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Archangel Michael:

This is your brother, your fan, your cheer-leader, Archangel Michael. Yes, I am here to bring you: personal, holiday and RV CHEER! I come with messages that will be given one per day for the next 10 days. You see Dear Ones, as many beloved messengers have been presenting to you recently, this is a very special time. From now through the beginning of the year, you have an unprecedented opportunity to leave behind what no longer serves you in the arriving Golden Age.

As we go through this together, I will not just be urging you willy nilly to BE DONE with certain qualities because that would be nice. You have done the deep, often excruciating, long-term work to transmute these qualities, and now is the divine moment to release your grip on them once-and-for-ALL. Of course, I will be suggesting what loving qualities may replace the over-and-done lower experiences you may now set free.

When we channel live shows through the Can-Do Gals (Kathryn, Christine and Meg), we often encourage them first to share stories of their personal lives with you, so that in their sagas, you can see that your own wondrous, upside-down and inside-out life is absolutely understandable and even “normal” for a bright Lightworker healing and serving on the surface of Earth at this time. You are doing your “work,” which is to see, feel and release what no longer serves, as you now surge into the Light!

Be at ease. We are here. Billions of benevolent high dimensional beings are focused on YOU right now, so take a moment to let in their love, their soothing, their encouragement, their shared song of Peace on Earth, right now! You are surrounded by family, by friends, by comrades – in Love. Take a moment to settle yourself and to feel the ease we would offer. You are all stretched beyond capacity, meaning that you are ever increasing your ability to hold and emanate Light, which is none other than God.

It is true. Every time you invoke help or you ask for help, you invite God into the situation. It is done 100% and then some! How can I say that? Because Earth is blanketed in Divine Dispensations right now. How do you access these dispensations, these already given God-gifts for yourself and the for planet? All it requires is your heartfelt “YES” towards Truth. Towards God. A gentle alert: it is not a yes towards your own idea of truth, but the humble yearning to know real Truth. There is a Truth that is not subjective. If you go for THAT, then you will end up where you began: with God. You know the difference between your truth and Truth. We all do. The humble, grateful yearning for Truth opens the floodgates – the floodgates of your Prosperity, the floodgates of your Peace, the floodgates of the Company of Heaven and your Galactic family getting to come closer…and closer.

Oh, hurry up and open your hearts wider! Say “YES.” Eventually you will discover that the only thing you wanted all along was Truth. Make the leap! We want to throw our arms around you in such a way that you too know – without question or dispute – that it is happening, we are holding you close and treasured and dear. We already do; we already are. You know that trust exercise where you stand up tall, and then you fall straight back, and somebody catches you? Do it! We’ve got you! Oh, wait. It’s our turn. You might have previously not caught this important point: we are doing it too. We stand and strive and stretch our capacity to love and hold Light, and you catch us too. Remember, we are standing on YOUR shoulders! And you’ve got us, and you’ve got your Mission and you’ve got the purpose of restoring Light on Earth, and together, we are a Family. We are a team, and we are accomplishing our God-given plan of healing and fulfillment.

Be at rest within. Move only from the sacred flame that is God, within. Move from within outward. If you are unsure of where you stand within, GO WITHIN until you are certain and then ALLOW the movement to unfold. I speak to you in this way because all of you comprehend, recall and understand these Light-encoded words and transmissions. It touches the knowing within you. Be at peace.

The Freedom and Prosperity Programs are not going to happen FOR you. YOU are happening. You are rising for the Programs to unfold. It is inevitable with your own inner work, meaning your own inner Truthfulness, your own inner feeling, your own inner choice to choose the qualities of Love: kindness, laughter, joy, humor – that’s your transmutation, your transformation. That’s you!

All is right. Let’s get down to it:

#1 Arrogance

Set down your arrogance. Ask to see within, everywhere you still have arrogance. Now, the thing about arrogance is that NOBODY thinks they are arrogant. Nobody. That alone should be a clue to you. Be willing to look within to ask, “Where am I still arrogant?” Be expectant that you will perceive even the last flecks of arrogance: superiority, pride, overconfidence, underconfidence, annoyance, smugness, supremacy, dominance. Look for things like “I KNOW,” I’m RIGHT,” or “I would never do that!” Especially look for wherever you may still harbor the debasing disease which festers across the planet right now – especially in the more developed countries – entitlement.

What replaces arrogance is its antidote. As you displace your final specks of arrogance with God’s Healing Love, you will uncover the ultimate courage to always be your unabashed and true self. You will find: curiosity, patience and graceful modesty – also called meekness. You will be flexible and interested rather than rigid and demeaning. You will be compassionate. In all matters, you will naturally seek from the core of your being: “What is the highest good of all?” Even if that sounds strange, is a bit uncomfortable, or not your preference, you will find yourself wanting and willing to seek with devotion what truly serves the highest good of all, including you, including ALL.

With arrogance, you’ve got to just honestly face it and nip it in the bud. The key to healing arrogance and entitlement is true service to others.

It is my joy and deep honor to serve you.

I Am your Archangel Michael.

(channeled by Christine Burk)







Your ability to manifest money is completely dependent on the thoughts you think every day and the feelings they project in the Universe. Self-made millionaires and people who are successful visualize their success and maintain a prosperity mindset. Thoughts become things, and before you can make it happen in the physical world you have to first imagine, see and FEEL it in the energetic world! If receiving money makes you feel good the Universe will send you more of it.

Power of ThoughtsIf you think about how the beginning of creation started with the power of thought (because God/Prime Creator is pure energy), you would understand how powerful your thoughts are. Thoughts are pure energy and the driving force of creation; thoughts contain unlimited creative power. Before anything can become physical, it must first begin as thought before it can manifest into dense matter. When you go through your life with a mind that is cluttered with ANTs (automatic negative thoughts), your subconscious turns those thoughts into beliefs and those beliefs bring you evidence of what you believe. It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy cycle. Because you are completely unaware of the power of your mind, you feel like things just “happen” to you when in fact you are creating every single thing, good and bad, in your life. The more you begin to become mindful of your thoughts and how they make you feel, the more you will be able to create the life of your dreams.

This is a post from Health Ambition I found to be a helpful resource for your journey of positive thinking. Read the original here.

Every time you find yourself in a new situation, what are your first thoughts?

  • Are you the kind of person that thinks, “Oh God, this is horrible!”
  • Are you the kind of person that thinks, “Awesome, something new!”

There are basically two kinds of people: positive thinkers and negative thinkers. Did you know that negative thinkers tend to have more health problems than those who think positively? Not only can positive thinking make you healthier, but it can actually help you have a better life.

In this post, we’re going to take a closer look at the impact of both positive and negative thinking. By the end, you’ll be convinced that having a cheerful attitude toward life is the key to living for many years to come!

The Impact of Negativity

Negativity is kind of like an addiction. Once you start thinking negative thoughts, it’s easy to continue filling your head with them. But, as you’ll see below, it’s the WORST thing you can do for your health!

Negativity and Depression

A study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology examined the thinking patterns of college students suffering from depression.

  • Their first experiment found that negative thoughts always returned, even if students were able to repress them.
  • Their second experiment found that using positive thoughts helped to distract from the negative thoughts more effectively.

The study discovered that negativity just makes depression worse, as the negative thoughts accompanying depression tend to lead to more. These thoughts can undermine your attempts to control depression!

Negativity and Cognitive Function

In an experiment published in 2006 in the Journal of Clinical Psychology, people were divided into two categories: worriers and non-worriers.

Both groups were given categorization tasks, and both groups performed equally when the items they were categorizing were clearly members of a single category. However, when the ambiguity of the items’ categories increased, the performance of those in the worrier group decreased.

A second study found that performance increased as negative thoughts increased. Both groups were told to either “relax” or “worry“, and were given the same tasks. Those in the “non-worrier” category performed as poorly as “worriers” after just 15 minutes of worrying. Those “relaxing” performed better than their worrying counterparts, even if they were initially in the “worrier” category.

What does this mean? Basically, negative thoughts and anxiety reduces your cognitive function!

Negativity and Pain

A study published way back in 1990 found that negative thoughts increased pain sensations.

185 people suffering from chronic pain, sickle cell anemia, and rheumatoid arthritis were studied to see how negative thoughts affected their pain, and vice versa.

Those who thought negatively and had a lot of negative self-talk reported not only more pain, but also greater psychological distress. Patients suffering from chronic pain tended to have more negative thoughts during the painful flare-ups than those suffering from the intermittent pain caused by arthritis and sickle-cell anemia.

As you can see, pain may bring on negative thoughts, but negative thinking will just make the pain worse!​

Physical Symptoms of Negativity

According to the Mayo Clinic, negative thinking that leads to stress can wreak havoc on your body. When your worries and anxieties turn into stress, the following symptoms may set in:

Physical Symptoms:

  • Muscle tension
  • Muscle pain
  • ​Headaches
  • ​Chest pains
  • Reduction in sex drive and libido
  • Sleep problems and insomnia
  • Digestive problems
  • Fatigue

Emotional Symptoms:

  • Mood changes
  • Anxiety
  • Restlessness
  • Irritability and anger
  • Depression or sadness
  • Lack of focus and motivation

Behavioral Symptoms:

  • Change in appetite (either over or undereating)
  • Abuse of alcohol and/or drugs
  • Social withdrawal
  • Outbursts of anger
  • Tobacco/nicotine use

As you can see, negative thinking and stress can really mess with your health, so it’s time to change your mindset and start thinking positive thoughts!

What is Positive Thinking?

When people hear the term “positive thinking“, most of them automatically think of someone who only can see the good in all the bad stuff that happens in life. That definitely isn’t the definition of positive thinking, and it’s certainly not realistic. No one will ever only see the world through rose-colored glasses!

Positive thinking isn’t the same as trying to gloss over the negative things in life or ignore your problems. Positive thinking IS approaching the challenges life throws at you with a positive attitude. Instead of getting negative and worrying about a challenge, positive thinking will help you approach that problem with the attitude of “how can I make the best of this situation?’

When you find yourself in a situation, your mind tends to “explain” it to you. It gives you the explanation of why something has happened, and the way you explain it indicates whether you are a negative or positive person.

Let’s say you’ve just found yourself stuck at the office on a Saturday, doing extra paperwork:

  • A negative person will grumble about their boss “having it out for them“, and how they “always get stuck with the bad job“.
  • A positive person will just get the work done because it’s “something that has to be done, and I’m the one doing it”.

As you can see by the example, the positive person doesn’t enjoy the job any more, but he does realize that it’s not a bad thing. Positive thinking is very realistic, but it still finds a way to make the best of a bad situation.

Benefits of Positive Thinking

There are a surprising number of benefits offered by positive thinking, and you’d be amazed by how positivity can affect your health for the better!

Boost Immunity

Did you know that stress can reduce your body’s natural immunity to disease? Positive thinking helps to fight stress, thereby preventing it from messing with your immune system. In fact, positive thinking has actually been found to boost your body’s ability to fight off disease.

Improve Heart Health

Your heart is a surprisingly delicate organ considering all the hard work it does, and both stress and anxiety can mess with your heart function. However, positivity can lower your risk of heart disease, including stroke and heart attacks. People who think positively tend to exercise more, eat healthier, and live happier lives!

Fight Stress

As you read above, stress can lead to all kinds of health problems. Not only are there health problems CAUSED by stress, but nearly every disease and disorder on the planet is made worse by anxiety and stress. Positive thinking can help manage stress, thereby preventing a wide range of health problems!

Increase Resilience

Studies have found that positive thinking has helped victims of crises recover more quickly. Thinking positive thoughts helps you to be more resilient, enabling you to bounce back even from serious or traumatic experiences.

Extend Lifespan

A study conducted at the University of London found that seniors who thought positively tend to age healthier. This means that they suffered from fewer physical and emotional health problems as they got older. They even had a longer life expectancy than their negative counterparts!

Tolerate Pain

In one study published in Science Direct, positive thinking was proven to help people tolerate pain. Considering that stress and negativity causes pain sensations to be stronger, it’s easy to see how positive thinking can help reduce the pain–but it also helps you to take your mind off the pain, and thus tolerate it better.

Makes You Healthier

In numerous studies published online, researchers have found that people practicing positive thinking tend to be healthier thanks to the fact that they take care of themselves. They do more exercise, eat better, enjoy their hobbies and recreational activities more, are more socially connected, sleep better, and life better lives.

Prevents Hypertension

High blood pressure is one of the many things that can cause heart disorders, the #1 cause of death in the world today. Positive thinking has been proven to lower blood pressure, thereby preventing the risk of hypertension and other heart problems. Anxiety has been directly linked to heart problems, so positivity is the key to a healthy heart!

Other Benefits of Positive Thinking

The benefits listed above are all physical health benefits, but there are many more emotional benefits of thinking positively:

  • Deal with problems better. If you have a positive outlook on the problems you face, they’ll be easier to manage and overcome.
  • Enjoy your life more. After all, if everything in your life can be taken with a grain of positivity, you’ll find that life is so much more enjoyable!
  • Develop positive habits. Being positive keeps you away from harmful things like smoking, overdrinking, taking drugs, and overeating.
  • Boost your self-esteem. Once you get in the habit of thinking positively about external situations, you will soon get in the habit of being positive about yourself.
  • Form healthy, positive relationships. Being positive will cause you to look for the good in others, which will help you to form positive, productive relationships with them.

The truth is that positive thinking is one of the best things you can do for not just your physical health, but your emotional health as well!

How to Change Negative Thoughts to Positive Thoughts

Are you the kind of person who has a problem with chronic negativity? Are all of your internal thoughts put-downs and negative? Is your self-talk filled with the word “can’t”? If so, it’s time to change your negativity to positivity, for your health’s sake!

It’s not going to be easy to change the way you think, but it can be done! Here are some ways you can change your habits from negative thinking to thinking positive thoughts:


It may sound trite, but did you know that smiling has been scientifically proven to improve your mood and thought patterns? The muscles in your forehead are directly linked to your brain’s emotional center, and creasing them into a frown can make you moody and depressed. Smiling, on the other hand, sends positive, happy thoughts to your mind. Get in the habit of smiling more, and you’ll be happier all around!

Do Yoga or Meditate​

What makes Yoga such a great activity is that it helps you to bring your focus inward and listen to your self-talk. Meditation does the same thing, and both of these activities will help you to hear yourself and the way you think. If you hear a lot of negativity, make a conscious effort to replace those thoughts with positive ones

Consciously Replace Your Thoughts

Whenever you catch yourself thinking negative thoughts, make a conscious effort to replace it with a positive one. In fact, you can make it a habit that every time you think something negative about a person, situation, or challenge, you HAVE to think two or three positive ones. Within no time, it will become a habit!

Take Control of Your Life

Instead of complaining when you find yourself in negative situations, take control and don’t allow it to happen. Make a conscious choice of whether or not you will do something, and stop being a victim in your own life. Start thinking about your choices.

Be Around Positive Thinkers

Take a look at the people you call friends. Are they positive people always looking for the good in life, or do their attitudes trend toward the negative? Instead of hanging around people that will accompany you in your misery, find people that will help to pull you out of it. The more positivity you have in your life, the brighter the world around you will become.

Solve Someone Else’s Problems

Are you stressed or worried about a situation in which you find yourself? Take your eyes off yourself and start helping someone else deal with their problems. You may realize that your life isn’t as bad as you thought, and things are pretty darn great for you!


Science has proven that singing helps to fight depression and boosts your mood, so belt out your favorite Show Tunes now! The more you sing, the happier you’ll become. It’s a great de-stressing activity, plus it’s a whole lot of fun!



Just like you should surround yourself with positive people, you should also read positivity-reinforcing books, quotes, and materials. Find podcasts that inspire you, or listen to the TED talks. Find quotes on positivity and paste them around your house. The more positivity you surround yourself with, the better!

Make a list


Worried or stress about something, or have negative thoughts plaguing your mind? Instead of giving in to the worries, list the things that you have to be positive or grateful about. Make it a habit to form a list 5 to 10 items long every time your stress mounts.

The truth is that positive thinking is going to improve your life in EVERY SINGLE WAY, so it’s time to start replacing your old negative thoughts with new positive ones. Find ways to consciously catch yourself when you think negatively, and make it a habit to think positively in every situation.

I’m going to let you in on a secret: It gets better as you go!

It’s tough to get started thinking positively, and it will take you a while to form the habit of replacing old thoughts with new ones. However, if you begin the struggle to change your mindset, your efforts will soon start to snowball. Within no time, you’ll be a positive person all the way to your core!

Here’s an interesting motivational image I found at

Sources: ​




Don't Kill Your Ego Graphic

From many sources throughout my spiritual journey I have heard people talking about “ego death” and I never understood why they would want to kill a part of themselves. To me enlightenment is not about making parts of us disappear but rather to bring all to light and integrate into the whole. All aspects of yourself are important to living in this world. The ego is no less important but people have had to exaggerate it to survive for thousands of years. Now, as humanity has chosen to collectively awaken, it’s time to stop living from your ego and begin to live from your heart. Observe your thoughts, feelings and emotions. Become aware of how you feel when this or that happens. Awareness is the key to understanding yourself and the world you live in; without it you will continue to live blindly, not knowing why you do the things you do or why you created the life that shapes your reality.



Recently I was on and I read this post by Foster Gamble. It resonates with me so much I have to share it. There continues to be an intense amount of turbulence as the world undergoes the process of awakening and everything is just going crazy. At the same time, unity consciousness continues to grow as people choose love over hate and peace over war. I have much optimism for the future as we move into the Golden Age but it will continue to be quite a process as we work to get there.


Like anyone with their eyes open, I recognize the dangerously heated divide among people throughout our country and the world. I appreciate the high levels of engagement, and at the same time find the lack of open dialogue across worldview, and the outside provocateurs, to be unfortunate components of the recent activism. Nonetheless, I am encouraged by much of what I see happening in the world, and given my awareness of so much of the corruption, I wanted to explain why I feel optimistic.

As people who have seen THRIVE or follow Thrive Movement know, I am committed to following assumptions and money upstream, analyzing actions (not rhetoric) and assessing events through a lens of principles, not politics. In THRIVE we laid out how the U.S. was at risk of being subsumed by a globalist agenda, with individual sovereignty and personal accountability both being annihilated in the name of one-world governance and control. I continue to watch government land grabs for Agenda 21/2030, ramped up efforts to control the Internet, the move toward Bail-In legislation and the further authorization of the FBI to break into any computer anywhere, and more — all promoted by a media that is more than ever a megaphone for the globalists, the primary promulgators of “fake news.” So my optimism is not naive or absolute.

I suggest the quickest path to find some sense of inner peace about the controversial Trump administration is to acknowledge and look through the lens we revealed in THRIVE — that a small, elite international cadre of sociopaths is hell-bent on creating a New World Order — a One World Totalitarian State with them in charge.

The “GDA” has been using the government takeover of Healthcare, Education, the TPP, NAFTA, WTO, the Fed, false flag imperialist wars, unlimited immigration, mandatory vaccines and flu shots, the destruction of the economy, suppression of free energy, promotion of Agenda 21/30, Global warming and global carbon tax, the UN front for a global state with the NATO enforcement arm, the consolidation of dishonest mainstream media fronting for the globalists and much more…to create the conditions to seduce us into their New World Order, one world government, totalitarian police state.

For all his crass, ego-filled tweets and rants, his undermining of women’s right to choose what happens with their own bodies, his support of fracking and nuclear and coal, his inclusion of Goldman Sachs reps and neocons in his cabinet as well his lack of unifying principles for his policies, Donald Trump is nonetheless the only person I know of who could have both been elected and then gone directly after virtually all of the corrupt and lethal deceptions (listed above) upon which the Global Domination Agenda is built and depends.

Amidst all the divided and conquered hatred and vitriol, this guy has just in his first month confirmed his support for auditing the Fed, busted up the Big Pharma monopoly on U.S. government health insurance drugs, called out the bias and lies of the mainstream news and taken steps to counter toxic vaccines and to eliminate what was poised to be a mandatory vaccine policy nation-wide. He has cancelled the Trans-Pacific Partnership and seems to be listening to people whose experience he has elicited.

There is increasing evidence that Trump, along with Xi Xinping and Putin, is a dealmaker and not a warmonger — actually looking for ways to strengthen America from the inside out, as opposed to the political tyrants and imperialists that have waged non-stop wars of aggression from Johnson through Obama.

And there is real and increasing evidence that the world is waking up. Superpower world war has been avoided in Ukraine, in the South China seas and in Iran. The same powers that manipulated the U.S. taxpayer to support imperialist wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Sudan, Libya and Yemen are finally being neutralized. Syria is stabilizing as the U.S. shadow government war monster has been called out with the whole world watching. This could have been a proxy standoff with both Russia and China that could have easily led to nuclear confrontation and holocaust.

The unfunded death-web of obligations that is NATO — which started out as an alliance of protection against the threat of communism — has become a tool of Western imperialism that obligates all members to participate in any war that is claimed to threaten any of them. With such a structure, a single false flag or set of propaganda lies could trigger the use of countless missile bases that the U.S. shadow government has been installing around Russia and China. Here, too, I see Trump helping to weaken the stranglehold of the GDA by unpacking some of the real motives and dismantling many of the risky structures.

Another source of optimism is in the international arena where, on the financial side, the BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) — especially China — are skillfully and patiently orchestrating a non-violent move toward asset-backed financial systems on a worldwide scale. Globalist and Trilateral Commission co-founder (with David Rockefeller) Zbigniew Brzezinski, in handbook for world empire, The Grand Chessboard, described the greatest threat to Western dominance to be the possibility of an emerging alliance in the East that would draw in other countries. Now it is happening, and the emergence of a multi-polar world, based on trade instead of conquest, is a profound move toward peace.

Gold, silver and other commodity backing are moving free market transactions to a real, accountable and common sense basis. This move, along with Bitcoin and other peer-to-peer transactions, undermines the whole basis for globalist, central banking power — the fraudulent and counterfeit monopoly on printing money with no basis in real value.

This means fiat, debt-based money is going away and that fractional reserve lending will decrease and ultimately disappear. Gold exchanges will be for real minerals, not inflated paper supposedly owned by many entities simultaneously. Deals are being done between nations at the multi-billion dollar level through gold rather than the illusionary petrodollar.

The war on cash, intended to create a global cashless society with total financial control in the grips of the bankers, is ramping up, but is also being exposed by alternative media and obsoleted by alternative currencies.

The Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank was launched with $200 billion in gold backing — and countries all over the globe are joining in, despite the U.S.’s attempts to discourage them from participating in this alternative to the IMF and the World Bank.

The Dragon Alliance of Asia is willing to share its vast gold resources with the West to erase the unpayable debts and reboot the global financial system in a healthy manner — if only the so-called “leaders” from the West are willing to cooperate with the rest of the world rather than try to continue to cheat and dominate it. I am told by representatives of the Asian Dragon Alliance, that, whereas the Obama administration as puppets for the Rockefeller/Rothchild cabal blocked this offer at every turn, Donald Trump is reportedly aligned with potentially the biggest and most important deal in human history. We are watching this closely.

The desperate attempt by the would-be controllers to censor and suppress dissident opinions and information, and especially to cover up their agenda for global domination and the international pedophilia rings which are used as a control mechanism to scare and steer their puppets in positions of power, are finally coming to light. Drumming up the term “fake news” (replacing the no longer credible smear of “conspiracy theory”) is blowing up in the face of the would-be dominators as it brings to light the countless ways they have been creating their own fake news propaganda to manipulate our behavior.

Readership and profits of the Washington Post and New York Times have plunged into the red as the masses turn to alternative media for any semblance of what the heck is really going on. The desperation is blatant when the control cabal has to send self-admitted liar-before-congress James Clapper back to congress to tout Internet censorship, and to counter Trump’s calling out of the “blame the election on Russia” ruse.

The attempts to censor and shut down truth-tellers like Alex Jones, Mike Adams and Ben Swann show the desperation of the would-be controllers to keep the truth about conspiracies, banking schemes, toxic pharmaceuticals, pseudo-foods, and pedophilia from coming to light. But it won’t work. Major exposés of pedophile rings among so-called “leaders” are happening in England, the Netherlands, Indonesia, Canada and are even beginning in the U.S. with “Pizza-gate,” Los Angeles and others. Exposing their role in pedophilia provides an understandable and acceptable basis on which vast numbers of the psychopathic controllers are being and will continue to be arrested and taken out of positions of power.
We are seeing a dramatic global turn by awakening people away from the corrupt rule of increasingly centralized power. It is expressing itself in Brexit, the Trump election, the probable Frexit in France (and we will be seeing more in Europe). Many do not know what to turn toward, because they do not yet recognize that it is the State itself that creates, condones and constructs the tyranny of the few over everyone else. But even without realizing this, the arc is toward increasing sovereignty. It’s a turn away from globalism toward nationalism and toward localism that will, if allowed, continue until it finds the true unit of human wholeness — which is the individual, not the abstraction of “the group.” Meticulously honoring the intrinsic rights of the individual is what leads to true, voluntary community — which in fact best honors the needs of most people.

Kimberly and I are privileged to have met and vetted numerous geniuses with authentic and historic breakthroughs in health, energy, justice, environment, agriculture, economics and more. There is a tragic war on holistic doctors that has taken out more than 60 of them in the last year and a half — especially those working on effective natural treatments for cancer and exposing the autism/vaccine connection. This lethal battle is being waged in virtually every Sector, but that too is being exposed and skilled, principled professionals are focusing their efforts on protecting those who are bringing whole system breakthroughs to humanity. Many of our best healers are in hiding offshore after attempts on their lives, but we are working diligently with others now to create safe, legal systems and models to bring their offerings out. As the corrupt exoskeleton of the would-be controllers is crumbling, that will be accelerating. As it is, around the world, and finally even in the U.S., awareness and resistance are emerging on GMOs, glyphosates and chemtrails. Monsanto stock is plunging.

We are seeing not only the end of the American Empire but arguably of the whole concept of Empire. The Clintons, Bushes, Rockefellers and Rothschilds as well as the likes of Kissinger, Cheney, Blair, Sarkozy and Brzezinski are being exposed, some having to limit their travel and fearing their own arrests and incarceration for a myriad of crimes and abuses.

FREEDOM RISING — Light at the End of the Statist Rabbit Hole
Perhaps most importantly of all, an understanding of the distinctions, history and potential of true liberty and the Non-Aggression Principle is blossoming all over the world. For example, Stefan Molyneux, arguably history’s most advanced philosopher, had over 100 million downloads and views of in-depth material through his website in 2016. Even the so-called “alt right”, many of whom are still mired in the dogmas of religion and nationalism, but are otherwise devoted to anti-globalism, free speech, free but accountable markets, honest banks and individual sovereignty, is having a vast effect on hundreds of millions of young people worldwide and has a strong influence on the incoming U.S. presidential administration. Many on both sides of the political divide are feeling shaken and embarrassed by the brazen, anti-free speech violence perpetrated by so-called Antifa and black bloc elements — especially at U.S. universities as happened with the Milo Yiannopoulos event in Berkeley — the birthplace of the free speech movement! In Brazil, fast growing organizations among the youth are waking others up — through protests, education and clever social media campaigns — to the fact that socialism is dangerous — NOT cool, but protecting equal rights for everyone is what will work. More and more signs are appearing among the young at protests saying “Less Marx, More Mises!”

Acknowledging some of the significant good that I see Trump doing is not a blanket endorsement of his policies. I see a host of unprincipled violations in addition to the ones mentioned above: ignoring Israel’s treatment of Palestine, allowing water-threatening pipelines without sufficient safeguards, proposing “taking” Iraq’s oil, etc. (Releasing free energy tech will obsolete the whole issue of invading countries to take their oil.) However, for me, the key to separating out his ethical actions from his immoral policies is the compass of the Non-Aggression Principle — not partisan politics.

More international good news: Secret societies are getting exposed — including the Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg group, Roundtable, Royal Institute of international Affairs, Opus Dei, the Masons, Jesuits, Knights Templar, Parushim, Skull and Bones and on and on. People are waking up to why these powerful societies have to be secretive — that domination of human lives requires covert means, sexual exploitation and fraudulent accumulation of wealth and power. The light of truth, through the Internet and alternative media, is beginning to cleanse this scourge on humanity and protect countless lives both young and old.

I believe we have dodged a major bullet this election cycle with the still emerging rise of Socialism duping a caring but gullible and uninformed youth movement — seduced once again with the same false promise of free stuff — healthcare, education, housing, welfare etc. — that led thousands into tyranny, torture, starvation, murder, and wars in the Soviet Union, Germany, China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Chile, Argentina, Venezuela and many more.

Fortunately, I could go on and on about all of the signs that I am seeing that the life force is breaking through the concrete of oppression, speaking truth to power and lifting the veils of illusion that have kept human beings willingly voting for and paying their slave masters for centuries. This is going to be a year like no other. We could see free energy released, the waters decontaminated and coral reefs beginning to be restored, extraterrestrial contact disclosed, the Fed audited, the mainstream media held to account for their lies, financial systems restored to honest voluntary exchange, a surge in jobs and prosperity, humanitarian projects funded worldwide, cures for cancer, AIDS, ALS, MS, chronic fatigue, Parkinson’s and more supported and unleashed…

The power of reason and truth and the evolution of consciousness are ultimately unstoppable. They are who we are, and I feel grounded in my confidence that in my lifetime I will see at least the tipping point toward a global civilization based on integrity, true freedom and unprecedented voluntary collaboration dissolving illusionary boundaries and limitations.

The human family is still deep in strife — but now with the capability to blow ourselves off the face of the Earth. We are having to learn the principles of peace — and they are centered in the Non-Aggression Principle and moving beyond the superstition of having to be ruled. Sovereignty with accountability is the key to unleashing our suppressed creativity, aligning with natural forces and liberating the already existing solutions in every Sector of human behavior. This is the science of Love applied. This can manifest heaven on Earth — in our lifetimes.
We can look for deeper truths than propaganda and whose team should rule the rest of us. We can choose our loyalties based on eternal and universal natural principles, not on power politics.

This is what fills my outlook with light as I move forward into this new time.


Affirmation of the Day_Thank-you-blessings

Affirmation of the Day: I AM so thankful for everything that I have and all that I AM. Thank you for all of my blessings.

My life may not be nearly as I envisioned it would be by the time I turned 40 but I am working on making my dreams happen. While I do that I do my best to focus on the blessings I do have instead of what I don’t. Some days are better than others because naturally not every day is always going to be great as we work on releasing everything that no longer serves us but mostly I am able to stay positive or neutral and avoid the lower vibrations.


Manifesting Money Graphic

2015 was the year I really learned about how influential our belief system is in creating our reality. When you embark on the path of conscious creation and manifestation, you first must do extensive belief work to identify, heal and release the subconscious beliefs and energy patterns keeping you from achieving what you want. That’s the first step. Along the way you learn to be VERY observant of your thoughts and feelings because in them you will discover where the deep rooted resistance/sabotage from your ego/inner child/subconscious lives. There is much more to manifestation but this part is crucial. I will speak more about what I’ve learned about conscious creation in upcoming posts.





Energy extension graphic

Everything in your life is an extension of your energy. Things don’t “happen to you”. You create them in some way. Observe your thoughts and see how they make you feel.  Your energy creates your reality.

Our world was created with so many opportunities for us to grow and so much in our lives acts as mirrors for ourselves. If there is an area in your life that you’re not happy with, pay attention to your thoughts about it and how those thoughts make you feel because if they’re negative, that will manifest in your outer reality. Your thoughts are THAT powerful. Your energy is a mirror of your thoughts. Change your thoughts, change your energy and begin to change your life.





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Many people on Earth right now are Starseeds and they may not even know it. There are various websites and articles that help you determine if you are a Starseed but if you are on a spiritual path to awakening or enlightenment it’s highly probable that you are because we volunteered to come at this time to help humanity with the ascension to 5D. I was told my soul origin by two people (Mintakan and Hadarian) but don’t yet have that inner knowing of where I come from – I do feel that I am not of this world however!