WHEN MATTHEW WARD connected telepathically with his mother Suzanne almost 14 years after he died at age 17 in 1980, he told her about their soul level agreement: She was to prepare for publication transmissions from him and many other off-planet sources. Their information is to enlighten, encourage and guide us along Earth’s ascension pathway during this unprecedented time in the universe.
Topics covered in this message: US presidency; no Russia, China war with US; UN Security Council vote re: Israel; weather anomalies, geophysical incidents; information source re: hacked emails; Illuminati status; spiritual, conscious advancement; ET assistance; lightworkers, love energy
January 8, 2017
With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Your calendar year 2017 promises to be exhilarating as the planet rides powerful energy waves along its ascension course. The waves are fields of light, and since light and love are the same energy, you could think of everyone in your world as residents in a boundless sea of love. We offer a meditation that can let you feel as one with this energy: Envision a panorama of exquisite beauty, see yourself gently floating over that idyllic scene, now feel yourself merging with it and savor the blissful sensation the Oneness of All imparts.
Now then, dear family, we shall reply to questions, starting with the one most frequently asked: In short, what about the United States presidency? Energy in Earth’s field of potential pertaining to this is in a state the likes of which is so unusual that we know of nothing comparable. Vibrations around President-elect Donald Trump are even lower than previously, those around most of his choices for top posts are low, and vibrations have remained consistently high around Senator Bernie Sanders. If we knew how this will play out, we would happily tell you, but this unique situation of high and low vibrations wildly in motion, yet coexisting almost in a standoff, gives no indication as to the outcome. What we can tell you is, with vibrations continually rising on the planet, whatever resolution is achieved ultimately will be for the highest good of all.
Please have no fear that Russia or China will start an armed conflict with the United States that could burgeon into a nuclear war. Despite the rhetorical posturing that some of your analysts consider worrisome, none of those countries’ leaders wants to become embroiled in a war that could imperil the world. And, if any other country or rogue group were to send up a missile with a nuclear warhead, ever-diligent crews in spacecraft surrounding Earth will prevent its detonation. This is a good place to answer another question: No, Iran is not secretly developing nuclear weaponry.
We see the UN Security Council’s vote to condemn Israel for building settlements on the West Bank in violation of international law as a sound defeat for the Illuminati. The goal of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who is in the top ranks of that secret society, never has been to serve the best interests of his people or to make peace with Palestine. In addition to keeping the region destabilized so funds keep flowing in for Israel’s defense, he wants to establish an Illuminati powerbase in Jerusalem from whence to spread their control throughout the Mideast. That will not happen.
Storms and record temperatures are due partially to weather control technology; chemtrails and other toxic pollutants in your atmosphere also have a role in this. So you are right in thinking that the Illuminati, not Mother Nature, are causing anomalous weather conditions as they are responsible for all the contributing factors, factors that are delaying the planet’s return to a moderate climate globally. The prevalence of geophysical incidents does come from two sources: Mining, drilling and fracking to extract fossil fuels is one; the other is Earth’s release of negativity that in part is caused by those environmentally damaging operations.
We have been asked our source of information that Russian President Vladimir Putin is justified in denying his country’s involvement in the hacking of Democratic National Committee emails and those on a personal computer, which is contrary to the United States intelligence agencies’ conclusion that the Kremlin is responsible. Some members of our universal family living among you are in major intelligence agencies around the globe—it was the ones in US agencies who told us they hacked and released the emails—and other members have expertise in tracking hackers’ “footprints.”
Our sources know that Illuminati in those various agencies report false information to breed conflict. The reports given to US President Barack Obama put the blame on Russia, which led to more sanctions against that country; this was in line with the Illuminati’s penchant for retaliation—they misled Obama and created more economic problems for Putin because both leaders refused to join forces with them. FBI Director James Comey knows who the hackers are, why they released the emails and the criminal evidence they contain; he didn’t disclose that information due to threatening pressure from the Illuminati faction behind Hillary Clinton.
So, Illuminati presence still is affecting what goes on in your world; however, their global network has been uprooted, their influence keeps weakening, and their diabolical activities have come to light albeit termed “fake news.” Individuals in top positions in numerous countries are being arrested, losing elections or resigning; more will follow and many in the lower ranks are scattering. Their control of Wall Street and European and Asian stock markets is unraveling and so is their banking empire. They won’t much longer be able to hold onto their vast fortunes amassed illegally and immorally—the forces for good will obtain those and use the monies to end impoverishment.
Expanding renewable energy forms will phase out their fossil fuel industries, free energy sources they have kept under wraps will emerge, and protection of the environment will end wanton destructiveness. Their unjust justice systems will be reformed, prisons-for-profit end, and control of mainstream media in nations with “free press” will meet its end, too.
Healthcare—a maze of global collusion involving pharmaceutical and insurance companies, vaccine and medical equipment manufacturers, and World Health Organization as well as FDA, CDC, NIH, AMA, AHA and related alphabet groups in the United States—will wend its way out of those Illuminati-owned or infiltrated organizations. Toxic therapies will be replaced by long-suppressed safe, natural remedies and proper healthcare will become available to everyone.
As significantly as the Illuminati’s stronghold on those critical areas has adversely affected life on Earth, the most effective means whereby they have subjugated generation after generation after generation has been by exploiting every kind of difference among the peoples to create hostility and divisiveness and by starting wars. People worldwide are hungering for peace. The energy of their collective desires has gained unstoppable momentum over the energy of conquest, and battlefield action will wind down incrementally. Industries that make the machinery of war will produce what a cooperative, progressive civilization needs; construction companies with honorable management will rebuild destroyed cities; money formerly spent on warring will go into projects and programs that uplift and enhance life.
Some of those activities are underway, others are beginning, still others are in planning stages, and rising vibrations will be undergirding all the endeavors. You will be seeing evidence of this, but please do not expect the continued unfolding of world transformation to be free from patches of resistance. You are well prepared to deal with those as they arise and help others do the same—beloved sisters and brothers, you have earned PhDs in ingenuity, perseverance and triumphing over obstacles!
Many readers who write to my mother mention that they are in their 60s, 70s or 80s. If you are in that age range, think of the changes you have witnessed as technology exploded in manufacturing, communication, energy, transportation, computers, television, healthcare, space exploration, entertainment, social media—and yes, weaponry. It isn’t necessary, though, to have lived during the decades of innovation and modernization to realize that technology’s role in your world today is rather mind-boggling.
That is the preface, you could say, to our reply to this question: “With vibrations on the planet high and rising, why is there still so much violence, bigotry and greed?” Because technology has far outpaced society’s advancement in conscious and spiritual awareness. In no way are we being critical—many souls have made long strides and there are reasons why many others have not.
With compassion we think of our Earth family who are living in areas of relentless fighting or in crowded refugee camps and grieving the loss of loved ones; those who are living in fear under tyranny or are hungry or homeless in lands of plenty—not all of those souls chose to experience that degree of pain or hardships. It is with sadness that we think of our family who are causing the suffering—the ones who rule with an iron fist or feel they are superior to everyone who is “different” or have the right to kill “the enemy” and those who are entrenched in greed without a thought about the many, many millions who are barely subsisting.
The low vibrations emitted by all those souls’ countless thoughts, feelings and actions are within the collective consciousness; and because it is the collective consciousness that manifests everything that exists on Earth, its proliferation of low vibrations has slowed the pace of society’s advancement consciously and spiritually. This is changing—the light waves sweeping Earth are opening more and more hearts and minds, and everything in low vibratory levels eventually will be done away.
“You said other civilizations are helping us. I don’t see how. They haven’t gotten rid of Big Pharma, Big Oil, Big Bank, Big Brother and the rest of the evil Bigs.” Other civilizations arehelping you in every way that universal laws permit. They can cause nuclear warheads to malfunction because Creator decreed that never again will there be nuclear detonations in space. In honoring Gaia’s free will choice that her planetary body and its residents be protected, they built a light grid around Earth to prohibit entry of base entities from other worlds and they divert the course of astral bodies and space debris to preclude collisions with the planet. Along with beaming massive light to Earth and leveling out the impact of geophysical events without lessening the amount of negativity released, they decrease toxic effects of pollutants in your air, land and seas and neutralize toxins in vaccines designed to cause pandemics.
While your “space” family are permitted to help in those ways that you can’t manage yourselves, they cannot interfere with free will of souls on Earth with this one exception—any individual who chooses to launch missiles with nuclear warheads will not succeed. Nor can members of our universal family impose upon you their ideas, although that would be greatly to your benefit—by universal law, each civilization decides the kind of world it wants and must do what is necessary to bring that world into fruition.
However, during this unprecedented era in the universe, souls have the opportunity to complete in one lifetime all third-density karmic lessons so they can evolve and other civilizations are permitted to share their heavy karmic burdens. Many “ETs” wanted to participate in this unique venture and those selected by the Golden Age master planners are helping persons on Earth in that manner and by illuminating the peoples’ pathway to the peaceful world they want.
Dear ones, you are among those who went to Earth to show the peoples that love is the pathway to peace, to joy, prosperousness, mutual respect and life in harmony with Nature. By living your light fearlessly and confidently, you radiate love to everyone around you, and it doesn’t stop there. Love energy is so powerful that it flows around the world, out into the universe and on to the cosmos. In the Oneness of All, everything everywhere affects everything else everywhere else, and the love-light you send forth brings it back in limitless measure—this is the unequalled vastness and power of love.
You are honored, loved and accompanied in spirit by all light beings in this universe.
Suzanne Ward
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It is Archangel Michael. You are performing an important service, and recently it has been more tumultuous than ever for you to do so. This is wonderful news. Your commitment shines through. We are on track for Glory!
According to a fluctuating intricate formula, which includes such factors as: capacity (the ever-increasing ability to hold and emanate Light), soul standing, Life Plan, Mission, Free Will, prophecy, divine dispensation and more, you are absorbing the Light of God in order to disperse it for the healing of Surface Earth. You are like a love-receiving station that takes in God’s Love in order to diffuse it in a manner that will best bless, heal and uplift all. Your Higher Self performs the very same function for you.
Your Higher Self receives God’s Light and calibrates it into the Highest Light you may most elegantly and fully receive with maximum benefit and no damage. Your Higher Self performs in such a loving way that you may receive God’s Light while in this dense dimension in the way that currently most nourishes, enhances and evolves you. You are doing the same for Surface Earth and collective humanity. Thank you. Bravo. Hallelujah.
The brilliance and intensity of the Light now flowing through you is more magnificent than ever. As you are probably very aware this may often cause wild and unwieldy fluctuations for you. One moment, you feel more sublime peace and joy unexpectedly followed by dips of unsettled upset.
You perceive correctly if you have gleaned that transmuting and transducing happen simultaneously and in equal proportions. To be a human tower of activating love — a receiver of Light and a transformer of dross — is a gift of service. Thank you.
I Am Archangel Michael. Stay in the Knowing of the Light. We are close.
It is Archangel Michael. I bring you encouragement. Gentle gentle as you rise. Allow your leadership to be marked by kindness. I speak for the Ascended Councils of Light today. We especially thank and hearten the messengers, who are all of you. You are the embodiment of God’s Prosperity, an important facet of the release of all Earth humans from inner bondage. Use your intelligence, your care, your creativity to discern Truth and to uplift one another. Be the Peace that accompanies divine Prosperity.
We celebrate whenever you step across imaginary barriers to greet and inspire one another. The Action-of-Light you joined in yesterday is blazing brightly. Imagine it to be a Violet Flame bonfire on the beach of the greater Action of Light happening the first eleven days of this year. As our beloved messenger Patricia Cota-Robles has brought forward the purpose of this tremendous Action:
We in the Councils of Light urge you to consciously take your place in this triumphant Action. Join the Violet Flame bonfire which assists you in the greater Action. Allow everything within you that is not balance, harmony, or in easy alignment with Love, Light, God to be transmuted now. It’s all right. You have accomplished much. Allow God’s Light to displace any remaining pain and distortion in your memories, in your thoughts, in your feelings in your cells. Intend to become a vessel of greater service and healing by allowing personal and global transmutation to be done through you. Read again with fresh disposition the words we imbued through dear Patricia.
In the Councils of Light, we rise from our meetings to join you at the Violet Flame bonfire. We join you in decreeing the transmission of Light brought to you via Patricia: In the name of the Infinite Presence of God, I AM, I call to my I AM Presence and the I AM Presence of all Humanity. As One Voice, One Heartbeat, One Breath, One Energy, Vibration and Consciousness of pure Divine Love I affirm: Beloved I AM Presence enfold me now in Eternal Peace and God’s Infinite Abundance as I become a Golden Sun of this Divine Light. (pause) I AM a Golden Sun of Eternal Peace and God’s Infinite Abundance now made manifest and permanently sustained by Divine Grace. I AM a Golden Sun of Eternal Peace and God’s Infinite Abundance now made manifest and permanently sustained by Divine Grace. I AM a Golden Sun of Eternal Peace and God’s Infinite Abundance now made manifest and permanently sustained by Divine Grace. And so it is.
Beloved I AM, Beloved I AM, Beloved I AM That I AM. I Am Archangel Michael. Let nothing move you from from being Peace on Earth. When challenge arrises, transmute! It is time to reap. Prepare.
I Am Archangel Michael. Let’s gather together through our loving attention on the Inner Plains, where – with our unified intention for Peace and Prosperity for Earth and all upon her – we call for the release of God’s healing and bounty through the Freedom and Prosperity Programs, including the release of the RV/GCR, NESARA/GESARA. It is meaningful to note that this Action-of-Light was called for from your side of the ever-thinning Veil. We here in the Company of Heaven gladly respond to the invitation and join this well-meaning and effective Action.
Sananda is coordinating this Action which is already in motion. For assistance with inner preparation, please revisit yesterday’s message: CURRENCY.
Hello Family! It is Sananda. Take a moment to feel my energy and come together as a family in the forever now, as you read this. The most important component of your contribution and our glorious success in this and every Light-inspired Action is your intention for Peace on Earth. In your heart of hearts, see and feel the vision of Prosperity for ALL fulfilled. Intend that your Presence and participation be felt in a way that only results in the Highest Good of ALL. That is enough.
Whenever you read this and join in is just the right timing! Since we are uniting together inside and outside of time in the eternal now moment, what matters most is our loving intentions for Peace on Earth and our unified focus that God’s Peace and Prosperity be made realized for all.
Ask your Higher Self & Twin Flame to facilitate for you.
Inside of time, the Action is already in progress through the efforts of a group of Lightworkers. It will increase in magnitude through January 10th at 4:44 AM PST.
At your request, angels will remind you from time to time that the Action is on-going. Whenever you have a thought of this Action of Light, know that it is your angelic helpers, assisting you to focus at just the needed moments. Send your love, peaceful intentions, visions of Prosperity for all and strength of unity through the following configuration.
According to your own choice and inspiration, take your place as follows…
In your mind’s eye – your living imagination – see a large Golden pyramid. The tip of this pyramid reaches high into the heavens, into the higher dimensions, where Peace and Prosperity are the ever-expanding reality. The base of the pyramid reaches into the crystal heart of Mother Earth. Choose a position at either the tip or the base of the pyramid alongside the Lightworkers already gathered.
If you choose the tip of the Golden pyramid, perhaps consider contributing through your loving intuition to a circuit that has been made and engaged, by your human Light family working there. Deep within, you know how to form a very high Light energy circuit. Please do that now and while you sleep, intend the circuit remain “on.”
If you feel drawn to gather at the base of the Golden pyramid, join the circle of Lightworkers already gathered in grounding focus there.
Every soul on Earth at this time has an Ascension Pillar, a Pillar of Light extending infinitely to the core of Earth and up into the highest realms of Light. As you read this in the forever now moment and as a family of love, BLAZE your Pillar of Light! Through your Awareness, reach down, down, down to connect with Mother Earth. Then bring your Awareness up, where you see and feel Father-Mother God awaiting your invitation to connect more than ever before.
Once your Pillar is ablaze, expand to BLAZE the greater family Pillar of Light.
Do only whatever feels comfortable for you. Any way you choose to participate is welcomed and tremendously helpful. You cannot get it “wrong.”
Ask in your heart that this Pillar of Light be regulated by the Higher Selves and Twin Flames of all Lightworkers joining now in loving harmony. They are ready to make it so.
Ask that the maximum amount of energy possible be both transmuted and transduced through this Family configuration of Light, for the period I Sananda have directed.
Call in Saint Germain and the mighty Violet Flame!
Call in Ashtar and the Galactic Federation of Light for assistance and Protection.
Call to the Galactic fleet, 5th dimensional and higher benevolent benefactors, encircling Earth. Humbly request their assistance through loving focus during this Action.
With all your longing and fiery intention, declare Earth Free and demand the release of the of the Freedom and Prosperity Programs, including the RV/GCR, NESARA/GESARA.
Be at Peace, Knowing it is done. Thank you for your service precious family.
The following updates from GaiaPortal contain Light-encoded relevance to what you are doing. Update GaiaPortal by ÉirePort
January 5, 206
“Sterilizations of negative embodiments commence in full. Salacious hu-beings cancel appointments. Strays are collected and returned to Light. Florescents Illuminate the dark corners. Marks of Inner Light are emplaced.” January 8, 2016 “Preludes have finished. Marshalls are released. Statics are removed. Gaia flows enrich the New Earth.”
I Am Sananda here with Archangel Michael, the Councils of Light, the Galactic Federation of Light and the Company of Heaven. We support and join this unified effort for Peace and Prosperity to be realized now on Earth by ALL. ~ Thank you Sananda. We are grateful to be trusted and called upon.
I Am Archangel Michael. Yesterday, as many Lightworkers can attest, was an all-hands-on-deck kind of day. Of course, in the Light of what is unfolding now on Earth, this is Good news. Another important stride was made. Lightworkers / Lovegivers contributing to the fulfillment of All who are for Freedom, endowing Freedom for All. You are the ones, refusing to buckle under the weight of what has been. You are the ones, shining and alighting the path out, up and free.
Yesterday, just as many of you were contributing in ways known and unknown to you, the channel of these messages was also involved in an Action of the Light. She, alongside many devoted Lightworkers, performed a coordinated Action of Light on the Inner Plains. It was brilliantly successful, as a stride forward and upward. So much so that we in the Company of Heaven have been able to extended its purpose, due the momentum achieved, and we in the invite you to participate, if you feel the call of your heart, in a magnified Action tomorrow. We will give the Action details to you in the morning and follow with an update and then a message (two in one day) the following day.
The kind of Action I speak of is a coordinated effort involving you and us, as one, which furthers the establishment of God’s Light and Love on Earth. You have participated in such Actions many times. Group meditations are an Action. Patricia-Cota Robles and others have facilitated global Actions such as establishing Chalices of Light that upgrade and elevate the entire Earth plain. Participants contribute through intentions of Good Will, Love, Healing and Peace. Would it make you grin to know that Dinarland is an extended Action of transformation and Love? Tomorrow you have the opportunity to use your power of choice and your radiant Light for another such furthering of healing, if you so choose.
It would assist if you would first scrupulously consider the importance and role of currency on Earth. What has been the primary currency for you, for others, for all of Earth? I tell you that I do not speak of the now defunct US fiat dollar, or any such thing.
In the higher realms, our currency is connection, compassion, unity, Love.
On Earth, the currency of victimhood has been paramount. You have been so hurt, so tortured, so toxified, so depleted that you have collectively established the roles and feelings of victim and predator as currency on Earth. For instance, you have been so beaten down that you have adopted an attitude of claiming your rights as a victim. That has elevated victimhood to a kind of currency. You can trade the terrible things you have endured for pity, entitlement and righteous indignation. Be brave. Be willing to seek and to SEE what you have turned into power, into currency.
We are here willing to kindly assist in your contemplation. Thank you for your Service. It matters greatly.
I Am Archangel Michael. (channeled by Christine Burk 1/7/2017)
It is your fan, your admirer, your champion, Archangel Michael. If that introduction puts you off a bit, makes you at all uncomfortable, then I trust that today’s message will help us become closer. I would like you to know me well. I care about you, personally. I am not distant from you. I am not a uni-type Angel or Ascended being. There is no such thing. We are all as unique as all of you are unique. Did you know that uniqueness is established as we are being created by God? On both sides of the Veil of Forgetfulness, we all express our uniqueness, throughout all our existence. Life is the grand opportunity to do just that, with gusto, originality and imagination.
I would like for you to know me. I want us to be close. I Am Archangel Michael, with many titles, qualities, joys, cares and responsibilities. In the higher dimensions, we embody the virtues of the offices we uphold. The offices we inhabit depend upon our capacity – our ability to hold and emanate Light – the grand scheme of Service, our choices and our Ascension. I Am Michael, a being, a child of God, an energy, a friend, a brother, knowable yet undefinable, one who loves and is loved and is love.
In the upside-down world of what Surface Earth has become, “sacred” has often taken on a lofty intimation, inferring somehow that sacred is holy as in aloof, exalted, superior. Sacred became one of the meanings and feelings that was intentionally coopted and reprogramed by the dark regime in order to distance you from intimacy with God. It is not by chance that “scared” is an anagram for “sacred.”
Every word is an address in reality, a point in existence, expressing a thought, a feeling, a meaning. The word sacred does carry a holy communication, yet that message is not about an unreachable, distant, supercilious God. Sacred is always present, as God is. The mundane is teeming with sacredness. Serving, cleaning, clearing, walking, breathing, beginning, feeling, helping, trying, embracing, expressing, ending, experiencing, exchanging, redeeming, carrying, crying, doing, discovering, being, wanting, having, giving – great or small, all are sacred. A breath, a moment, a prayer, a love – all are here and now, all are eternal, all are sacred.
Come close to God. Come as you are. You are utterly and dearly beloved, cherished. When you are ready, I invite you to come close to me. We are old friends. I am here to remind you, to support you, to shine the Light faithfully for you as you Awaken – as you have also done for me.
I love you. You are so very sacred.
I Am your Michael. (channeled by Christine Burk 1/5/2017)
It is Archangel Michael. Come, let’s visit Harmony. It is an existence of mutual respect, unfettered flow and easy being.
Everything is fluid, in motion, evolving. When we greet each other in the Higher Dimensions, we are aware of this. We gently, non-invasively scan one another, determining the most respectful approach. We do not carry into the meeting a previous detrimental notion of how the other being might behave. It is an understandable yet unfortunate side effect of living in such a dangerous dimension that you greet each other with suspicion and warning.
Instead, perhaps use your ability to scan, gently and non-evasively – you are already scanning with every interaction – to notice how the person you greet is doing. Then, offer a quality of love that would best serve that person: warmth, humor, understanding, patience, curiosity…. This is co-creating Harmony.
Laughter, the 5th dimensional portal to everlasting Prosperity of every kind. No tuning needed, just the watchful awareness that the humor not ever turn sour by humiliating, shaming or excluding another. That is not humor and does not result in a 5th dimensional transformation. Let go of all the serious righteousness that wears you down and wears you out and laugh. Laugh easily and often. Laugh it off. Laugh it UP.
Above and Below, Mother Earth Is Our Example
The Earth is on the move! Tune to her. Ask her about it. Approach her with respect and Love. Mother Earth will recognize your efforts and welcome you because she wisely dwells in Harmony, always. Even after all that humanity and others have done to her, she is awaiting your tender approach. Harmony. When Mother Earth enters a Council of Light gathering in the higher realms, there is always a respectful hush, an acknowledgement of her ever-loving demonstration of Peace and Harmony. No matter what is done to her, she is unmovable in her Love. May we all strive to be so.
I Am Archangel Michael. (channeled by Christine Burk 1/4/2017)
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