There are millions of people that don’t have enough to eat every day so I know how fortunate I AM to have food abundance. I AM thankful to be able to eat whatever I want whenever I want and to have such easy access it enables the easy life of convenience that I enjoy.
I’m also aware of how much work goes into producing and distributing all of this food, and how many Beings are involved, human and non-human. It takes an incredible amount of energy to maintain a planet of 3D physical density. So now I make a point to remember to send Blessings of Love and appreciation to all I can think of related to everything I eat and drink. I don’t remember every single time but pretty close, especially if it’s really tasty and makes me even more thankful. ?
St. Germain is an Ascended Master that has made his Ascension like Jesus has and resides in the Company of Heaven with other Ascended Masters, Archangels and other Cosmic Beings. Beloved Saint Germain is now the Great Master who has charge of the New Civilization (including NESARA) that is to come forth in America. He knows that humanity has lived for too long in lack and scarcity and is a champion of wealth and prosperity for all. He has great plans to release incredible amounts of money known as the Prosperity and Humanitarian Funds when the collective consciousness is ready to handle such unprecedented abundance for all. Until then it is up to you to take charge of your own wealth consciousness by using the great gift of these affirmations he has given us.
“I AM” affirmations work immediately and when you build up a momentum of energy with consistent usage they become even more powerful. You build more power and momentum if you stick to the same time every day. You can’t say or think it once and expect it to magically work, you have to maintain the energy around the words. And if you’re doing it out of obligation you might as well not do it at all because obligation energy is useless and counterproductive.
When your thoughts are clear and steadfast, begin to speak them as truths. Say them out loud. Use the great command that calls forth creative power: I am. Make I-am statements to others. “I am” is the strongest creative statement in the universe. Whatever you think, whatever you say, after the words “I am” sets into motion those experiences, calls them forth, brings them to you. There is no other way the universe knows how to work. There is no other route it knows to take. The universe responds to “I am” as would a genie in a bottle.
Conversations with God, Book I, Ch 4
Yes, that’s how it works. The moment you say “I want” something, the universe says “Indeed you do” and gives you that precise experience—the experience of “wanting” it! Whatever you put after the word “I” becomes your creative command. The genie in the bottle—which I Am—exists but to obey. I produce what you call forth! You call forth precisely what you think, feel, and say. It’s as simple as that.
Stop feeling like a victim and take control of your life. You are not powerless, you are very powerful if only you would remember that and take back control of your mind. It is time for your ego to relinquish power over you. You DO NOT have to live in fear of the unknown.
You might be thinking, “You’re delusional if you think you are actually physically invisible to anyone” and obviously my body is not becoming transparent and I’m not disappearing into thin air. (that only happens when you raise your vibration high enough that your cells are vibrating so rapidly they propel you into the higher dimensions where everyone else lives)
What happens when you say and think this (or any) affirmation, is you are choosing what you are aligning to. Alignment is what determines so much of what happens to you and what you create in your life.
In using affirmations you are telling the Universe what you do want in a positive format so you essentially DO become invisible to anyone who is misaligned to what you are demanding. That way you don’t even show up on the radar of thieves, hackers and fraudsters, and the events of identity theft, etc. that happen to countless people no longer have to affect you because you will no longer align to receiving them. (As long as they are not part of your Divine Plan – which means you have to experience something like that to learn some lesson set up by your soul or Higher Self.) (Or repayment of a karmic debt) There are so many variables we just don’t know about!
I have been very fortunate that my lifestream so far has been free of these kinds of people and the situations that come with them. Luckily those experiences have not been in my Divine Plan and hopefully never will be. But it doesn’t hurt to align my thoughts with invisibility to them just in case.
“I AM” affirmations work immediately and when you build up a momentum of energy with consistent usage they become even more powerful. You build more power and momentum if you commit to repeating them out loud at least 3, 6 or 9 times with deep feeling (positive feeling energizes the words/thought and makes it manifest) the same time every day.
The spoken word has much more power than thought alone. (I’ll touch on why in another post or you can do a search) You can’t say or think it once and expect it to magically work, you have to maintain the energy around the words. And if you’re doing it out of obligation you might as well not do it at all because obligation energy is useless and counterproductive. (The Universe knows the energy you’re projecting so don’t even try to hide it)
When your thoughts are clear and steadfast, begin to speak them as truths. Say them out loud. Use the great command that calls forth creative power: I am. Make I-am statements to others. “I am” is the strongest creative statement in the universe. Whatever you think, whatever you say, after the words “I am” sets into motion those experiences, calls them forth, brings them to you. There is no other way the universe knows how to work. There is no other route it knows to take. The universe responds to “I am” as would a genie in a bottle.
Conversations with God, Book I, Ch 4
Yes, that’s how it works. The moment you say “I want” something, the universe says “Indeed you do” and gives you that precise experience—the experience of “wanting” it! Whatever you put after the word “I” becomes your creative command. The genie in the bottle—which I Am—exists but to obey. I produce what you call forth! You call forth precisely what you think, feel, and say. It’s as simple as that.
Conversations with God, Book II, Ch 2
**Update Jan 2020*** Because I have been using this affirmation for two years now I thought I had built up enough momentum so I don’t lock my car doors, even in my driveway overnight. My car did get burglarized and even though there’s not much to steal they did take some things. The reason I’m sharing is to share my choice of action.
When I first realized I had been burgled I was very calm and didn’t immediately plunge into the lower frequency feelings of anger or whatever else. I could have taken this as evidence that these affirmations don’t work and are all a bunch of bullshit. But I know better than that. I was actually surprised more than anything because I thought I had raised my vibration beyond that of being in alignment with theft but this showed me that either (or both) I clearly haven’t yet or maybe this is a karmic thing being balanced, I don’t know. But what I do know is that I could have reacted in either a productive (higher frequency) or counter-productive (lower frequency) way. I chose the productive way and stayed high blessing the person or people who is/are playing the burglary game and my alignment with it.
I choose to continue to believe in affirmations because we all need something to believe in and all of my other affirmations are always working for me. Just because one event happened isn’t going to change my mind of their efficacy. I’m not that easily swayed. If anything this has made me more resolute to ramp it up, that I clearly have more work to do. I will admit that I do now lock my car overnight but not during the day when I’m out and about. I feel like this was an isolated event and don’t believe it will happen again. Remember: YOUR REACTION IS YOUR CHOICE. Do you choose productive or counter-productive?
Even if you don’t know about the Law of Attraction, you know that when you feel gratitude, Love and appreciation for Higher Powers, other humans, animals and the Nature Kingdom and everyone and everything in general you feel good. The vibration of Love and appreciation is as high as it gets so the more moments throughout your day you spend in that energy obviously the better you will feel every day and soon you will notice how easy it becomes to stay in that space. And if you do know about the LOA, you know that when you feel good, you attract more good into your life. Sometimes it’s fun to make a game of it, and see how many things I can think of to appreciate and send Love to. If I’m at the river or in nature it’s endless!
You can’t have two thoughts at one time so if you are admiring beauty or thinking how amazing clouds are you are not thinking about how shitty your life is. If you are depressed, redirect your thoughts to admiring something beautiful and I bet you’d be surprised how quickly you begin to feel better, at least in that moment, because Love/appreciation/gratitude overrules all lower negative energies.
Every time I hear about a bacteria outbreak like salmonella in bagged salads or eggs or peanut butter and all of the people that got sick it makes me wish they knew that it doesn’t necessarily have to happen to them. Of course, I don’t know what’s in their Divine Plan, maybe they had to go through that experience or die for some reason known only to their soul and Higher Aspects, but I also know that alignment is such a huge factor in how our realities unfold every day. I’m so happy to be a conscious creator of my world, and to know that tools and resources like affirmations, invocations and decrees work to help me choose what I want in my life. I know they work because I have been using affirmations for years, and have had evidence of success many, many times. In the beginning it does take Faith and Trust in the invisible Higher Powers.
“I AM” affirmations work immediately and when you build up a momentum of energy with consistent usage they become even more powerful. You build more power and momentum if you stick to the same time every day. You can’t say or think it once and expect it to magically work, you have to maintain the energy around the words. And if you’re doing it out of obligation you might as well not do it at all because obligation energy is useless and counterproductive.
When your thoughts are clear and steadfast, begin to speak them as truths. Say them out loud. Use the great command that calls forth creative power: I am. Make I-am statements to others. “I am” is the strongest creative statement in the universe. Whatever you think, whatever you say, after the words “I am” sets into motion those experiences, calls them forth, brings them to you. There is no other way the universe knows how to work. There is no other route it knows to take. The universe responds to “I am” as would a genie in a bottle.
Conversations with God, Book I, Ch 4
Yes, that’s how it works. The moment you say “I want” something, the universe says “Indeed you do” and gives you that precise experience—the experience of “wanting” it! Whatever you put after the word “I” becomes your creative command. The genie in the bottle—which I Am—exists but to obey. I produce what you call forth! You call forth precisely what you think, feel, and say. It’s as simple as that.
One of my favorite things to do is sit in contemplation and think. I think about what I’ve learned, which usually results with me asking more questions because there’s so much I don’t know. SO MUCH! I sit and think about the other personalities/incarnations my soul has created and how much work they did to get my consciousness to the level I’m at in this life, how I am the physical expression of my Mighty I AM Presence, that my Holy Christ Self is the energy transformer between me (my Conscious Self) and my I AM Presence and how many other aspects of me exist in higher dimensions that I don’t even know about. I was told by someone in 2015 that my soul is a Bodhisattva soul, which means it has chosen the direct path to enlightenment – which is faster and more difficult than the slower spiral path – and that makes total sense when I reflect on my life and where I am now.
I am constantly in wonder and awe every time I learn something new and when I contemplate the wonderous, magnificent creation I’m a part of. I’m thankful to know what I know and am enjoying this magic carpet ride of exploration and re-discovery of myself. I’m so thankful to have reached this glorious state of consciousness where I adore, treasure and truly Love every single aspect of my Being as an expression of Divine Source. I Love who I AM now and who I AM becoming. And I hope that one day you will join me if you aren’t already here with me now. Many Blessings of Love to you all. ?
This Mother of Pearl Resurrection Flame Invocation was given to Patricia Cota-Robles by Father/Mother God and the Company of Heaven and they are sounding a clarion call to all of awakening humanity to join them in infusing the Planetary Grid of Transfiguring Divine Love with your light. You will receive a great benefit from this Gift of Light by invoking the Mother of Pearl Resurrection Flame through your Heart Flame and the Heart Flames of all Humanity. If you have the heart call to do so please participate in this invocation given to us by the Company of Heaven. Read the original post here.
If you’ve never given an invocation it’s basically a prayer you say out loud. Normal speaking voice is fine and with as much good feeling/Love you can muster. Louder is not better. What’s most important is your intention and feeling. Consistency is key; if you can say this invocation at least once a day (same time every day will generate more power) it will release the most benefit. This invocation take me only a couple of minutes and while I say the words I visualize in my mind’s eye the picture the words create. Do the best you can, all is appreciated!
Being on a spiritual/self development path can be incredibly challenging when everyone around you is not, and sometimes it feels like they are actively working against your progress! Well sometimes they are; some people feel threatened by another’s forward progress because they are afraid of what that will mean for them. Maybe they feel like they’ll get left behind when you evolve faster than them, aren’t a vibrational match any longer and so drop out of your life forever. Maybe they are insecure and afraid to claim their power and don’t want you to claim yours either so they do their best to sabotage you at every turn. There are so many invisible variables that influence human behavior – trying to figure out people’s intentions is a great way to get a headache – believe me I’ve tried to understand people’s behaviors and actions with little success. Most of the time they don’t even know why they do what they do either!
I’ve come across another fabulous article to help you on your journey – 11 Tips to Be Positive When Everyone Around is Negative from Self Development Secrets. I agree with everything they say, this is a very well written post in my opinion. Every tip is important and should be considered equally. However, I would like to emphasize #3. Focus on You. When you do this everything else falls into place. When you acknowledge and accept that YOU are the only person you are responsible for and have any control over as a sovereign being and extension of Source energy then you will begin to have more peace of mind in dealing with others. You simply cannot and do not control anyone else’s thoughts, feelings and actions and when you try you cause yourself and everyone involved more suffering. So stop focusing on them and their actions towards you and start focusing on yourself and how you can be more mindful and detached.
I would also like to add to #8. Don’t Dwell. Your ego along with your etheric body will replay interactions/situations/scenes like broken records over and over in your mind until you cry mercy. When you find yourself thinking (again) about something that already happened it may be because there is a lesson you did not take the time to fully realize, explore and acknowledge. A big lesson I’ve learned on my path is the importance of going within every day. The longer the better. When I spend time in solitary contemplation, I can observe and analyze with detachment each interaction free of the energies of the moment and reflect on what I could have improved in each situation. What could I have done better? How could I have reacted in a way that’s for the highest good of all? How can I have compassion for myself and anyone else involved? Is this person/situation returning karma that I must heal and release or it will come back over and over again until I do? After you’ve learned what you can from the interaction and your mind still replays the scene again then you need to take control and tell yourself “Enough! I don’t want to think about that anymore!” and redirect your thoughts to something else. After doing that a few times and not giving it any more energy, it will fade away as long as you let it go.
I would like to end with something else I’ve learned on my path: if you try to do this alone you will cause yourself much more suffering than if you reach out for help. And not help from other humans – they’re in the same 3D energies you are AND they have their own agendas/programming to bias any help they give you. No, the best help is from above. Do you have any idea how many glorious Beings are ready to help you and all you have to do is ask? The multiple higher aspects of yourself – your soul, Holy Christ Self, I AM Presence to start, not to mention the countless Beings on your Spirit Squad (what I call them :)) in addition to Ascended Masters, Archangels/angels, Galactic Families, Creator/God, the list is endless! You are never alone and all you have to do is ask! I like using affirmations, decrees and invocations and if you need a recommendation I would be happy to help you! Much Love and many Blessings to you all. ?
Years ago I learned about the words “I AM” and knew they were powerful but I didn’t REALLY know just how powerful they are until I discovered Ascended Master Teachings – including the “I AM Discourses” from St. Germain. I had heard about the “I AM Discourses” from various people for awhile but didn’t feel compelled to read them until August, 2017. I felt like I had come home. I resonated so deeply with their words and energy they felt like my older brothers and sisters and instantly I knew I had found the answers I had been searching for. The “I AM Discourses” are a treasure trove of golden illumination from Above, a necessary resource for any spiritual seeker on their Ascension Path.
St. Germain is a champion of abundance for all, because abundance and wealth is the nature of God. Poverty and lack only exist because of our fall from Grace; humanity has exiled ourselves for millennia into the desert of lack.
“I AM” affirmations work immediately and when you build up a momentum of energy with consistent usage they become even more powerful. You build more power and momentum if you stick to the same time every day. You can’t say or think it once and expect it to magically work, you have to maintain the energy around the words. And if you’re doing it out of obligation you might as well not do it at all because obligation energy is useless and counterproductive.
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