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Blessing of the Day - Sand PaperWhen I sit in contemplation and think about my parents, ex-boyfriends, and all of the people that have been in my life, I thank them for the contribution they have made in any way to shaping me, sculpting me and sandblasting me to become the person I am today. My analogy is sand paper. The people in my life briefly or outer acquaintances I call fine grit – they did a little shaping and it was relatively painless. Next are the people in my life longer or that are closer to me who do a little more sculpting, they remove more than just the outer layer and it hurts a little more – I call them medium grit. Finally, the grand poobah of sand paper, coarse grit. This special level is reserved for family and those other dear people who trigger you to no end. They sandblast the shit out of you with high powered sanders and just when you think you’re shiny and perfect bam! they hit you with another spray of sand.

If you are able to pull back, go within and recognize that these dear souls are the treasure in your life providing an immense service to your evolution and growth you would begin to see them not as thorns in your side but as glorious opportunities to heal returning karma and transcend the human limitations keeping you stuck on your Ascension path. You know that before we all incarnated together we made contracts with each other to help us all grow and evolve more in each lifetime. So if you are resistant to seeing the value they bring to your life and refuse to learn from every interaction, if you refuse to expand your capacity and go beyond your comfort zone you will have to experience these trigger people over and over and over until you get it. Until they bring you to your knees in surrender. They WILL break your ego shield eventually so the question is: how much suffering do you choose to put yourself through?

People of Earth Need to Ask for Help From the Higher DimensionsIf you are reading this you are already on the Lightworker/Spiritual path and probably already know that because humans have been created with free will, and because the Beings in the higher dimensions honor and respect this free will, they cannot and will not directly interfere with our evolution. Remember the Prime Directive from Star Trek? Well where do you think that came from? It is Cosmic Law that the beings in the dimension that needs help, i.e humans in the 3rd dimension of Earth, have to ask for help in order to receive it. The Beings in the higher dimensions will not violate the Law of God to help us out of the mess we created unless we ask.

Excerpted from “Primary Instructions 1 Whence Why Whither” from, 

“If these Great Beings exist, why do they allow war and suffering to manifest?”

God bestowed on each of His children the gift of free will, and neither God nor His Messengers (the Ascended Host of Light) will ever intrude on that, but the Ascended Masters will give every possible protection and assistance WHEN INVITED TO DO SO. So long as mankind CHOOSES to think and feel those qualities which set up a cause for distress, they will remain, and that is why they must, of their own free will, desire and endeavor to express the constructive qualities of Love, Light and Peace in order to have them in the world.

Blessing of the Day - My CatI’ve always loved animals; as a kid growing up my brother and I had lots of cats that we adored. But it wasn’t until I adopted my current cat Jammie **correction – SHE adopted ME** that I realized just how special a furry companion can be. From the first day I took her home, she has proven to be a very special Being indeed. That very first day, I had the cat carrier on my lap in the car and I opened the top to look at her and – this is going to sound VERY weird and cheesy for non animal people – but we locked eyes and something just clicked. It was like we were instantly bonded in that moment and forever. I have never been able to actually explain in words because it’s a feeling beyond words, unexplainable, you just have to feel it for yourself.

Through all the years we’ve been together she has been my constant companion through four moves, one ex-boyfriend and his Precious furry canine companion (whom he also had a special bond with, she’s now passed on) and many new adventures. Jammie is the most self-aware cat I’ve ever encountered, more than the other two cats who have also agreed to live their lives with me right now. I feel like she’s my counterpart because she walks alone too, apart from the other cats, and her consciousness is far ahead of theirs too. She has helped me grow and expand my capacity to generate Love. And my Love for her is helping her grow too. Like St. Francis of Assisi.

As other pet parents will attest, sometimes you forget they’re animals because they act so much like humans – they eat human food (Jammie eats corn on the cob, avocado, coconut oil and other human foods) they talk back – sometimes you even have conversations (oh is that just our crazy?), they listen (when they want), they comfort you, but unlike humans, they Love you no matter what. They are Beings of pure Love. The unconditional Love and Adoration you receive from an animal is a treasure beyond words. Sometimes I Love Jammie so much my heart is bursting wide open. Ask me a year ago if I would be devastated if she passed on and left me and I would say YES! my life would be so affected. But now as I progress on my Ascension path and learn the art of detachment, I turn my attention upwards and believe that as I’ve filled my heart with Love and Adoration for My I AM Presence and the Beings from Above that I will be ok when she moves up in her evolution. She said she’ll give me two more years and I’ll take it! But as I live in the Present here and now, when she’s out of sight she’ll be out of mind and that’s how it should be. I love her with all my heart now and when she’s gone I won’t look back.

Manifesting Money - Your Feeling About GivingOne of the most challenging parts of the being mindful about money/Law of Attraction process I experienced was observing my reaction to people asking me for money. And boy were there a lot of them! At some point I made the connection that they were there to help me see where I needed to improve, heal and release these feelings of lack. I know that my Higher Self placed me in the perfect timing to be in the right place at the right time to be confronted with my feelings about giving. Over a period of months in every interaction I began changing my feelings of lack to feeling thankful for what I do have knowing that it could always be worse.

One time, in 2017 I believe, I was planning to go to the store at some point during the day. Suddenly I felt like I really should go NOW so I did, figuring it was my mind wanting to get it done. As soon as I arrived at the shopping center, a man asked me for help. I can’t remember now what he said or how I got involved but I learned that their tire needed to be replaced and of course, they were flat broke. I was thinking how I could help them when a thought popped into my mind that I could buy them a used tire. Then my mind tried to stop me but I knew that this was a test, a make or break moment when I could either choose wealth or lack. So I imagined how I would feel and what I would do if I was a millionaire and I knew instantly I would buy them a new tire, or probably all four. Well, I still have to act within my parameters and budget because if I bought them all four that would NOT affirm my abundance and instead cause me to feel lacking in money. But one used tire installed for $40? Yeah, I CAN afford that! So I did. And I felt so wealthy! And I truly imagined myself to be a millionaire. So you see, every act can either affirm your wealth consciousness or your lack/poverty consciousness. And every act builds on the next. And eventually you start really feeling it and wealth consciousness now becomes your default. You have to expand your perception of your wealth in order to really start feeling wealthy.

This could be the most interesting question in the book. The usual method of creation for most human beings is a three-step process involving thought, word and deed, or action.
First comes thought; the formative idea; the initial concept. Then comes the word. Most thoughts ultimately form themselves into words, which are often then written or spoken. This gives added energy to the thought, pushing it out into the world, where it can be noticed by others.
Finally, in some cases words are put into action, and you have what you call a result; a physical world manifestation of what all started with a thought. Everything around you in your man-made world came into being in this way—or some variation of it. All three creation centers were used. But now comes the question: how to change a Sponsoring Thought? Yes, that is a very good question. And a very important one. For if humans do not change some of their Sponsoring Thoughts, humankind could doom itself to extinction.
The most rapid way to change a root thought, or sponsoring idea, is to reverse the thought-word-deed process.

Do the deed that you want to have the new thought about. Then say the words that you want to have your new thought about. Do this often enough and you’ll train the mind to think a new way.

…You are what you think you are. It’s a vicious circle when the thought is a negative one. You’ve got to find a way to break out of the circle. So much of your present experience is based on your previous thought. Thought leads to experience, which leads to thought, which leads to experience. This can produce constant joy when the Sponsoring Thought is joyous. It can, and does, produce continual hell when the Sponsoring Thought is hellatious.
The trick is to change Sponsoring Thought. I was about to illustrate how to do that.

The first thing to do is reverse the thought-word-deed paradigm. Do you remember the old adage, “Think before you act”?

Well, forget it. If you want to change a root thought, you have to act before you think.
Example: you’re walking down the street and come across an old lady begging for quarters. You realize she’s a bag lady and is living day-to-day. You instantly know that as little money as you have, you surely have enough to share with her. Your first impulse is to give her some change. There’s even a part of you that’s ready to reach in your pocket for a little folding money —a one, or even a five. What the heck, make it a grand moment for her. Light her up.
Then, thought comes in. What, are you crazy? We’ve only got seven dollars to get us through the day! You want to give her a five? So you start fumbling around for that one.

Thought again: Hey, hey, c’mon. You don’t have that many of these that you can just give them away! Give her some coins, for heaven’s sake, and let’s get out of here.
Quickly you reach into the other pocket to try to come up with some quarters. Your fingers feel only nickels and dimes. You’re embarrassed. Here you are, fully clothed, fully fed, and you’re going to nickel-and-dime this poor woman who has nothing.
You try in vain to find a quarter or two. Oh, there’s one, deep in the fold of your pocket. But by now you’ve walked past her, smiling wanly, and it’s too late to go back. She gets nothing. You get nothing, either. Instead of the joy of knowing your abundance and sharing, you now feel as poor as the woman.
Why didn’t you just give her the paper money! It was your first impulse, but your thought got in the way.
Next time, decide to act before you think. Give the money. Go ahead! You’ve got it, and there’s more where that came from. That’s the only thought which separates you from the bag lady. You’re clear there’s more where that came from, and she doesn’t know that.
When you want to change a root thought, act in accordance with the new idea you have. But you must act quickly, or your mind will kill the idea before you know it. I mean that literally. The idea, the new truth, will be dead in you before you’ve had a chance to know it.

So act quickly when the opportunity arises, and, if you do this often enough, your mind will soon get the idea. It will be your new thought.

…New thought is your only chance. It’s your only real opportunity to evolve, to grow, to truly become Who You Really Are. Your mind is right now filled with old thoughts. Not only old thoughts, but mostly someone else’s old thoughts. It’s important now, it’s time now, to change your mind about some things. This is what evolution is all about.

Conversations with God, Book I, Ch. 11

Remember money is only one form of energy. If you don’t have any cash on you or don’t want to give money because you aren’t comfortable with what you think they may use it for there are other ways to give and help someone. I don’t always carry cash so if I can’t give money in that instant I know I can give food or a Blessing or a thought/feeling of giving Love. I also sometimes imagine in my head a picture of giving that person money because I still want to give to them even if I don’t have physical money on hand. Keep in mind this isn’t about the person asking for money. This is about YOU and how you feel about giving. Is your heart open or closed? Giving doesn’t have to be a big act; the energy of being open to give is the same no matter how big or small you give. It’s the same as receiving. Energy is energy, it reads the same so get your human ego head out of the way and open your heart to give more and know that you CAN. Blessings are always free and very powerful. And the bonus is they come back to you tenfold. I give you all of the Blessings from my heart.

Everything you do, do out of sincerity, or the benefit of the action is lost. This is not because I won’t “reward you.” God does not “reward” and “punish,” as you know. But Natural Law requires the body, mind, and spirit to be united in thought, word, and action for the process of creation to work. You cannot fool your mind. If you are insincere, your mind knows it, and that’s that. You’ve just ended any chance that your mind can help you in the creative process.

You can, of course, create without your mind—it’s just a great deal more difficult. You can ask your body to do something your mind doesn’t believe, and if your body does it long enough, your mind will begin to let go of its former thought about that, and create a New Thought. Once you have a New Thought about a thing, you’re well on your way to creating it as a permanent aspect of your being, rather than something you’re just acting out. This is doing things the hard way, and even in such instances, the action must be sincere. Unlike what you can do with people, you cannot manipulate the universe. So here we have a very delicate balance. The body does something in which the mind does not believe, yet the mind must add the ingredient of sincerity to the body’s action for it to work.

The mind may not be able to sincerely agree that the actions of the body can bring you that which you choose, but the mind seems very clear that God will bring good things through you to another.

Whatever you choose for yourself, give to another. If you choose to be happy, cause another to be happy. If you choose to be prosperous, cause another to prosper. If you choose more love in your life, cause another to have more love in theirs. Do this sincerely—not because you seek personal gain, but because you really want the other person to have that—and all the things you give away will come to you.

The very act of your giving something away causes you to experience that you have it to give away. Since you cannot give to another something you do not now have, your mind comes to a new conclusion, a New Thought, about you—namely, that you must have this, or you could not be giving it away. This New Thought then becomes your experience. You start “being” that. And once you start “being” a thing, you’ve engaged the gears of the most powerful creation machine in the universe—your Divine Self. Whatever you are being, you are creating. The circle is complete, and you will create more and more of that in your life. It will be made manifest in your physical experience. This is the greatest secret of life. It is what Book 1 and Book 2 were written to tell you. It was all there, in far greater detail.

If you give to another as a contrivance, a manipulation meant to get something to come to you, your mind knows this. You’ve just given it a signal that you do not now have this. And since the universe is nothing but a big copying machine, reproducing your thoughts in physical form, that will be your experience. That is, you will continue to experience “not having it”—no matter what you do!

Conversations with God, Book III, Ch. 1

Read the next post Money is God Energy

Manifesting Money - I Can Buy Whatever I WantThis is another exercise I practiced with the Law of Attraction. When I first started doing this, all sorts of negative thoughts and feelings came up and it took me awhile to document them and sort through them to begin the process of healing and releasing them. Eventually I did and now I feel confident and a lot more positive about my financial abundance and where I am with my beliefs about money. Once you do that you will have a lot of fun making this into a game that will help you feel good and raise your vibration. Thank you bring me more!

*Update April 2019*

Changing from lack/poverty consciousness to wealth/abundance consciousness is a process and takes time to go through so don’t expect to make giant Grand Canyon leaps all at once. You’ve most likely had this programming  from childhood (most of us have) and also most likely through many lifetimes as well (most of us have). I know my soul has at least two other lives of living in poverty. So take baby steps and build up. Don’t go into the Apple store or the Ferrari dealership and try to affirm your abundance when you’re not even close to that level of internal or external wealth yet. You can’t fake how you feel. But you can easily lie to yourself. So when you’re first starting on this journey, and it is a journey, start small. Go to the 99 Cent Store or Trader Joe’s or whatever and try this experiment. Observe your mind like a scientist. That’s a huge part – observing your thoughts and feelings. Over time as you are consistent and stay focused on this path you may notice your thoughts/feelings have begun to change and you’re feeling good and wealthy when you go into the same stores. Now maybe you’re ready to go to a more expensive store and see what comes up. Continue to observe yourself every day. With your single-mindedness you will begin clearing and transforming your beliefs about money and expanding your perception of your wealth. That’s when the real magic happens!

Read the next post Your Feeling About Giving

Affirmation of the Day - Hot waterIt’s not just a Blessing to have water on demand but hot water especially. I can’t even imagine living without hot water for cooking and bathing. But there are many people who do, including those who pay rent and live in a dwelling run by slumlords who don’t bother to maintain the property. So I AM very, very thankful for the Blessing of hot water and an always perfectly working hot water heater. When I say or think this affirmation I send Love and appreciation to the water heater, the pipes, everything and everyone involved in bringing this water to me.

Affirmation of the Day - CarMy beautiful car is a 1997 Nissan Pathfinder. She may have more years and mileage on her but I Love her. Up until 2017 I used to manifest car troubles somewhat frequently. In 2015-2016 I used these car troubles to help me release my fear. Fear of not having enough money to pay for all of these repairs. Fear of not being supported. I was also trying to understand how manifestation worked in terms of my thoughts in relation to the objects in my life. Do things break down just because we’re in a physical world with 3D density and it’s inevitable with age or are these breakdowns connected to my energy, thoughts and feelings? In 2017 I discovered Ascended Master Teachings through the I AM Discourses, Bridge to Freedom and more. I learned about my Mighty I AM Presence. I learned about the Beings of Universal Light Substance (science calls them electrons) that every physical object is made of. I learned that if I consistently hold my attention on the Perfection of God flowing through me that by extension all of the energy in my physical objects would also hold this Perfection. During this process I began to let go of more fear –  fear of being stranded on the street during traffic and the fear of getting into my car and not knowing if I would get home or if it would break down. At first it was hard to believe that this Higher Aspect of me would keep my car from breaking down just by saying some affirmations and focusing my attention on it instead of the imperfection that I see with my own eyes. I had to TRUST in an invisible Being instead of the physical world I perceive through my senses. The more I put my attention on my I AM Presence and the Higher dimensions instead of this physical world the more I KNOW that as long as I maintain my focus on above the physical objects in my life will also maintain their perfection. Things don’t have to break down if you raise your consciousness and maintain YOUR OWN Perfection. I have not had car troubles since 2016 and that is a big deal for me.

Freedom is such a magnificent feeling. Having the ability to go anywhere I want anytime I want is such a Blessing. But having the freedom and peace of mind knowing that my car (and all new cars I buy) will never break down again and that I AM always supported by my Mighty I AM Presence is a Blessing beyond words.

** Update May 2018** I contemplated this more because my car is still experiencing a wobbling at high speeds (this happened before in 2004, the trailing arms need to be replaced) and my windshield broke and I have yet to fix it. The answer that came to me is that if something is already broken before I begin using my affirmations, the Perfection of God isn’t going to magically fix it because my consciousness needs to be raised high enough to allow my Holy Christ Self to come through (this was the level of consciousness Jesus had when he performed those “miracles”) (miracles is in quotations because they are just normal occurrences of the Power of God – miracles to us because we have forgotten our Divinity). So I do need to take the human action of replacing these parts that are broken.

So what’s the point of saying affirmations then? When I repeat “I AM the Perfection of God flowing through me into my car” what actually happens is I am now qualifying the Perfection of God that already exists within each and every conscious, intelligent tiny Being of Universal Light Substance that my car is made of to once again sustain and maintain the Perfection of God within them because they were created to obey our commands and we are endowed with the Power of God to command them. So everything that is currently working perfectly will continue to work perfectly as long as I believe in the full power of my Mighty I AM Presence and keep my attention on it instead of outer appearances of imperfection. In other words, complete and absolute FAITH and TRUST that you are always taken care of by your God Self. Jesus can explain the power of “I AM” better than I can:

“When an individual thinks, feels, speaks or writes the words “I AM”, they immediately receive the attention of Life within them as well as around them. Why? Because the words “I AM” are the signal to intelligent Life to create. I learned this lesson at the feet of a Beloved Guru in India. I saw Life immediately obey the fiat or decree that followed this creative statement. It was at the feet of this Guru that I learned the power within the Creative Word “I AM” and began utilizing it Myself, enjoying the buoyant, uplifting feeling of the constructive use of any statement preceded by the word “I AM”… Life will obey you! It always has. Every creation that lives in your world constructively or otherwise is the result of the obedience of Life to your command someplace upon Life’s way. Turn to the constructive, positive, conscious use of the resurrection power of the Creative Word “I AM” and prove to yourself that intelligent Life will obey you and manifest according to your decree. There is no greater teacher than one’s own experience. TRY IT! I CHALLENGE YOU!”
– Jesus, excerpted from “The Challenge of the Christ”

**Update July 2018** For about a month now whenever I get into my car I’ve been saying either aloud or in my head, “I AM MY I AM PRESENCE DRIVING MY CAR, WRAPPING ME IN A BUBBLE OF INVISIBILITY (TO POLICE (because I like to go fast)), INVINCIBILITY AND INVULNERABILITY TO ANY AND ALL HUMAN CREATIONS, INCLUDING (BUT NOT LIMITED TO) CAR ACCIDENTS, ACCIDENTS OF ANY KIND, CAR BREAKDOWNS AND ANYTHING LESS THAN THY ALMIGHTY PERFECTION BECAUSE I AM THE PERFECTION OF GOD FLOWING THROUGH ME!” and not only do I have peace of mind knowing that I am always taken care of and looked after as I walk this physical life with ease and Grace, but my car doesn’t wobble so much now and I still haven’t gotten it fixed! I Love aligning my consciousness to my God-self instead of my human ego self!

Have fun with this and make your own or modify mine to fit your needs! Experience for yourself the Power of your Mighty I AM Presence because you probably won’t believe me until you do!

Affirmation of the Day - My BodyMy entire life I have always been healthy. As a kid I’ve never even broken a bone or been stung by a bee or anything other kids went through. My perfect health has continued long into my adult years even though I’ve gained weight and haven’t made the best choices in diet and nutrition. And even during the years I didn’t show my body any Love because I was unhappy with how it looked (even though I created it). It wasn’t until I discovered the book “You Can Heal Your Life” by Louise Hay and began doing mirror work that I started to give my beautiful body acceptance, Love and appreciation. I know what a Blessing it is to have such perfect health and I give thanks every day. I’ve also learned (through Ascended Master Teachings) that there is an Elemental attached to my physical body that helps maintain its optimal condition so I also send Love and appreciation to this Beloved Being as well.

Manifesting Money - Pick Up PenniesBefore I learned about the Law of Attraction whenever I walked by a penny on the ground I would leave it because “it’s just a penny” and it wasn’t important enough for me to bother. I had no idea that that split second thought in my head was broadcasting a vibration of rejection to the Universe. And every time I had a similar thought I was essentially telling the Universe, “No thanks, I don’t want wealth and money”. Now that I am aware of how my thoughts and feelings create my vibration about money I delight in receiving little gifts of change from the Universe. I don’t care if people look at me or what they think about me stopping to pick up some dirty penny on the street. I know better. I know that I am consistently projecting that I AM open to receive and am so very thankful for all that I have! Thank you bring me MORE!

*UPDATE April 2019*

I’ve turned picking up pennies into a game I play with my Incarnation Team/Soul/Higher Self. Whenever I go out and about I ask “How many coin present instant money manifestations will I line up to today?” and see how many they line me up to. Because I AM a cooperative component so they can put me in the right place at the right time to be where that coin is on the ground. One time in I went all day without even getting one and I thought, “Man people really need to start dropping some coins so I can pick them up! and I kid you not a few minutes later I heard a coin fall onto the ground so I waited until the person left and picked up a penny! I laughed with surprise and delight and it made my heart sing with joy that they heard me and answered my thought instantly!

Over the months as I’ve played this game they have given me coins in the most surprising places and are always surprising and delighting me. Every time I receive another one it makes me so happy and instantly raises my vibration. It’s like I’m a kid again playing hide and go seek with my invisible friends. And every time I receive another one it increases my confidence of manifesting and gives me the proof/evidence our mind thinks it needs in order to believe. The other day they lined me up to receive SEVEN coins in about two hours. Now I have SO MUCH fun playing this game and it has exponentially expanded my feeling about my ability to receive wealth and create money manifestations. I could care less what anyone thinks about me picking up coins on the ground because they don’t know what I know and I know that I AM building the momentum of wealth consciousness and because I LOVE RECEIVING INSTANT MONEY MANIFESTATIONS and am constantly affirming that I AM CONSTANTLY RECEIVING PRESENTS FROM ABOVE I know that ALL OF MY WEALTH COMES FROM ABOVE! Actually the weirder the spot where the money is the more it makes me feel like they put it there just so I could find it. My mom even joins me in looking for and picking them up! So the more fun you make it and the more ways you find to enjoy receiving money the more you affirm your love of money and ability to receive money freely, no strings attached. Because I AM ALWAYS RECEIVING MONEY FREELY!

Read the next post I Can Buy Whatever I Want