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Manifesting-Money What I've Learned - Giving Money
Ascended Master Decree for Gratitude and Acceptance
Ascended Master Decree for Prosperity
Affirmation of the Day - I AM a magnet of attraction drawing to me all the wealth I desire to fulfill my Divine Plan
Affirmation of the Day - I AM wealthy in every possible way!

We live in a money world and when you live in a money world, money affects your life in almost every way. You feel it every day and it either makes life hard and miserable in scarcity or easy and joyful in prosperity. Abundance IS our Divine Birthright. One of the themes of 2020 is increasing prosperity as well as, of course, releasing old programs and paradigms that no longer serve us. One of these old programs is poverty consciousness. We simply cannot birth New Earth in its entirety as long as we are still running the lack and scarcity program and it is time to replace this outdated program with the 5D version of wealth/prosperity consciousness. Through Patricia Cota-Robles at, we have been given tools to help us reprogram ourselves to do just that. Together with the Company of Heaven, she is offering a book called “It Is Time for You to be Financially Free”, which this post is based on. God/Source did not create our scarcity mentality, WE did through our egos and falling from the higher frequencies to the lower where we are now. We severely pinched off the glorious flow, we dammed the river. We moved ourselves into the Land of Lack when we used to live in the Pure Land of Boundless Splendor, the Wonder-full World of Wealth as I call it. It is time for us to once again reclaim our Divine Birthright and release the patterns of imperfection because they are no longer serving us.

Maybe you’ve already been using the Law of Attraction with mixed or poor results. “Manifesting” is the hottest buzzword in the spiritual world right now with everyone claiming to be an expert in doing it. I’m certainly not claiming to be an expert in anything, but I have seen the Law of the Circle, aka The Law of Attraction at work throughout my life. I have successfully moved myself from living in the Land of Lack to the Wonder-full World of Wealth and am continually expanding into even more wealth in every possible way.

You Have to Give Away Money

Nothing radiates the wealth frequency like giving away money! When you give away money joyfully, not fearfully, the vibration you’re broadcasting is that you have so much money you can afford to give it away purely for the joy of giving just to give! All of your bills are paid, you are well fed, well clothed, well housed, all of your basic survival needs are taken care of and now you have plenty left to give to those in need. You have more than enough! YAY! When you’re truly broadcasting the wealth frequency you naturally attract more of the wealth frequency because you are in resonance with it. Everything is about frequency alignment. Your frequency NEVER lies and you can’t fake it. You know when you truly feel wealthy even if you aren’t yet a millionaire and you know when you are faking it because they feel very different. So if you want to receive more money, YOU HAVE TO GIVE AWAY MONEY, freely with no strings attached, no expectation of return from the recipient, simply for the joy of giving. Patricia calls this “seed money”. You do, however, expect a return from the universe, a tenfold return. For example, if you give away $5 you say, “This is a gift of Love that I am giving back to God/Universe in appreciation for my gift of Life. In fulfillment of the Law of the Circle, I AM receiving $50 from the infinite flow of God’s abundance, with the highest good for all concerned.”

The key is CONSCIOUSLY CLAIMING YOUR TENFOLD RETURN because unless you do that it may or may not return to you. You have to file a claim with the universe haha! Way better than with an insurance company because this one is fun and it’s guaranteed! After you claim your tenfold return, you feel the joy and gratitude for that gift. I’m sure you’ve heard this many times because it’s so true – gratitude and joy open the door to God’s abundance and they are indispensable catalysts for our tenfold return. Remember, your thoughts are electric and your feelings are magnetic, so the more you stay in the higher happy vibes the faster and more likely you are to receive what you want. Don’t let your mind/ego try to control it though. Once you feel the joy and gratitude of giving and knowing without a shadow of a doubt that you will receive your return, then LET IT GO OUT INTO THE UNIVERSE AND FORGET ABOUT IT. DON’T OBSESS ABOUT IT AND WONDER WHEN IT’S COMING. YOU’LL BLOCK IT AND RUIN YOUR CHANCE OF RECEIVING ANYTHING. GET OUT OF YOUR OWN WAY! Tell your ego to relax and let your heart take over. If you NEED this money to come to you the game is already over because NEED energy is lack energy and you’re still repelling it away from you as long as you desperately NEED it.

Feeling wealthy is easier when you have money

The most important thing I’ve learned over these years of transforming my wealth consciousness is that it’s very challenging to feel wealthy unless you have access to a good amount of money. Truly broadcasting the wealth frequency is something you do with every decision you make, everything you spend money on or give that makes you feel wealthy and financially free. It’s the same as broadcasting the poverty/scarcity frequency. It permeates your daily life, it structures your day, it dictates where you shop and how you live. It’s incredibly challenging, if not downright impossible in my opinion, to feel wealthy unless all of your basic needs are met and you have a decent amount of money left over every month that you can play with. Play with it because it’s a game! Because unless giving for the joy of giving feels easy, fun and free, you will only continue to give from scarcity consciousness and reinforce the fear of not having enough.

Read about my money manifestation journey here.

It’s important to know that the recipient of your money must be adding to the Light of the world and benefiting Life on this planet one way or another. It could be organizations or individuals as long as they are involved in any constructive activity you would like to support.

Giving to Homeless/Street Beggars

This is something I have long struggled with because of my beliefs about “what they’re going to do with MY hard earned money”. Because for all of my adult life except for the last few years, I’ve been in scarcity consciousness living month to month with just enough to cover my daily living expenses and I had to be very discerning in who I gave money to. Even $1 was a lot to give. And like a lot of people, I judged them based on their appearance and living situation. I know not everyone living on the street has an addiction but as we’re playing the limited information game I have no idea what their story is and what they’re going to do with the money I give them. I don’t see how they’re going to increase the Light of this world or benefit Life in some way. Of course I want to help them, but I want them to use it for food or anything good (constructive) for them, not drugs or anything that is bad (destructive) for them. But of course I can’t control how they spend the money once I give it to them. OR CAN I? The Ascended Masters can help with that!

The Fiery Christ Blue Lightning Protection

…Now if you will pour your Love to the Presence and ask your Mighty I AM Presence and the Ascended Host and the Great Central Sun Magnet you fill you with Our Luminous Love, the Great Central Sun Magnet’s Love and the Higher Mental Body so they can draw to you by that Love whatever there is in this physical world that can assist you to fulfill the Divine Plan, give you the convenience, give you the Protection, give you the Opulence you need to live harmoniously and constructively, and invincibly protected at the same time, so somebody else can’t come and take it away from you. The Great Central Sun Magnet can draw it to you. Our Love can give it to you. Your own Mighty I AM Presence and Higher Mental Body can pour forth in and around you the Love that automatically attracts it to you.

But after you get it, what are you going to do with it? Are you going to let somebody else take it away? Are you going to let somebody else misuse it? Are you going to let human creation, after you made the effort to produce something constructive, are you going to let human creation come in and desecrate It? Whatever you create by your own Love and Light, you are responsible for it.

But if you call forth the Ascended Masters’ Fiery Christ Blue Lightning Protection of whatever you call into your outer use, or into any manifestation of the physical world, Our Protection is a Blue Lightning Charge of Electrical Force that can annihilate absolutely anything. Therefore you can have Indestructible Protection to anything and everything you want to create in the physical world to fulfill your Divine Plan the Ascended Masters’ way and to be a blessing to the rest of Life wherever you abide; and you don’t have to live in the fear and the destruction of individuals who as yet will not serve the Light.

I AM Discourses on Supply, Vol 19, Discourse XIII

The Fiery Christ Blue Lightning Protection Affirmations

This is what I say every time I give money to a homeless person in addition to blessing them with the Love of God/Source.


You Must Do Your Shadow Work

Another major activity that must be done in order to transform your scarcity consciousness is releasing and transmuting all of the etheric records, belief systems and memories you have created – IN ALL OF YOUR CONCURRENT LIVES, NOT JUST THIS ONE – that are vibrating with poverty consciousness. These live in your subconscious operating system. Then you must reprogram yourself with patterns of wealth consciousness. No easy feat! That’s why it’s such a long term process so go easy on yourself.

Unless you actively heal, clear and release your limiting beliefs about money you will continue to repel it away from you because your subconscious operating system is stronger than your conscious mind no matter how badly you want to receive money or what you want to do with it. You cannot transform your scarcity consciousness into prosperity consciousness without first acknowledging the fears, the beliefs, the thoughts and feelings you have towards money. Humanity is holding so much programming based in scarcity consciousness everyone has a multitude of energy blocks and distortions to clear so don’t get frustrated with yourself if you’re not receiving the money you wish you were. We have reduced the Waterfall of Wealth that is our Divine Birthright from the Infinite Flow of God’s Abundance to a pitiful trickle of meager rations. You must do the work necessary to restore the flow to the mighty free flowing Waterfall once again.

There is just too much information to cover in a blog so I highly recommend for you to just buy the book so you can read everything you need to know to clear this in yourself. There are other invocations you can give that will really help your efforts. Also if you’re like me you like having a resource you can refer back to whenever you need it. It’s only $12 and it will be the best investment in yourself you will ever make. I receive absolutely nothing other than helping my brothers and sisters free themselves from the chains and prison of not having enough when the Garden of Plenty is available for all. I am here to co-create New Earth and I can’t do it without you so hurry up and get it already! Buy it “It Is Time for You to be Financially Free”

I Love You All!!

Rigid Mind graphic

Life doesn’t have to be so hard! Life becomes infinitely more difficult to navigate when you have a rigid mindset, a closed mind that is attached to limited outcomes or results. But when you choose to cultivate a more flexible mind that is not set on certain expectations life opens up and becomes so much easier to handle!

When you live from an ego consciousness it is extremely rigid because that’s what it considers safety and what it can control – nothing changing always staying the same in a little tiny box, a little tiny world. When you live from a soul/higher self consciousness your mind is way more flexible and adaptable, you release the need to control everything and are more willing and able to go with the flow of life.

Suffering is a choice, not a requirement for living on Earth as part of your human incarnation experience. When your consciousness is so focused on the external world and you refuse to claim your power and know that you are responsible for the life you are living you cause yourself to experience more unnecessary suffering by playing the victim game instead of taking ownership for your thoughts, feelings, beliefs and actions. Stop letting your ego control you and start letting your soul/higher self take the reigns and begin living the empowered life you are meant to.

Being observational rather than judgmental of your circumstances and experiences is what helps keep you in empowered forward movement, for it is your inner wise one that does the observing and navigates by responding rather than reacting. This allows you to stay out of resistance and to stay in the flow. It is the flow that supports you in every now moment, and if there is anything that needs to be adjusted or tended to, it will naturally come up into your awareness.

You can find balance in the midst of any storm by anchoring deeply into your faith and trust and inner knowing, secure in the fact that every single phase of the unfoldment is serving you in some way, even if you do not have the vantage point to fully understand how at this time. Navigating through the unknown with wisdom and presence is the specialty of the heart, Dear Ones, and the skill you are honing right now that will allow you to fully receive the gifts of transformation that are available to you during these unprecedented times.

Read original message here.

Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Expansion is exactly what satisfies your soul and allows new discoveries to be made that enhance your life expression and reflect your latest level of attainment. Dear Ones, it is not change that creates discomfort, it is the resistance to it! Embrace the unfoldment, for it lovingly leads you to the next highest possibility that exists just beyond what you can see. The flow is the vehicle to get there, and it contains every support you could ever possibly need.

Read original message here.

Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

What you will learn as you continue to move forward in these accelerated times is that your self expression is continually shifting and expanding to reflect your growth and latest level of attainment. Nothing is carved in stone, Dear Ones, and anything you attempt to make solid and immoveable will become a hindrance over time.

It can be worthwhile to examine anything that you have taken a hard stand or declaration about in your past. Is it true today, or is it a reflection of who you used to be? Was it based on fear or a desire to control? Does it feel like stagnant energy? Is it holding you back? Does it match the energies of today? Can you loosen up your constraints in that area, or is it time to release it once and for all?

Embracing the unfoldment of the shifting energies combined with your own ever evolving expression of self is how you will have everything you could ever need in order to keep moving forward in the ways that best match you and your soul’s intentions. There is much joy and discovery to be had if you shift into making all your decisions based on the truth of the present moment.

Read original message here.

Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Your health is completely in your hands. It’s not in your doctor’s or anyone else’s hands but yours. You have forgotten that and have given away your power to your ego and other people. Now it’s time to TAKE BACK YOUR POWER!

It’s time to remember how powerful a creator you are and how powerful your thoughts are. Your thoughts combined with your feelings create your reality, including your wellness or illness.

When you begin consistently building a spiritual practice and determine to regain control of your mind from your ego and external forces by focusing your energy and attention on a higher power or Spirit you begin to receive assistance from your Higher self/soul and other beings in the higher frequencies that aid you in staying on the spiritual path and helping you to train your mind to focus only on the positive and uplifting instead of the negative and depressing.

Train the Consciousness to Contemplate Only Good

Unawakened men and women are bound by the three-dimensional plane because they do not know of the Creative Power that is conferred upon them individually, and which regulates their life’s experiences.

Therefore, they use their consciousness to SUSTAIN their estate rather than to IMPROVE it. This consciousness mirrors their family, their environment, their race, and then through the creative power within itself, re-projects that which is entertained within it.

Strong souls, from time to time, have broken away, with great effort, from the pattern of their people through the help of an Ascended Being Who placed upon their consciousness a strong impression that they were receptive enough to grasp. However, such people become exceptions to the rule.

With chelas (students), however, once they become aware of the fact that what they entertain in consciousness becomes fact for them, there should come a complete transformation of the inner nature wherein it no longer accepts the reports of the senses which lead to a limited and imperfect expression of the mind, body and affairs.

Such chelas must take their consciousness firmly in hand and dislodge it from its rut of acceptance – shaking it free as you would shake a dust-mop from the window. This process will have to be repeated again and again because the consciousness settles back into its socket by habit and by its own weight.

When you DETERMINE to disconnect that consciousness from the mass mind, you immediately draw the attention of one or more Members of the Ascended Host. They begin to play Their Light into your consciousness which absorbs and entertains more of the Divine Plan in thought and feeling. This makes the sum total of the consciousness lighter and more pliable.

Then, as you consciously TRAIN it to contemplate GOOD, and refuse, repeatedly, to allow the tentacles to reconnect with limitation, you will find it becoming easier to tune into the Golden Age EVER-PRESENT until there will be no instinctive desire of the consciousness to rush back to its former estate every time you let down on your conscious application; and then it will learn to ride above the mass mind on the Wings of Light. Then your steady state of being, like that of the adept, will be a constant perception of and acknowledgement of PERFECTION.

The disconnecting process with the old, and the process of re-orienting the mind with the new is the most difficult period, but it is one which receives the greatest assistance from the Ascended Masters, and you can ask Them to take hold of your consciousness and enfold it in Their Cosmic Hearts. You can insist upon the assistance of the Christ within in this respect, and as your consciousness begins to respond only to expressions of Perfection, both your physical vehicle and your affairs will reflect your corrected thought and feeling.

Excerpted from “Divine Consciousness” at

The human is a physical vehicle that enables your high frequency soul/Higher Self to exist in this low frequency environment. It’s comprised of components called the Four Lower Bodies – the etheric, mental, emotional and physical bodies. The physical body is made of the densest, heaviest energies which is why it’s the only one we can see with our physical eyes. As the densest, it’s the last stop for the energy elevator. Dis-ease is created first in one of the three higher bodies then finally manifests as illness in the physical body. Your body is made of billions of intelligent cells and subatomic particles of Universal Life Substance, we call them electrons, that are obedient to your every conscious or way more likely, unconscious, command. They create in your physical body what you create in your thoughts and feelings. The body does not randomly create illness or dis-ease on its own. You are the God of your own world and they do what you tell them to do!

So when you tell them by consistently repeating and BELIEVING these affirmations you are programming them to do what you say. You are always programming yourself through your thoughts and feelings and you get to choose if they are positive and productive or negative and unproductive.

You CAN become immune and invisible to virus and bacteria by raising your vibration and being only in alignment to good health and wellness by keeping your house in order – your thoughts and feelings as well as taking good care of your body as the Temple of the Most High.

The lower figure on the chart is what might be called your container of self. It contains your four lower bodies. These are interpenetrating energy bodies that co-exist in the same space because they vibrate at different levels of frequencies:

The identity body, also called the etheric body. The contents of your identity body define your sense of identity. How do you see yourself, how do you see God, how do you see the world and how do you see the interaction between them? Do you see yourself as a spiritual being who is here to take dominion over the Earth or do you see yourself as a material being, a product of the Earth with no power to change it?

The mental body contains your thoughts. It is here you form a mental image of the specific things you want to do in the material world and how to accomplish them. This mental image will be based upon your sense of identity, which defines parameters for what you think you can or cannot do. Thus, if you identify yourself as a human being, you will limit what you think you can do.

The emotional body is obviously the seat of your feelings. Emotion means Energy in MOTION. Your thoughts are mental images, but in order to become actions or manifest forms, they must be set in motion, and this happens at the level of the emotional body. However, this body also contains your desires, and they can conflict with your higher goals. Ideally, your emotions should be reflections of your thoughts that are reflections of your sense of identity that again is a reflection of your Divine individuality. Yet it is common that the emotions take on a life of their own and seek to run your life instead of being controlled by your thoughts.

The physical brain and the carnal mind. Many materialistic scientists believe all of our thoughts and feelings are products of the physical brain. And while this is not correct, it is indeed correct that the physical brain is a very complex computer that is fully capable of producing many of our thoughts and sensations.

However, the physical brain is only the hardware for a level of the mind that the ascended masters call the carnal mind. This is the mind that is in charge of taking care of the needs of the physical body, such as the need for protection, food and propagation. The essential question now becomes: which of your four lower bodies is your conscious mind centered upon?

Read full article here.

Kim Michaels,

Energy Hygiene

Bacteria and virus particles are very low frequency and you only come into alignment with them when you accumulate low frequency energy in your energy bodies through stress and other unproductive activities and habits. So consistent self-care is essential to keeping your vibration high enough to be out of alignment (immune) to attracting and receiving into your energy bodies any forms or types of illness causing virus and bacteria.

Your conscious mind – thoughts and feelings – are made from energy. Just as a magnet can attract iron filings, energy also has a certain electromagnetic force. Thus, an accumulation of anger waves in your energy field can exert a magnetic pull on your conscious mind and make you more prone to respond to situations with anger.

It now becomes clear that stress is an accumulation of low-vibration energy in your energy field. Thus, the key to successful stress-management is to learn how to protect your energy field from lower energies and purify it from energy that has already entered. The positive aspect of this is that it is quite easy to transform lower energies into a higher vibration. As your mind has the ability to generate lower energies such as anger, it also has the ability to transform such energy. This will be explained in more detail later.

Read original article here.

Kim Michaels,
Spiritual Reasons for the Coronavirus and Ways You Can Help Stop It
Affirmation of the Day I AM the Violet Fire Transmuting Fear into Love Everywhere I Go

This article is reposted with permission from

March 11, 2020

First and foremost, we are invoking the entire Company of Heaven and the I AM Presence of every person to blaze the Emerald Green and Violet Flame of Healing Through the Power of Infinite Transmutation in, through and around the physical, etheric, mental and emotional bodies of every person who is now, or will in the future, experience the Coronavirus. We decree that this Healing occur in perfect alignment with every person’s Divine Plan and the highest good for all concerned.


In the midst of the misinformation, disinformation, incompetence, chaos, fear and panic that we are being bombarded with at this time our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven are asking us to step back, so we can perceive the bigger picture and the opportunity at hand.

Since the Birth of 2020, we have been receiving information from On High that is revealing the monumental shifts of energy, vibration and consciousness Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth are NOW experiencing. Since the completion of the Eclipse Series that Birthed this New Decade, Humanity’s I AM Presence has been able to Heal the genetic wounds created by our fall from Grace. These wounds are referred to by the Company of Heaven as “enslavement codes.” Our fragmented and fear-based human ego has used these genetic “enslavement codes” to manipulate and control us since our fall into separation and duality millions of years ago.

We are being told by the Beings of Light that now the “cords” that have kept us attached to the old Earth mutated human template of our physical, etheric, mental and emotional bodies have been severed. This means that our fallen human ego can no longer tamper with our Earthly Bodies and our “enslavement codes” can no longer affect us adversely. This life-transforming event paved the way for the next step of the Divine Plan for this New Decade.

 The Company of Heaven revealed that after the successful Healing of the wounds from Humanity’s “enslavement codes”, Humanity en masse reached a critical frequency of vibration that created an unstoppable shift of consciousness. This shift is not occurring outside of us. This is a very cellular based TRANSFIGURATION that is occurring within the Core of Purity in every Electron of our Earthly Bodies.

The Company of Heaven said this quantum shift created the sacred space for every person’s I AM Presence to, at long last, RELEASE THE KARMIC BIRTH TEMPLATE that was encoded within our DNA by our fragmented and fear-based human ego after our fall from Grace.

To understand the magnitude of what this means for each and every one of us, the Company of Heaven said that the Karmic Codes within the DNA of this grossly mutated human birth template contain the distorted patterns of aging, disease, mental and emotional dysfunction and even death as we have experienced it for aeons of time. It was never the Divine Intent of our Father-Mother God for the Daughters and Sons of God to experience these painful challenges in our Earthly Bodies.

Once these unfathomable shifts were God Victoriously accomplished by the I AM Presence of every person on Earth, the Light of God that pulsates with the Immaculate Concept of Humanity’s 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light Bodies began flowing into the Core of Purity in every Electron of Humanity’s Earthly Bodies. Now, this tremendous influx of Light is pushing everything that conflicts with the perfection of Humanity’s Earthly Bodies to the surface to be healed and transmuted back into Light. Part of this purging is manifesting as the Coronavirus.

Because we are One, and there is NO separation, the Global focus of attention on the Coronavirus by the masses of Humanity has created a collective Cup of Consciousness through which the Light of God is flowing to accelerate the purging process occurring in the outer world. You and I and the rest of awakening Humanity have the ability to command the Light of God flowing through the collective Cup of Humanity’s Consciousness to accomplish this essential purging process in a gentler and less traumatic and painful way.

Our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven have given us some very powerful activities of Light that will greatly assist us in this Holy Endeavor. I will briefly describe each activity of Light in this email. I have also included links to three different PDF files that you can download onto your computer, so you will have a copy of these activities of Light to utilize whenever you or people you choose to share them with are inspired to add to the Light of the World in this critical and Heart-based way.


I AM my I AM Presence and I AM One with the I AM Presence of ALL Humanity. As One Consciousness of Pure Divine Love I invoke our Father-Mother God and the Legions of Light throughout Infinity. Beloved Ones, come forth NOW!

I AM One with ALL of these magnificent Forces of Light. Through my sincere Heart Call, they have joyously come to help Humanity’s I AM Presence empower and sustain the Lightwork of every man, woman, and child on Earth one thousand fold.

Beloved Legions of Light, I ask that you gather up every Electron of precious Life energy being expended by Humanity during this sacred and holy time. Purify this energy with the power and might of a thousand Suns using the NEW 5th-Dimensional Solar Frequencies of the Violet Flame of God’s Infinite Perfection. Weave this purified energy into the collective Cup of Humanity’s Consciousness, so that every Electron of precious Life energy released by the Sons and Daughters of God at this time will be used to exponentially expand the Light of God on Earth and bring the purging process we are now experiencing to a gentle and God Victorious conclusion. And so it is, Beloved I AM.


 The Coronavirus predominately attacks a person’s respiratory system. Our Father-Mother God have given us powerful activity of Light that will enable each of us to strengthen our respiratory system and Breathe a higher frequency of God’s Pure Source Oxygen into our lungs. If each of us will regularly use this Rhythmic Holy Breath and command our I AM Presence to Inbreathe God’s Pure Source Oxygen and project this purified Air through our Earthly Bodies into the physical world of form we will be able to Transcend the pollution in the air we breathe and lessen the adverse affects of the Coronavirus.

Click here for the link to the PDF file for GOD’S PURE SOURCE OXYGEN.


 Now according to the Company of Heaven, in this New Decade we will be given opportunities to accelerate our Transfiguration of our Earthly Bodies in ways that have never before been attempted. Our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven have assured us that these opportunities will be revealed to us step by step as we progress through this New Decade.

 One of the first things we will learn about is the Core of Purity within every Electron of precious life energy. Purity is at the Heart of all Creation, and it is an extremely important quality that we must learn to utilize during the physical TRANSFIGURATION process that our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven will guide us through this decade.

The frequency of Purity within the Core of Purity in every Electron vibrates so rapidly that no discord can enter into it or contaminate its radiance. The misqualification occurs when we cloak the electrons in vibrations that are not based in Love. Every form of pain and suffering is the result of Humanity, in some time frame or dimension either known or unknown, placing a cloak of shadow around the Electrons within our Life Force as we send them forth through our negative thoughts, feelings, words and actions.

Once we fully comprehend this profound Truth, we will know that regardless of how bad our life situation seems or how painful our physical condition is, the Purity of God’s Perfection is STILL pulsating in the Core of Purity in every electron manifesting as these difficult experiences.

Our God Parents want us to know that every Electron is an intelligent form of Life that will respond to the COMMAND of our I AM Presence. Since these tiny Light Beings must obey the Divinity in our Heart Flames, we have the ability to speak directly to them and to command through the Power of God—I AM—that they continuously and permanently expand the Flame of PURITY and TRANSFIGURATION pulsating at their very Core.

Within this Core of Purity every Electron is waiting even NOW to be released from its cloak of darkness, so that it can manifest the perfection of God’s original Divine Plan. Today, our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven are asking us to join our Hearts with theirs to do just that. If you have the Heart Call to do so, please join with me and the thousands of Lightworkers around the World who are empowering this activity of Light with us. And we begin…

Click here for the link to the PDF file for THE DECREE TO THE ELECTRONS


Due to the unprecedented influx of Light that has taken place over the past several years, the I AM Presence, which is the Divinity within every person’s Heart Flame, is at long last reclaiming dominion of our Earthly experiences. The Divine Intervention of our I AM Presence is allowing the entire Company of Heaven to work more closely with us than ever before.

These selfless Messengers of our Father-Mother God are asking us to join with them now, in unified consciousness, to empower the Planetary Grid of Transfiguring Divine Love that Lightworkers have been cocreating on behalf of Humanity and Mother Earth over the past 50 years.

This activity of Light will enable the Planetary Grid of Transfiguring Divine Love to assimilate the unfathomable influx of Light our Father-Mother God will breathe into it, in a rhythmic momentum, during Humanity’s Global focus on the monthly Free Seminars being offered by Era of Peace in the United States of America. The Divine Intent of this influx of Light is to expand the Lightwork of every single person on Earth one thousand fold.

Due to the uncertainty of the Coronavirus, and to be sure the Lightworkers who attend our Free Seminars every month are safe, we have made the difficult decision to postpone our Free Seminars for the next three months. This means that the seminars in Houston, Texas on March 15, 2020, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma on April 19, 2020, and Atlanta, Georgia on May 17, 2020 will be cancelled for now.

The our Father-Mother God are asking Lightworkers around the World to please empower the activity of Light they have given to us so they will have a collective Cup of Consciousness through which to infuse our Planetary Grid of Transfiguring Divine Love with their unfathomable Light.


Read the original article here.

God Bless You, Patricia Cota-Robles   Era of Peace PO Box 17446, Tucson, Arizona 85731-7446 Phone: 520-885-7909, Fax: 520-347-5440

This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as it is offered for FREE, it is not altered, and the proper credit line is included.

Affirmation of the Day I AM the Violet Fire Transmuting Fear into Love Everywhere I Go
Affirmation of the Day I AM the Calm of the Eye of the Storm All Around Me
Affirmation of the Day I Have Transcended the Turbulence of Fear
Affirmation of the Day I AM Transcending the Turbulence of Fear

The coronavirus is the perfect opportunity to take back control of your mind and feelings/emotions. How much longer do you still want to let fear control you? To let your feelings/emotions control you? Are they in control or are you? For millennia humanity has been ruled by their emotional body and letting fear, worry, anxiety and all of the lower frequency emotions overtake their behaviors and actions. We have also been blessed with a mental body that governs our thoughts. A highly evolved person is one that has balanced both their emotional body and their mental body and is able to stay calm and rational while simultaneously compassionate, loving and detached. It’s time to balance the duality within you. Are you going to take advantage of this time to balance and reset yourself?

Love is the antidote to fear. Fear is the lack of Love, the opposite in this relative, dualistic universe/multiverse that we live in and because we believe in it so much is just as strong as Love is. Sometimes when you’re in the throes of fear it can feel even stronger than Love but it’s not. The reality is there is only Love when it comes down to it. Everything else is a derivative because our Source-Origin is only Love and it is only in these lower frequencies does fear even exist. Through experiencing fear we truly experience Love and know it on a much deeper level because contrast enables us to feel and experience both sides.

But the time has come to release fear. We have explored every variation, every nuance, played every fear game and caused each other to experience fear in every possible way we could think of. Fear has ruled humanity and our Beloved Earth for millions of years and now it’s time for Love to reign once again.

We are now, and have been, in this transition for decades. The transition from fear to Love, 3rd density to 5th density, from ego control to soul/higher self control, from power over others to power over yourself and taking responsibility for your life. And when you have as many different levels of consciousness all living together as we do, it’s not going to be an easy transition for all. Which is now manifesting in the form of the coronavirus. Like everything, it only affects certain people. But fear is affecting almost everyone. Fear is the real virus and it’s being revealed as people disconnect from their mental bodies and rational minds and let their emotional bodies filled with irrational fear take control of their actions and behaviors. Here is a message from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Fae Elders, Angels, and Archangels known as the Collective:

We would only point out the many hundreds of lives you have lived on this a low-vibrational planet over many thousands of years. For the vast majority of those lives, survival was your main interest. Life on Earth was not only challenging and unsure. It was chaotic and untenable in many respects, in many places, for a very long time. So that the very cells of your body have (until the recent powerful influxes of Light now reaching the planet), been tuned mainly attuned to struggle and fear of loss or death. As you see reports on your news programs and speak with others about a virus that your officials claim has no cure (though all illness is curable), your survival mechanisms leap into action. 

These send warning signals throughout your mind and body, telling you to run and hide, fight the assailant, or freeze with shock or panic. This flight-fight-freeze reaction is well-known to you as being the opposite of the centered calm that humanity is increasingly moving into. Yet many are succumbing to these early and middle Earth age human reactive moments, as if this were the only sensible way to behave. You have by now read in a number of places that the greatest deterrent to having a strong immune system is holding the emotion of fear. The pressure that fear and panic put on the body mean that the stores of nutrition, inner coping mechanisms, and physical endurance must fly to those parts of the body and emotions most in need of assistance.
Read the original message here.

A Message to Lightworkers Caroline Oceana Ryan

Stop focusing on this one virus and think about the bigger picture at hand, that humanity is one step closer to FREEDOM! Because of the massive influx of Light we are constantly getting closer and closer to releasing all of the old paradigms of power over others and moving towards manifesting our next great Golden Age! Next I share a message from Patricia Cota-Robles and the Company of Heaven:

Since the Birth of 2020, we have been receiving information from On High that is revealing the monumental shifts of energy, vibration and consciousness Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth are NOW experiencing. Since the completion of the Eclipse Series that Birthed this New Decade, Humanity’s I AM Presence has been able to Heal the genetic wounds created by our fall from Grace. These wounds are referred to by the Company of Heaven as “enslavement codes.” Our fragmented and fear-based human ego has used these genetic “enslavement codes” to manipulate and control us since our fall into separation and duality millions of years ago.

Now the “cords” that have kept us attached to the old Earth mutated human template of our physical, etheric, mental and emotional bodies have been severed. This means that our fallen human ego can no longer tamper with our Earthly Bodies and our “enslavement codes” can no longer affect us adversely. This life-transforming event paved the way for the next step of the Divine Plan for this New Decade.

The Company of Heaven revealed that after the successful Healing of the wounds from Humanity’s “enslavement codes”, Humanity en masse reached a critical frequency of vibration that created an unstoppable shift of consciousness. This shift is not occurring outside of us. This is a very cellular based TRANSFIGURATION that is occurring within the Core of Purity in every Electron of our Earthly Bodies.

The Company of Heaven said this quantum shift created the sacred space for every person’s I AM Presence to, at long last, RELEASE THE KARMIC BIRTH TEMPLATE that was encoded within our DNA by our fragmented and fear-based human ego after our fall from Grace.

To understand the magnitude of what this means for each and every one of us, the Company of Heaven said that the Karmic Codes within the DNA of this grossly mutated human birth template contain the distorted patterns of aging, disease, mental and emotional dysfunction and even death as we have experienced it for aeons of time. It was never the Divine Intent of our Father-Mother God for the Daughters and Sons of God to experience these painful challenges in our Earthly Bodies.

Once these unfathomable shifts were God Victoriously accomplished by the I AM Presence of every person on Earth, the Light of God that pulsates with the Immaculate Concept of Humanity’s 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light Bodies began flowing into the Core of Purity in every Electron of Humanity’s Earthly Bodies. Now, this tremendous influx of Light is pushing everything that conflicts with the perfection of Humanity’s Earthly Bodies to the surface to be healed and transmuted back into Light. Part of this purging is manifesting as the Coronavirus. Read the entire message here.

Patricia Cota-Robles channeling the Company of Heaven, March 11, 2020

This last channeling is from Anna Merkaba and the Pleiadians. It’s really wonderful being so connected and receiving so many different yet similar messages from Above that inform, educate and comfort us to the greater reality of what is happening on our glorious planet right now.

What you are all witnessing at this very pivotal moment in time is simply a reprogramming and restructuralization of the platform on which you dwell. Old programming giving way to new understanding of Being, and making way for a true coherent energetic pathways to make way for all to experience Love, unconditional understanding and benevolence.

For the energies of your world has had to come to a halt, in order to magnify the issues at hand, in order to pin point to all the errors of the past, and to instill a new cognitive understanding of that which is. For the time has come to pay attention to that which truly is important, and that which truly fuels your world and all of creation, and to finally align humanity with its highest potential and be benevolence of Being, highest potential and recognition of it’s true intentions.

What we are trying to say to you dearly beloveds is the time has come to find peace within, to find the order within the chaotic unfolding upon your planet. And so and thus, as we have already advised you in our previous messages to you, all that you are witnessing is simply a release, of the energies that no longer belong on your planes of existence, and the institution of a new paradigms, new way of life, new thinking patterns.

Albeit the seeming chaos, the true intentions of said experience is that of testing the momentum, testing the grounds and magnifying the underlying core issues of the societies built upon the misunderstanding of the true intention of Being.

And so, a lesson indeed which is being presented for all to experience. Through the magnification glass of fear-based programming, the outcome shall bring much more clearance, a clear vision, understanding of true reality, and result in a more coherent, cooperation of all involved. Read the entire message here.

Anna Merkaba 3.15.2020

The coronavirus is magnifying the fear so it can finally come up to the surface en masse and be healed and released. But it can only be healed and released if you step back, look at yourself and your actions and CHOOSE LOVE instead of fear. Love is always the way. If you let the fear control you, you will weaken your immune system, catch the virus and create a self-fulfilling prophecy. It’s time to gain control of your emotional body and stop letting fear control you. You always have a choice, and now you can choose to release the fear and empower yourself to go into the higher frequencies instead of keeping yourself attached and tethered to the lower. It’s time to RISE ABOVE! Reprogram yourself and evolve beyond the fear. TRANSCEND THE TURBULENCE OF FEAR!

Affirmation of the Day - Thank you for filling my Life with Perfection and thank you for giving me eyes to see the Perfection in everything
Affirmation of the Day - ALL THAT I AM IS PURE PERFECTION

This morning I had a fascinating experience. I was sleeping and woke to go to the bathroom. Once my mind was awake it for some reason randomly tried to allow/invite in thoughts of imperfection about my car’s clutch because my dad keeps saying that it’s probably going to go out soon but I always dismiss that from even entering my mind because I know if it does I will create a clutch breakdown. I know how powerful a creator I am.

So I’m half asleep, have just returned back to bed and as I’m working on falling asleep again my mind tries to go down this track but instantly I redirect to thoughts of Perfection. I repeat over and over: THERE IS ONLY PERFECTION IN MY LIFE. I AM CREATING ONLY PERFECTION IN MY WORLD. ALL THAT I AM IS PURE PERFECTION. I directed all of my attention and energy on these affirmations and although I’ve forgotten some of what happened I remember visualizing myself radiating the brightest, most brilliant pure white Light from within my heart filling every nook and cranny of the being that I AM and radiating out into every aspect of my life, including my car. I filled my car with this Light and blazed it with the Perfection of God that I AM, filled every physical object including electronic devices in my life with this Perfection and affirmed they are always working perfectly and they are. I visualized everything being so air and water tight with Perfection that there was literally physically no room for imperfection. Every particle of energy, wave of Light and all of the space in between was literally filled with Perfection; there was no physical space for imperfection to fit in. I also visualized the imperfection machine literally disconnected from the battery that gives it power (probably my solar plexus chakra). I saw a car battery disconnected and dead with no power left. I physically felt the feeling of being completely filled with Perfection and knew that I had succeeded in removing/dissolving any possible thoughts/feelings or energies that would create imperfection in my car or any aspect of my life. I finally did fall back asleep when I felt this was complete and my solar plexus chakra was very active as I drifted off.

When I awoke I felt so light, buoyant and happy I knew that there is no longer any possibility of ever creating any form of imperfection again. I felt so much gratitude for everything Perfection gives me: stability, reliability, dependability, always working perfectly, knowing I AM always safe and protected and so much more indescribable with words. All morning I continued to joyfully affirm that I AM CREATING ONLY PERFECTION IN MY LIFE and the other affirmations.

In the post Affirmation of the Day – My Car Working Perfectly, I explained how my car was the vessel through which I learned to release my fear and was the subject of my curiosity about how our consciousness affects the physical objects around us. In 2017 when I first actively began learning how we create our reality and how our thoughts and feelings do have control over things like cars breaking down and such, I was also consuming many Ascended Masters teachings as fast as I could. The Bridge to Freedom published many invaluable booklets and put them all online for everyone to read for free. Here is an excerpt from “Divine Consciousness“:

Train the Consciousness to Contemplate Only Good

Unawakened men and women are bound by the three-dimensional plane because they do not know of the Creative Power that is conferred upon them individually, and which regulates their life’s experiences.

Therefore, they use their consciousness to SUSTAIN their estate rather than to IMPROVE it. This consciousness mirrors their family, their environment, their race, and then through the creative power within itself, re-projects that which is entertained within it.

Strong souls, from time to time, have broken away, with great effort, from the pattern of their people through the help of an Ascended Being Who placed upon their consciousness a strong impression that they were receptive enough to grasp. However, such people become exceptions to the rule.

With chelas (students), however, once they become aware of the fact that what they entertain in consciousness becomes fact for them, there should come a complete transformation of the inner nature wherein it no longer accepts the reports of the senses which lead to a limited and imperfect expression of the mind, body and affairs.

Such chelas must take their consciousness firmly in hand and dislodge it from its rut of acceptance – shaking it free as you would shake a dust-mop from the window. This process will have to be repeated again and again because the consciousness settles back into its socket by habit and by its own weight.

When you DETERMINE to disconnect that consciousness from the mass mind, you immediately draw the attention of one or more Members of the Ascended Host. They begin to play Their Light into your consciousness which absorbs and entertains more of the Divine Plan in thought and feeling. This makes the sum total of the consciousness lighter and more pliable.

Then, as you consciously TRAIN it to contemplate GOOD, and refuse, repeatedly, to allow the tentacles to reconnect with limitation, you will find it becoming easier to tune into the Golden Age EVER-PRESENT until there will be no instinctive desire of the consciousness to rush back to its former estate every time you let down on your conscious application; and then it will learn to ride above the mass mind on the Wings of Light. Then your steady state of being, like that of the adept, will be a constant perception of and acknowledgement of PERFECTION.

The disconnecting process with the old, and the process of re-orienting the mind with the new is the most difficult period, but it is one which receives the greatest assistance from the Ascended Masters, and you can ask Them to take hold of your consciousness and enfold it in Their Cosmic Hearts. You can insist upon the assistance of the Christ within in this respect, and as your consciousness begins to respond only to expressions of Perfection, both your physical vehicle and your affairs will reflect your corrected thought and feeling.

Excerpted from “Divine Consciousness” at

In our world of relativity/polarity/duality, there are two ways to perceive everything: through the higher self/soul aspect or through the human ego. The human ego version of perfection is control based, limiting, unrealistic and dysfunctional. The higher self/soul aspect version of Perfection is all the qualities of Divinity – everlasting infallibility, reliability, self-sustaining and whole and complete in itself. When you are able to see the Perfection in everything you are at a level of consciousness where you know that this physical holographic world is only the bottom layer of All That Is and there is so much more happening behind the scenes we can’t see. You know without a shadow of a doubt that every single person has an Incarnation Team that is always working with them guiding them in every moment of their lives. You know that the purpose of the Human Incarnation Game on Earth is to experience, expand and evolve and through those wide open parameters we are collectively co-creating everything in our worlds, inner and outer. You know that outer appearances can be, and usually are, deceiving because you only see a tiny sliver of the big picture when you pay attention to and only know what’s happening on the outside because so much more is happening on the inside. You know that no one needs to be “saved” and that everything is happening in Perfect Divine Timing and Order.

You begin to make the connections through reflection and contemplation of your own Life and you see and realize how Perfectly you have been and continue to be so well guided (as long as you listen!) and you see how each event has lead to the next and the next and how they all fit together. You feel that you are exactly where you need to be right now, and if you don’t you know that your next step will be revealed to you when it’s ready. You live in the Divine Combination of surrendered flow, faith and trust. You see the wisdom and Blessings of every situation, every interaction, every relationship – the more difficult the greater the reward if you are able to transcend your ego and open your heart. Perfection is a state of mind as everything is because we live in our heads, we create the worlds we live in and the outside world is merely a mirror of everyone’s inside world. Are you cultivating a perception of imperfection or Perfection?

Affirmation of the Day - I AM A DELBERATE CREATOR

Manifestation is a hot topic in the spiritual world. Everyone is talking about it and how to do it. I’ve been on my own “manifestation journey” for about two years now and I have learned so much from so many teachings! I love the CWG trilogy because it’s Truth straight from the Source’s mouth!

The soul conceives, the mind creates, the body experiences. The circle is complete. The soul then knows itself in its own experience. If it does not like what it is experiencing (feeling), or wishes a different experience for any reason, it simply conceives of a new experience of Self, and, quite literally, changes its mind.
Soon the body finds itself in a new experience. (“I am the resurrection and the Life” was a magnificent example of this. How do you think Jesus did it anyway? Or do you not believe it ever happened? Believe it. It happened!)
Yet this much is so: the soul will never override the body or the mind. I made you as a three-in-one being. You are three beings in one, made in the image and likeness of Me.
The three aspects of Self are in no way unequal to each other. Each has a function, but no function is greater than another, nor does any function actually precede another. All are interrelated in an exactly equal way.
Conceive—create—experience. What you conceive you create, what you create you experience, what you experience you conceive. That is why it is said, if you can cause your body to experience something (take abundance, for example), you will soon have the feeling of it in your soul, which will conceive of itself in a new way (namely, abundant), thus presenting your mind with a new thought about that. From the new thought springs more experience, and the body begins living a new reality as a permanent state of being.
Your body, your mind, and your soul (spirit) are one. In this, you are a microcosm of Me—the Divine All, the Holy Everything, the Sum and Substance. You see now how I am the beginning and the end of everything, the Alpha and the Omega.

Conversations with God, Book I, Ch 13

Yet you are always limited by your knowingness—for you—we—are a self-created being.
You cannot be what you do not know your Self to be.
That is why you have been given this life—so that you might know yourself in your own experience. Then you can conceive of yourself as Who You Really Are, and create yourself as that in your experience—and the circle is again complete… only bigger.
And so, you are in the process of growing—or, as I have put it throughout this book, of becoming.
There is no limit to what you can become.

Conversations with God, Book I, Ch 13
Affirmation of the Day - Wealth
Affirmation of the Day - Infinite Money
Affirmation of the Day - Wealth Expansion
Affirmation of the Day - Supply of Money

Do you feel wealthy? Wealth is a fabulous word because it can mean different things to different people. What is your definition of wealth? Is it narrow, limited only to money? Or is it more expansive, including everything in your life? Your perception of wealth is what determines your feeling about your abundance or lack of wealth because perception/perspective is how you look at yourself and the life you created (consciously or unconsciously). The wider your definition of wealth naturally the more wealthy you feel. If wealth includes family, friends, physical objects, animals, money, etc. in addition to the intangibles like love, joy, meaning, fulfillment, deep spirituality, etc. then every person on this planet is wealthy in some way.

When your thoughts are clear and steadfast, begin to speak them as truths. Say them out loud. Use the great command that calls forth creative power: I am. Make I-am statements to others. “I am” is the strongest creative statement in the universe. Whatever you think, whatever you say, after the words “I am” sets into motion those experiences, calls them forth, brings them to you.
There is no other way the universe knows how to work. There is no other route it knows to take. The universe responds to “I am” as would a genie in a bottle.

Conversations with God, Book I, Ch 4

Yes, that’s how it works. The moment you say “I want” something, the universe says “Indeed you do” and gives you that precise experience—the experience of “wanting” it!
Whatever you put after the word “I” becomes your creative command. The genie in the bottle—which I Am—exists but to obey.
I produce what you call forth! You call forth precisely what you think, feel, and say. It’s as simple as that.

Conversations with God, Book II, Ch 2

Material Wealth – Money!

But let’s say you want to be wealthy in material money. How wealthy? Millions? Or is a couple hundred thousand enough wealth for you? Do you have a wealth mindset? Do you look at your bank account and feel wealthy? Do you look at your house, your car, all of the multitudes of physical objects in your life and feel wealthy? Or are you constantly beating the drum of ‘not enough’? Are you focusing on how much you DO have instead of how much you don’t have? It comes back to perception. Is the glass half full or half empty? Are you an optimist or a pessimist? If you’re always focusing on what you don’t have you’re keeping yourself in a lack/poverty mindset and will never be wealthy in money. And it comes back to the Law of Attraction because that is one of the Universal Laws all of creation is based on. Like attracts like. Same attracts same. Wealth energy attracts more wealth energy. Lack energy attracts more lack energy. And so on.

My Wealth Journey

I have been on my wealth journey for two years now, since March of 2017. What a journey it’s been! It’s my spiritual journey with a focus on wealth manifestation. (I consider the beginning of my “official” spiritual journey 9 years ago in 2010.) Through this process of transformation I am a completely different person than I was at the beginning. I have learned much and gained much wisdom. I spent all of 2017 and most of 2018 learning all about manifestation, specifically money. I read Ascended Master teachings, listened to Abraham and devoured as many other teachings as I could find on the subject. In this journey I have re-discovered how to open my heart and generate intense feelings of Love, appreciation, joy, bliss and all adjectives of high frequency feelings.

The pivotal moment happened on September 21, 2018 when I had my first QHHT session. I had this feeling of urgency like I HAD to have a session or OMG I’m going to DIE! I NEED TO TALK TO MY SUBCONSCIOUS AND ASK WHAT I’M DOING WRONG! LOL But I did because I knew that I had been ‘working’ on this for so long and nothing was happening, my life wasn’t changing and I just didn’t feel right. So I looked up the practitioners in Sacramento and found one that felt right and called to see if she had an opening that week. Initially she said she was booked this week so I had to wait until next week but you know when you’re aligned with the Universe and the doors open? Well she called me back and said she had an opening for that Friday. I was so happy. Then she said she only takes cash. Bomb drop. No credit cards? Shit. In the span of a few seconds my mind processed like a billions neurons firing to make the decision to take the last $260 from my savings account to pay for this session. I knew that it was do or die. This was my biggest faith moment. I knew that if I didn’t do it I would never move forward, I would never manifest my dream life, I would never fulfill my life plan. I would stay small when I was created to be HUGE. Because I didn’t give myself a Plan B. Go big or go home and I’m not ready to go Home yet, because I still have a lot of creating to do here!

So I did it. And it was the best decision I ever made because I learned so much in that session. I learned that in two of my soul’s other lives I’m painfully living in poverty and they’re crappy lives. And because of those lives I probably told my subconscious that I always want to have “just enough” which is exactly what I’ve had my entire life. I’ve always had just enough. Paycheck to paycheck but just enough. So I let that go. And the most important information I feel I received: To surrender. To say and feel: I TRUST, I ALLOW, I RELEASE. Because up until then my ego/mind had been in control. Even when I thought my mindset/energy was wealth oriented, I looked deeper in myself and realized I NEEDED this money to manifest. NEED comes from desperation, comes from fear, comes from EGO. This whole time I was forcing and efforting. For TWO YEARS! That’s why nothing was happening! That’s why I felt the urgency to change direction and get this session! My soul told me it was time!

In that instant I flipped the switch from mind to heart. And since then I haven’t looked back. Because the human heart is our connection to Source. It never lies or leads you astray the way the mind/ego does. It hasn’t been easy since I made that commitment to stay in the surrendered flow of my heart but at least now I know I’m in the right direction and there’s nothing that can put me off this path. I tried everything else and nothing worked so this is the way. The heart is always the way. Love is always the way. I finally feel right. I’m no longer searching or feeling like there’s something else I have to do. My heart and soul are leading the way and I trust them completely even though I’m still in the pregnant pause of the gestation/incubation process. You’re probably thinking, “So nothing has manifested since you shifted?” because I’ve had that thought a few times these last few months when my mind wonders when something will change. And the answer I give my mind is “We planted the seed of our desire, we moved into the allowing space of receptive surrendered flow/the Divine Combination (see below quote) and we continue every day to water the seed with our high frequency energies of Love, excitement, joy and anticipation. When it’s ready it will manifest. Be patient. There is nothing else we need to do. This period of time is about being.” Because the mind wants to ‘do’ while the heart/soul want to ‘be’. Unless my heart/soul inspire me to take some sort of action I don’t ‘do’ anything regarding this process. They are leading me now; they are in charge, not my mind/ego. *As of March 2019 I have begun receiving manifestations.* YAY forward movement!

Because what I’m creating is so massive, so extraordinary that it won’t happen overnight or in a week or even a month. What I’ve realized is that when you’re creating something like money that is physically made out of energy (Universal Light Substance (ULS) (I call it Pure White Source Light), these are the building blocks of all creation and everything in our world, so it will manifest when the energy required has been fulfilled. The high frequency energy of ULS has to condense into our lower, heavier density energy so it takes more time to become physical objects like money. As opposed to something that only requires human alignment like a new job or business opportunities which can happen much faster. This reasoning is based on personally experiencing different instant manifestations of human alignment, i.e. I had a thought about paying someone to cut the grass because I didn’t want to and the next day two guys are at my door asking if I want the grass cut for $20. (It also had to be cheap.)

Everyone and everything on the planet—and in the universe—is emitting energy in every direction. This energy mixes with all other energies, criss-crossing in patterns of complexity beyond the ability of your most powerful computers to analyze. The criss-crossing, intermingling, intertwining energies racing between everything that you can call physical is what holds physicality together. This is the Matrix, of which I have spoken. It is along this Matrix that you send signals to each other—messages, meanings healings, and other physical effects—created sometimes by individuals but mostly by mass consciousness. These innumerable energies are, as I have explained, attracted to each other. This is called the Law of Attraction. In this Law, Like attracts Like. Like Thoughts attract Like Thoughts along the Matrix— and when enough of these similar energies “clump together,” so to speak, their vibrations become heavier, they slow down—and some become Matter. Thoughts do create physical form—and when many people are thinking the same thing, there is a very high likelihood their thoughts will form a Reality.

Conversations with God, Book II, Ch 7

Read more about Universal Light Substance, aka electrons at

Being does not mean no action, but rather that the action that you take throughout the day is based on your true essence and allowing that to take the lead. It is empowered and inspired movement rather than forcing and efforting. It is navigating through the knowingness of your heart and soul rather than by your mind and societal expectations that were created in much older energies. It also means you understand that if not one thing is energetically supported for you to do in any one day, your energetics are your service and your beingness is more than enough.

It does take some getting used to but once you make the commitment to navigate in the surrender, faith, flow, trust model of the Divine Combination, you will find that things come together with much greater ease, and trying to do things in the old ways are much more fraught with difficulties. With your awareness you will start to naturally redirect until the new ways are what feel much more natural to you and your preference becomes willingly moving in ways that honour your true soul’s essence while accepting the full support of the universe.

Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young – Read full quote

The Wealth of God Flowing Through You

Recently this month I’ve expanded my perception of wealth even more. I feel like I have new eyes because now everywhere I look I see the Wealth of God all around me. Literally everything. The trees, the buildings, everything I see is made out of ULS, countless unfathomable numbers of little beings of energy. I feel the Wealth of God flowing through me, through all that I am, all that I know and all that I have. I know that this time of nothing happening physically, the incubation/gestation period, is important for me to continue expanding my high frequency energy and perception more and more. I know that Earth exists in the slowest plane/dimension where the energies are the heaviest/densest and that everything created here takes a considerable amount of energy which can take a considerable amount of time (to us humans) to finally manifest when we’re watching/waiting for it to arrive. (Watching water boil/paint dry) Because of this there is soooooo much laaaaaaag time between when it is created energetically and when it is made manifest physically, tangibly in my hot little hands. I know that ALL of the action is happening energetically ‘behind the scenes’ so to speak. (I wish I could see what’s going on back there!!! I want a backstage pass!) 😀 But I’m playing the Human Game so I don’t get to see, I don’t get to know what’s going on, I don’t get to control the details of how and when so I accept that my soul/Incarnation Team/the Universe is doing its job while I’m doing my job. We are partners in the dance of co-creation and we make a truly spectacular team. And so I trust.

I love my Incarnation Team! a.k.a Spirit Squad 😀 They give me so many coin presents on the ground! All the time! My favorite game I play with them is the instant money manifestation game where I ask them how many coin presents they will line me up to receive whenever I’m out and about. My current record is 7 coins within 1 hour. Every time I receive one I ask for another. It makes me so happy, fills my heart with joy and Love and the highest frequency available to me so I play it all the time. It’s so much fun! I’ve received coins in so many unexpected places! I love being surprised and delighted! Also, playing this game can help you to discover some of your limiting beliefs. When I received #4 a thought crossed my head that I should stop because I don’t want to be greedy. I then talked myself out of that thought/belief because asking for more is not greedy when you let it flow through you and share it by spending or giving/donating. THE MORE I RECEIVE THE MORE I GIVE! Now I have no problem asking for #6 and #7 and #8 and so on. I AM UNLIMITED MONEY FROM UNLIMITED SOURCES! (in this affirmation “sources” means channels like work, the lottery, family, the government, unclaimed money, etc.) Source is the source of all life, (at least in the many universes It has created) all of the ULS, so is therefore the Source of all of the money in my life now and all that is on its way to me. I AM WEALTHY IN PURE WHITE SOURCE LIGHT! God is unlimited, infinite, boundless, limitless and because I am expanding into Oneness so too I AM unlimited, infinite, boundless and limitless. My wealth is within me and as I am expanding my inner wealth it’s building up and building up until one day (soon!) it bursts into my outer wealth. I AM CONNECTED TO A NEVER ENDING, EVER FLOWING, EVER EXPANDING, SELF SUSTAINING SUPPLY OF MONEY! ALL OF MY WEALTH COMES FROM ABOVE!

Programming Yourself for Wealth

Conscious creating is not an easy journey. Patiently waiting for my Extraordinary Life 2.0 to unfold and manifest is absolutely one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. Letting go of control and being instead of doing takes serious dedication. Being in the pregnant pause is such a challenge! Visualizing and creating so many aspects of a new life segment yet not actually living in it is torture! It takes a massive amount of faith and trust to wait for Divine Timing to bring you what you want. In yourself, your soul and your Incarnation Team. It takes a lot of mental discipline. I AM WEALTHY IN MENTAL DISCIPLINE! It takes a strong intention, determination and commitment to actively choose how you want to see your world, your life. You have to be aligned and in tune with your soul and the voice in your head that tells you to do something, to take inspired action that will lead you in the direction of your desire manifesting. You have to know where that desire for taking action is coming from and when it’s from your soul vs your ego. You can tell by how you feel about that action. Is it inspired (soul) or motivated (ego). Are you excited to do it or do you feel hesitant/anxious/you have to DO something? You have to see your wealth in everything good in your life. You have to constantly redirect and reframe your thoughts and feelings to wealth. You have to surrender and stay in the Divine Combination. You have to be present and insanely mindful of every thought you think and how it makes you feel. You have to have single pointed focus and focus your energy and attention on your desire CONSISTENTLY. You have to be unwavering. You have to program yourself to feel wealthy, to find things in your life that make you feel wealthy. You have to expand your definition of wealth. I AM WEALTHY IN AWARENESS, CONSCIOUSNESS AND LOVE FROM ABOVE! Throughout my day I enjoy playing the Wealth Game where I do just that. I AM WEALTHY IN MUSHROOMS! I AM WEALTHY IN SWEATERS! I AM WEALTHY IN PRECIOUS ANGEL KITTIES FILLING MY LIFE WITH LOVE! Make it silly. Make yourself laugh. I AM WEALTHY IN SALAD DRESSING! I do all the time. Have fun with it. Play with it! Pour your love and appreciation into everything in your life. I LOVE ALL OF THE PHYSICAL OBJECTS THAT CONTRIBUTE TO MY EASY LIFE! THANK YOU FOR KEEPING MY FEET WARM! Wealth is not just the money in your bank account. Many people are wealthy in money and poor in everything else. Money is only one form of wealth. Take nothing for granted. I AM WEALTHY IN ON DEMAND ELECTRICITY, WATER, HEAT, GAS AND I AM SO THANKFUL FOR MY EASY LIFE! The more you appreciate what you already have the more wealthy you feel. And when you feel wealthy, you attract more wealth into your life.

Money is the outer expression of the inner wealth within you made manifest. The money I receive comes from my wealth. I am not wealthy because of the money in my life. I AM wealthy already from within me, my consciousness is wealthy and from it I receive more money. I AM WEALTH CONSCIOUSNESS. I AM IN A CONSTANT STATE OF WEALTH EXPANSION!

Rana Sabeh

Read the next post Manifesting Money: What I’ve Learned – Imagination | Lightworker Lifestyle

St. Germain Affirmations on SupplySt. Germain is an Ascended Master that has made his Ascension like Jesus has and resides in the Company of Heaven with other Ascended Masters, Archangels and other Cosmic Beings. Beloved Saint Germain is now the Great Master who has charge of the New Civilization (including NESARA) that is to come forth in America. He knows that humanity has lived for too long in lack and scarcity and is a champion of wealth and prosperity for all. He has great plans to release incredible amounts of money known as the Prosperity and Humanitarian Funds when the collective consciousness is ready to handle such unprecedented abundance for all. Until then it is up to you to take charge of your own wealth consciousness by using the great gift of these affirmations he has given us.

“I AM” affirmations work immediately and when you build up a momentum of energy with consistent usage they become even more powerful. You build more power and momentum if you stick to the same time every day. You can’t say or think it once and expect it to magically work, you have to maintain the energy around the words. And if you’re doing it out of obligation you might as well not do it at all because obligation energy is useless and counterproductive.

Learn more about St. Germain at the


When your thoughts are clear and steadfast, begin to speak them as truths. Say them out loud. Use the great command that calls forth creative power: I am. Make I-am statements to others. “I am” is the strongest creative statement in the universe. Whatever you think, whatever you say, after the words “I am” sets into motion those experiences, calls them forth, brings them to you.
There is no other way the universe knows how to work. There is no other route it knows to take. The universe responds to “I am” as would a genie in a bottle.

Conversations with God, Book I, Ch 4

Yes, that’s how it works. The moment you say “I want” something, the universe says “Indeed you do” and gives you that precise experience—the experience of “wanting” it!
Whatever you put after the word “I” becomes your creative command. The genie in the bottle—which I Am—exists but to obey.
I produce what you call forth! You call forth precisely what you think, feel, and say. It’s as simple as that.

Conversations with God, Book II, Ch 2

I AM Affirmations - I AM Affirmations - I AM Invisible to Thieves, Hackers and FraudstersStop feeling like a victim and take control of your life. You are not powerless, you are very powerful if only you would remember that and take back control of your mind. It is time for your ego to relinquish power over you. You DO NOT have to live in fear of the unknown.

You might be thinking, “You’re delusional if you think you are actually physically invisible to anyone” and obviously my body is not becoming transparent and I’m not disappearing into thin air. (that only happens when you raise your vibration high enough that your cells are vibrating so rapidly they propel you into the higher dimensions where everyone else lives)

What happens when you say and think this (or any) affirmation, is you are choosing what you are aligning to. Alignment is what determines so much of what happens to you and what you create in your life.

In using affirmations you are telling the Universe what you do want in a positive format so you essentially DO become invisible to anyone who is misaligned to what you are demanding. That way you don’t even show up on the radar of thieves, hackers and fraudsters, and the events of identity theft, etc. that happen to countless people no longer have to affect you because you will no longer align to receiving them. (As long as they are not part of your Divine Plan – which means you have to experience something like that to learn some lesson set up by your soul or Higher Self.) (Or repayment of a karmic debt) There are so many variables we just don’t know about!

I have been very fortunate that my lifestream so far has been free of these kinds of people and the situations that come with them. Luckily those experiences have not been in my Divine Plan and hopefully never will be. But it doesn’t hurt to align my thoughts with invisibility to them just in case.

“I AM” affirmations work immediately and when you build up a momentum of energy with consistent usage they become even more powerful. You build more power and momentum if you commit to repeating them out loud at least 3, 6 or 9 times with deep feeling (positive feeling energizes the words/thought and makes it manifest) the same time every day. 

The spoken word has much more power than thought alone. (I’ll touch on why in another post or you can do a search) You can’t say or think it once and expect it to magically work, you have to maintain the energy around the words. And if you’re doing it out of obligation you might as well not do it at all because obligation energy is useless and counterproductive. (The Universe knows the energy you’re projecting so don’t even try to hide it)

When your thoughts are clear and steadfast, begin to speak them as truths. Say them out loud. Use the great command that calls forth creative power: I am. Make I-am statements to others. “I am” is the strongest creative statement in the universe. Whatever you think, whatever you say, after the words “I am” sets into motion those experiences, calls them forth, brings them to you.
There is no other way the universe knows how to work. There is no other route it knows to take. The universe responds to “I am” as would a genie in a bottle.

Conversations with God, Book I, Ch 4

Yes, that’s how it works. The moment you say “I want” something, the universe says “Indeed you do” and gives you that precise experience—the experience of “wanting” it!
Whatever you put after the word “I” becomes your creative command. The genie in the bottle—which I Am—exists but to obey.
I produce what you call forth! You call forth precisely what you think, feel, and say. It’s as simple as that.

Conversations with God, Book II, Ch 2

**Update Jan 2020*** Because I have been using this affirmation for two years now I thought I had built up enough momentum so I don’t lock my car doors, even in my driveway overnight. My car did get burglarized and even though there’s not much to steal they did take some things. The reason I’m sharing is to share my choice of action.

When I first realized I had been burgled I was very calm and didn’t immediately plunge into the lower frequency feelings of anger or whatever else. I could have taken this as evidence that these affirmations don’t work and are all a bunch of bullshit. But I know better than that. I was actually surprised more than anything because I thought I had raised my vibration beyond that of being in alignment with theft but this showed me that either (or both) I clearly haven’t yet or maybe this is a karmic thing being balanced, I don’t know. But what I do know is that I could have reacted in either a productive (higher frequency) or counter-productive (lower frequency) way. I chose the productive way and stayed high blessing the person or people who is/are playing the burglary game and my alignment with it.

I choose to continue to believe in affirmations because we all need something to believe in and all of my other affirmations are always working for me. Just because one event happened isn’t going to change my mind of their efficacy. I’m not that easily swayed. If anything this has made me more resolute to ramp it up, that I clearly have more work to do. I will admit that I do now lock my car overnight but not during the day when I’m out and about. I feel like this was an isolated event and don’t believe it will happen again. Remember: YOUR REACTION IS YOUR CHOICE. Do you choose productive or counter-productive?

I AM Affirmations - I AM Aligned Only to Good BacteriaEvery time I hear about a bacteria outbreak like salmonella in bagged salads or eggs or peanut butter and all of the people that got sick it makes me wish they knew that it doesn’t necessarily have to happen to them. Of course, I don’t know what’s in their Divine Plan, maybe they had to go through that experience or die for some reason known only to their soul and Higher Aspects, but I also know that alignment is such a huge factor in how our realities unfold every day. I’m so happy to be a conscious creator of my world, and to know that tools and resources like affirmations, invocations and decrees work to help me choose what I want in my life. I know they work because I have been using affirmations for years, and have had evidence of success many, many times. In the beginning it does take Faith and Trust in the invisible Higher Powers.

“I AM” affirmations work immediately and when you build up a momentum of energy with consistent usage they become even more powerful. You build more power and momentum if you stick to the same time every day. You can’t say or think it once and expect it to magically work, you have to maintain the energy around the words. And if you’re doing it out of obligation you might as well not do it at all because obligation energy is useless and counterproductive.

When your thoughts are clear and steadfast, begin to speak them as truths. Say them out loud. Use the great command that calls forth creative power: I am. Make I-am statements to others. “I am” is the strongest creative statement in the universe. Whatever you think, whatever you say, after the words “I am” sets into motion those experiences, calls them forth, brings them to you.
There is no other way the universe knows how to work. There is no other route it knows to take. The universe responds to “I am” as would a genie in a bottle.

Conversations with God, Book I, Ch 4

Yes, that’s how it works. The moment you say “I want” something, the universe says “Indeed you do” and gives you that precise experience—the experience of “wanting” it!
Whatever you put after the word “I” becomes your creative command. The genie in the bottle—which I Am—exists but to obey.
I produce what you call forth! You call forth precisely what you think, feel, and say. It’s as simple as that.

Conversations with God, Book II, Ch 2

St. Germain Affirmations on SupplyYears ago I learned about the words “I AM” and knew they were powerful but I didn’t REALLY know just how powerful they are until I discovered Ascended Master Teachings – including the “I AM Discourses” from St. Germain. I had heard about the “I AM Discourses” from various people for awhile but didn’t feel compelled to read them until August, 2017. I felt like I had come home. I resonated so deeply with their words and energy they felt like my older brothers and sisters and instantly I knew I had found the answers I had been searching for. The “I AM Discourses” are a treasure trove of golden illumination from Above, a necessary resource for any spiritual seeker on their Ascension Path.

St. Germain is a champion of abundance for all, because abundance and wealth is the nature of God. Poverty and lack only exist because of our fall from Grace; humanity has exiled ourselves for millennia into the desert of lack.

“I AM” affirmations work immediately and when you build up a momentum of energy with consistent usage they become even more powerful. You build more power and momentum if you stick to the same time every day. You can’t say or think it once and expect it to magically work, you have to maintain the energy around the words. And if you’re doing it out of obligation you might as well not do it at all because obligation energy is useless and counterproductive.

Learn more about St. Germain at the

Affirmation of the Day - Hot waterIt’s not just a Blessing to have water on demand but hot water especially. I can’t even imagine living without hot water for cooking and bathing. But there are many people who do, including those who pay rent and live in a dwelling run by slumlords who don’t bother to maintain the property. So I AM very, very thankful for the Blessing of hot water and an always perfectly working hot water heater. When I say or think this affirmation I send Love and appreciation to the water heater, the pipes, everything and everyone involved in bringing this water to me.

Affirmation of the Day - CarMy beautiful car is a 1997 Nissan Pathfinder. She may have more years and mileage on her but I Love her. Up until 2017 I used to manifest car troubles somewhat frequently. In 2015-2016 I used these car troubles to help me release my fear. Fear of not having enough money to pay for all of these repairs. Fear of not being supported. I was also trying to understand how manifestation worked in terms of my thoughts in relation to the objects in my life. Do things break down just because we’re in a physical world with 3D density and it’s inevitable with age or are these breakdowns connected to my energy, thoughts and feelings? In 2017 I discovered Ascended Master Teachings through the I AM Discourses, Bridge to Freedom and more. I learned about my Mighty I AM Presence. I learned about the Beings of Universal Light Substance (science calls them electrons) that every physical object is made of. I learned that if I consistently hold my attention on the Perfection of God flowing through me that by extension all of the energy in my physical objects would also hold this Perfection. During this process I began to let go of more fear –  fear of being stranded on the street during traffic and the fear of getting into my car and not knowing if I would get home or if it would break down. At first it was hard to believe that this Higher Aspect of me would keep my car from breaking down just by saying some affirmations and focusing my attention on it instead of the imperfection that I see with my own eyes. I had to TRUST in an invisible Being instead of the physical world I perceive through my senses. The more I put my attention on my I AM Presence and the Higher dimensions instead of this physical world the more I KNOW that as long as I maintain my focus on above the physical objects in my life will also maintain their perfection. Things don’t have to break down if you raise your consciousness and maintain YOUR OWN Perfection. I have not had car troubles since 2016 and that is a big deal for me.

Freedom is such a magnificent feeling. Having the ability to go anywhere I want anytime I want is such a Blessing. But having the freedom and peace of mind knowing that my car (and all new cars I buy) will never break down again and that I AM always supported by my Mighty I AM Presence is a Blessing beyond words.

** Update May 2018** I contemplated this more because my car is still experiencing a wobbling at high speeds (this happened before in 2004, the trailing arms need to be replaced) and my windshield broke and I have yet to fix it. The answer that came to me is that if something is already broken before I begin using my affirmations, the Perfection of God isn’t going to magically fix it because my consciousness needs to be raised high enough to allow my Holy Christ Self to come through (this was the level of consciousness Jesus had when he performed those “miracles”) (miracles is in quotations because they are just normal occurrences of the Power of God – miracles to us because we have forgotten our Divinity). So I do need to take the human action of replacing these parts that are broken.

So what’s the point of saying affirmations then? When I repeat “I AM the Perfection of God flowing through me into my car” what actually happens is I am now qualifying the Perfection of God that already exists within each and every conscious, intelligent tiny Being of Universal Light Substance that my car is made of to once again sustain and maintain the Perfection of God within them because they were created to obey our commands and we are endowed with the Power of God to command them. So everything that is currently working perfectly will continue to work perfectly as long as I believe in the full power of my Mighty I AM Presence and keep my attention on it instead of outer appearances of imperfection. In other words, complete and absolute FAITH and TRUST that you are always taken care of by your God Self. Jesus can explain the power of “I AM” better than I can:

“When an individual thinks, feels, speaks or writes the words “I AM”, they immediately receive the attention of Life within them as well as around them. Why? Because the words “I AM” are the signal to intelligent Life to create. I learned this lesson at the feet of a Beloved Guru in India. I saw Life immediately obey the fiat or decree that followed this creative statement. It was at the feet of this Guru that I learned the power within the Creative Word “I AM” and began utilizing it Myself, enjoying the buoyant, uplifting feeling of the constructive use of any statement preceded by the word “I AM”… Life will obey you! It always has. Every creation that lives in your world constructively or otherwise is the result of the obedience of Life to your command someplace upon Life’s way. Turn to the constructive, positive, conscious use of the resurrection power of the Creative Word “I AM” and prove to yourself that intelligent Life will obey you and manifest according to your decree. There is no greater teacher than one’s own experience. TRY IT! I CHALLENGE YOU!”
– Jesus, excerpted from “The Challenge of the Christ”

**Update July 2018** For about a month now whenever I get into my car I’ve been saying either aloud or in my head, “I AM MY I AM PRESENCE DRIVING MY CAR, WRAPPING ME IN A BUBBLE OF INVISIBILITY (TO POLICE (because I like to go fast)), INVINCIBILITY AND INVULNERABILITY TO ANY AND ALL HUMAN CREATIONS, INCLUDING (BUT NOT LIMITED TO) CAR ACCIDENTS, ACCIDENTS OF ANY KIND, CAR BREAKDOWNS AND ANYTHING LESS THAN THY ALMIGHTY PERFECTION BECAUSE I AM THE PERFECTION OF GOD FLOWING THROUGH ME!” and not only do I have peace of mind knowing that I am always taken care of and looked after as I walk this physical life with ease and Grace, but my car doesn’t wobble so much now and I still haven’t gotten it fixed! I Love aligning my consciousness to my God-self instead of my human ego self!

Have fun with this and make your own or modify mine to fit your needs! Experience for yourself the Power of your Mighty I AM Presence because you probably won’t believe me until you do!

Affirmation of the Day - My BodyMy entire life I have always been healthy. As a kid I’ve never even broken a bone or been stung by a bee or anything other kids went through. My perfect health has continued long into my adult years even though I’ve gained weight and haven’t made the best choices in diet and nutrition. And even during the years I didn’t show my body any Love because I was unhappy with how it looked (even though I created it). It wasn’t until I discovered the book “You Can Heal Your Life” by Louise Hay and began doing mirror work that I started to give my beautiful body acceptance, Love and appreciation. I know what a Blessing it is to have such perfect health and I give thanks every day. I’ve also learned (through Ascended Master Teachings) that there is an Elemental attached to my physical body that helps maintain its optimal condition so I also send Love and appreciation to this Beloved Being as well.

Affirmation of the Day - Water, Electricity, HeatWhen you start becoming more mindful, you begin to notice and think about the things you used to take for granted and never thought about because they were always there. Living in America and living in a home, it’s so easy to forget to appreciate the many Blessings we have that people in other countries or homeless people don’t enjoy on a daily basis. One of these Blessings is utilities. It may not feel like a Blessings when you’re paying the bills, but it would if you changed your mindset to one of appreciation that you are able to pay for electricity, water and gas on demand whenever you want. If you chose instead to Bless the Beings involved in operating the companies that deliver to your door these Blessed amenities you would be happy to pay those bills every month and raise your vibration at the same time! If you need help being appreciative, think about the people all over the world who don’t have access to these luxuries, whose life is so hard every day because they have to walk miles to get water or freeze to death from lack of heat. Or even in your community, think about the hardships homeless or low-income people experience from a lack of access to these utilities. When you imagine how they live and imagine having to live that way yourself, it becomes a lot easier to be thankful for ALL of your Blessings and stop taking them for granted should they one day be taken from you.

Affirmation of the Day - Water Water is one of the most important components for life. Along with air, food and the Universal Life Substance flowing into you through the silver cord from your Mighty I AM Presence, the human body cannot live without water. Water is made of Universal Life Substance (science calls these particles electrons) as is everything in our physical world, your body, your thoughts, everything in your Life. It is alive, conscious and intelligent – as the work of Dr. Masuru Emoto has proven. When you Bless your water, send it Love and appreciation, tape positive words on your water bottle, you raise the vibration of the water you drink which in turn raises your vibration.

Affirmation of the Day - Higher Self Along my spiritual journey I’ve learned about the Higher Self, an aspect of us that lives in the higher dimensions that guides us and facilitates our soul growth. This Being in collaboration with our soul, plans each incarnation including what it needs/wants to experience for its evolution. This results in the experiences, good and bad, we humans manifest in our reality.  The more your consciousness is evolved the easier it will be for you to see the opportunities for expansion in everything you experience. Hopefully along the way you will have learned to Love yourself, making this journey more of a blessing than a curse!

Affirmation of the Day_Thank-you-blessings

Affirmation of the Day: I AM so thankful for everything that I have and all that I AM. Thank you for all of my blessings.

My life may not be nearly as I envisioned it would be by the time I turned 40 but I am working on making my dreams happen. While I do that I do my best to focus on the blessings I do have instead of what I don’t. Some days are better than others because naturally not every day is always going to be great as we work on releasing everything that no longer serves us but mostly I am able to stay positive or neutral and avoid the lower vibrations.



Affirmation of the Day People Just Want To Help Me

People Just Want to Help Me

I use this affirmation anytime I need/want the situation to go my way like when I’m talking to customer service for any company, the DMV or any government agency, and so on you get the picture, or more recently when pitching store owners to carry my tshirts/products. By sending love/positive energy to the person I’m talking to or about to talk to sometimes I believe it makes them more receptive to helping me or allowing the situation to go my way. It also makes my energy more positive and allowing and you know like attracts like so it’s a win win. It certainly doesn’t hurt so why the hell not use it!?

An affirmation is an agreement you make with yourself to improve an aspect or all aspects of your life. Affirmations are useless if your subconscious doesn’t believe them. You have to take baby steps in creating ones that are true for you. I can tell if my sub doesn’t believe something because a conflicting thought will surface like “No, things don’t always go your way. Your life sucks. Nothing ever works out for you.” When that happens I use muscle self testing (kinesiology) and yes and no questions to drill down and find out the underlying belief of that thought. But you also have to make the decision to choose to believe it’s working and to take all good things that happen to you as evidence of it working. Your entire being has to be on the same page and opt in. If your ego or inner child is sabotaging you you need to do belief work or affirmations won’t work for you. This is my one of my favorite affirmations that I say all the time and it works! Whether I am getting a charge reversed on my account, or whenever I call customer service for something, or when I’m driving on the road and people let me in front of them, it works! When you state an affirmation and really believe it the magic will begin to happen and you start to see evidence of it working. Then it becomes easy to maintain. If this affirmation is too big of a gap for you to believe, create one that you CAN believe.



Affirmation of the Day_Invisible-to-Police

I AM invisible to police.

I created this affirmation a few years ago when my car registration expired and a few weeks passed before I could renew it. So while I was driving around I wanted to make sure I didn’t get caught so I started believing that I AM invisible to police. The best validation came when a motorcycle cop stopped behind me at a light. The whole time I repeated the mantra over and over and I watched him closely in my rear view mirror. He never even looked at my license plate! Whether it was due to the affirmation or not I choose to take that as evidence that it works. They only work if you believe in them and I do! The other part of the saying is “they may physically see my car but they completely ignore me” so that if I’m driving a little past the speed limit I can rest assured I won’t get pulled over and COUNTLESS times they drive right past me on the freeway! I say it never hurts to have some magic in your life!

An affirmation is an agreement you make with yourself to improve an aspect or all aspects of your life. Affirmations are useless if your subconscious doesn’t believe them. You have to take baby steps in creating ones that are true for you. I can tell if my sub doesn’t believe something because a conflicting thought will surface like “No, you’re not invisible to police, you’re going to get caught and have to pay a lot in fines.” When that happens I use muscle self testing (kinesiology) and yes and no questions to drill down and find out the underlying belief of that thought. (there’s a lot more to it though) But you also have to make the decision to choose to believe it’s working and to take all good things that happen to you as evidence of it working. Your entire being has to be on the same page and opt in. If your ego or inner child is sabotaging you you need to do belief work or affirmations won’t work for you. When you state an affirmation and really believe it the magic will begin to happen and you start to see evidence of it working. Then it becomes easy to maintain. If this affirmation is too big of a gap for you to believe, create one that you CAN believe.


Affirmation of the Day__Nice-people

People are so nice to me while driving. They always let me in front of them.

This affirmation is for when I’m driving. I used to have major road rage but since I started thinking/saying this and shifted my energy from anger I’m amazed at how well it works. Literally countless times while I’m driving people will go out of their way to let me go in front of them. It pretty much happens all the time now and I AM so appreciative every time! It never ceases to amaze me how we can almost bend things to go our way just by our beliefs. There is so much magic in this world if only people realized the possibilities.

An affirmation is an agreement you make with yourself to improve an aspect or all aspects of your life. Affirmations are useless if your subconscious doesn’t believe them. You have to take baby steps in creating ones that are true for you. I can tell if my sub doesn’t believe something because a conflicting thought will surface like “No, things don’t always go your way. Your life sucks. Nothing ever works out for you.” When that happens I use muscle self testing (kinesiology) and yes and no questions to drill down and find out the underlying belief of that thought. But you also have to make the decision to choose to believe it’s working and to take all good things that happen to you as evidence of it working. Your entire being has to be on the same page and opt in. If your ego or inner child is sabotaging you you need to do belief work or affirmations won’t work for you. This is my one of my favorite affirmations that I say all the time and it works! Whether I am getting a charge reversed on my account, or whenever I call customer service for something, or when I’m driving on the road and people let me in front of them, it works! When you state an affirmation and really believe it the magic will begin to happen and you start to see evidence of it working. Then it becomes easy to maintain. If this afirmation is too big of a gap for you to believe, create one that you CAN believe.



Affirmation of the Day_Things-Always-Go-My-Way

Things always go my way. Start your day with this mentality and see how much it comes true. Like attracts like and when you start your day in a bad mood or with negative thoughts you will notice how everything seems to go wrong all day until you change your mood. I know I’ve had those days where everything goes wrong and it wasn’t until I learned about the Law of Attraction did I realize that energy is a magnet and like attracts like. So now I pay more attention to my thoughts and my mood and what I’m putting out to the universe because I know that like a boomerang it will come back to me.

An affirmation is an agreement you make with yourself to improve an aspect or all aspects of your life. Affirmations are useless if your subconscious doesn’t believe them. You have to take baby steps in creating ones that are true for you. I can tell if my sub doesn’t believe something because a conflicting thought will surface like “No, things don’t always go your way. Your life sucks. Nothing ever works out for you.” When that happens I use muscle self testing (kinesiology) and yes and no questions to drill down and find out the underlying belief of that thought. But you also have to make the decision to choose to believe it’s working and to take all good things that happen to you as evidence of it working. Your entire being has to be on the same page and opt in. If your ego or inner child is sabotaging you you need to do belief work or affirmations won’t work for you. This is my one of my favorite affirmations that I say all the time and it works! Whether I am getting a charge reversed on my account, or whenever I call customer service for something, or when I’m driving on the road and people let me in front of them, it works! When you state an affirmation and really believe it the magic will begin to happen and you start to see evidence of it working. Then it becomes easy to maintain. If this afirmation is too big of a gap for you to believe, create one that you CAN believe.


Affirmation of the Day_Universe-Is-On-My-Side

The Universe consists of countless Beings that Love and adore us and always want us to succeed. We are always supported by these Beings and aspects of ourselves in higher  dimensions and they do everything they can to help us. Sadly, WE are the ones that stand in our own way by constantly sabotaging ourselves. We keep our attention on our human egos, other humans and the chaotic world around us instead of going within to access our intuition and inner guidance to help us achieve the success we yearn so badly for. Sometimes your Higher Self may give you detours to get you to make a better decision or take a path that’s more aligned to your highest good; when that happens it may feel like the Universe is against you but it’s not. When you are resistant to listening to the signs and being open to another way you cause yourself suffering but don’t blame the Universe or your Higher Self because you didn’t listen. The Universe IS always on your side. ALWAYS.

Affirmation of the Day_perfect-health Alignment is so important in our everyday lives. It plays such a huge part in how our days unfold and the experiences that “happen” to us. The human body is a magnificent creation of Divine Intelligence, alive and conscious and constantly responding to our commands through thought and feeling. When you tell your body “I’m sick” at the slightest sneeze or “Oh man I have this illness or that illness”, your body is going to do what you tell it no matter what. The human body only deteriorates because we cause it to through believing in the imperfection of the ego and the world around us and not taking care of it. If you held thoughts of Divine Perfection, Perfect health and wellness in your mind you would most likely not get sick because you would only be aligned to wellness. (although it could be Ascension Symptoms, part of your Divine Plan for a larger illness or a deeper belief system) I’m just talking about minor sickness like bacterial and viral illness, not major chronic illness that may serve as karmic repayment or some other reason for being in your experience. Aside from one cold during a major energetic download last year I haven’t been sick in years due to maintaining thoughts of Perfect health. Try it! What do you have to lose?

**Update May 2018**

So far this year I have manifested two common colds – one in February and one last week (in May). For this last one, as I reflect on how this happened, I know the night my thoughts and feelings came together to create this physical effect of imperfection because the very next morning the first symptom, the sore throat, came in like clockwork. It’s really quite amazing when you can make the connection and be aware enough to witness the speed in which your body listens to you and does what you tell it. In this case I was feeling run down from having my normal schedule disturbed to be my mom’s chauffeur every day for three weeks in addition to taking care of my dad and brother – two different households at once just became at bit much for me and near the end of week three I was just exhausted and BOOM! I let illness in through my unguarded thoughts. My feelings of exhaustion, negativity and lower vibes charged the thoughts enough for them to manifest into a lovely cold. It’s fascinating how it happened virtually instantly.

The February cold also manifested because again, my schedule was disrupted for weeks due to having to take my mom to jury duty. I had to wake up earlier than normal and it just threw my body off and my sleep was affected and this lead to feelings of exhaustion. Do you see the pattern here? My point in posting this is to illustrate the power of our thoughts and feelings and how easy it is to create physical illness because we truly are powerful manifestors the way God created us to be, and if you’re not mindful enough to be aware of your thoughts and feelings it will seem like “oh I just caught what’s going around” or “I need to use more hand sanitizer”. I unconsciously created both colds because my thoughts of “Oh I’m so tired I just want to sleep” and whatever else I was thinking that night combined with my feelings of exhaustion were like I submitted an order to the cells in my body and my Body Elemental and they are such good little servers, they brought me just what I didn’t know I ordered – one common cold coming up! And we’re not talking 1990s handwritten orders, we’re talking 2018 instant tech with warp speed!

Do you see how it’s not the external conditions like bacteria on the shopping cart or whatever that causes illness? Well when you start paying attention you will see that YOU are the one that is creating it 99% of the time. You need to experience it for yourself to really believe it. I now solidly KNOW the power of my thoughts charged with feeling WILL create what I want and DON’T want so I am going to make damn sure next time I have to help my mom with something for an extended period of time to make sure I find time for my own self care and to find a way to avoid becoming exhausted because I know that will lead to more unconscious creation of colds and I really don’t want that again! (At least this time I have more tools in my arsenal like the Sacred Emerald Green Fire of Healing and calling on my Mighty I AM Presence for healing to help speed things up but it’s never pleasant to feel temporary imperfection.)


“Every student should guard with great watchfulness that he does not use the “I AM” in negative expression, for when you say: “I AM sick, I have failed, I AM not accomplishing this thing as I should,” you are throwing this mighty energy into action to destroy the thing you wish to accomplish.  This always happens when you use the word “I”, for that is the release of the Universal Power.

Knowing that the “I AM” is you, then when you say, “My head aches, my stomach is out of order….” you are throwing the energy into those parts to act according to the thing you have decreed; for when you say “MY”, it is the same energy acting, because there is only one person who can say “I” or “MY”, and that is you, decreeing for your world.

“The question within the mind of all thinking individuals is that certain herbs or remedial agencies have a certain natural chemical action corresponding to the element within the body. I say to you, what gives or makes the chemical affinity? The Power of your “I AM” which enables you to think!”

– Ascended Master St. Germain

Excerpted from the “I AM Discourses” Vol 3, Discourse VII
Available from the St. Germain Press

An affirmation is an agreement you make with yourself to improve an aspect or all aspects of your life. Affirmations are useless if your subconscious doesn’t believe them. You have to take baby steps in creating ones that are true for you. I can tell if my sub doesn’t believe something because a conflicting thought will surface like “No, you’re not healthy. Germs are everywhere. Use more hand sanitizer!!” When that happens I use muscle self testing (kinesiology) and yes and no questions to drill down and find out the underlying belief of that thought. But you also have to make the decision to choose to believe it’s working and to take all good things that happen to you as evidence of it working. Your entire being has to be on the same page and opt in. If your ego or inner child is sabotaging you you need to do belief work or affirmations won’t work for you. This is my one of my favorite affirmations that I say all the time and it works! Whether I am getting a charge reversed on my account, or whenever I call customer service for something, or when I’m driving on the road and people let me in front of them, it works! When you state an affirmation and really believe it the magic will begin to happen and you start to see evidence of it working. Then it becomes easy to maintain. If this affirmation is too big of a gap for you to believe, create one that you CAN believe.

Affirmation of the Day_Food & Drink

All of the food I eat and drink, share with or prepare for other people is always blessed to its highest vibration. Thank you

There are times when we’re not able to eat as well as we’d like. Maybe we can’t buy organic or we have to pick up some fast food on a busy day. So I created this affirmation to relieve my mind of the stress of eating foods not up to my healthy standards. When I think/say this affirmation, it’s with the intention that the energy of the words connect with Mother/Father God to allow them to clear the food/drink of any toxins, pesticides, or ingredients that are harmful to my body in any way. And I believe they do so I am free of any guilt or worry that I am feeding my body less than the best she deserves. Of course, high vibrational healthy foods are always the best option but when they’re not available I feel better knowing that my belief is taking care of my body.

An affirmation is an agreement you make with yourself to improve an aspect or all aspects of your life. Affirmations are useless if your subconscious doesn’t believe them. You have to take baby steps in creating ones that are true for you. I can tell if my sub doesn’t believe something because a conflicting thought will surface like “No, your food is full of pesticides and you’re gonna die!!!!” When that happens I use muscle self testing (kinesiology) and yes and no questions to drill down and find out the underlying belief of that thought. But you also have to make the decision to choose to believe it’s working and to take all good things that happen to you as evidence of it working. Your entire being has to be on the same page and opt in. If your ego or inner child is sabotaging you you need to do belief work or affirmations won’t work for you. This is my one of my favorite affirmations that I say all the time and it works! Whether I am getting a charge reversed on my account, or whenever I call customer service for something, or when I’m driving on the road and people let me in front of them, it works! When you state an affirmation and really believe it the magic will begin to happen and you start to see evidence of it working. Then it becomes easy to maintain. If this affirmation is too big of a gap for you to believe, create one that you CAN believe.


Affirmation of the Day Safe & Protected

I created this affirmation to give myself the comfort of feeling protected. As I reflect on this mantra, I realize that there seem to be only two ways for things to happen in anyone’s life. (Please correct me if I’m wrong) First is the life plan your higher self designed for you to live, including the major highs and lows in your life you are meant to experience for your spiritual evolution. These are unavoidable and no affirmation will prevent these from happening. Second is the Law of Attraction. Every single person in this world creates their own unique reality through this law and their thoughts and subconscious beliefs. If you believe the world is hostile or unsafe you will create events to support this. As I have done extensive belief work on myself to the point that I believe I no longer need to create emergencies or “test” experiences to grow through, I believe there is nothing I need to be protected from. When you live with an open heart and radiate Lovelight there is simply no way to attract anything less than that vibration.

An affirmation is an agreement you make with yourself to improve an aspect or all aspects of your life. Affirmations are useless if your subconscious doesn’t believe them. You have to take baby steps in creating ones that are true for you. I can tell if my sub doesn’t believe something because a conflicting thought will surface like “No, this world is scary and you have to be careful because someone could hurt your family.” When that happens I use muscle self testing (kinesiology) and yes and no questions to drill down and find out the underlying belief of that thought. But you also have to make the decision to choose to believe it’s working and to take all good things that happen to you as evidence of it working. Your entire being has to be on the same page and opt in. If your ego or inner child is sabotaging you you need to do belief work or affirmations won’t work for you. This is my one of my favorite affirmations that I say all the time and it works! Whether I am getting a charge reversed on my account, or whenever I call customer service for something, or when I’m driving on the road and people let me in front of them, it works! When you state an affirmation and really believe it the magic will begin to happen and you start to see evidence of it working. Then it becomes easy to maintain. If this affirmation is too big of a gap for you to believe, create one that you CAN believe.

Affirmation of the Day The Universe is My Silent Partner

The universe is basically a Xerox machine. It gives you (for the most part) what you put into it. If you are negative and fearful then those are the kinds of experiences you are going to receive. Life becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy and experiences build on each other. Energy responds to energy. Like attracts like. When you don’t have awareness of how the world works, you are unconsciously creating the experiences that shape your reality. Awareness helps you become a conscious creator, and you begin to be in charge of your experiences instead of them just “happening to you”.

An affirmation is an agreement you make with yourself to improve an aspect or all aspects of your life. Affirmations are useless if your subconscious doesn’t believe them. You have to take baby steps in creating ones that are true for you. I can tell if my sub doesn’t believe something because a conflicting thought will surface like “No, the Universe hates you and is always conspiring against you.” When that happens I use muscle self testing (kinesiology) and yes and no questions to drill down and find out the underlying belief of that thought. But you also have to make the decision to choose to believe it’s working and to take all good things that happen to you as evidence of it working. Your entire being has to be on the same page and opt in. If your ego or inner child is sabotaging you you need to do belief work or affirmations won’t work for you. This is my one of my favorite affirmations that I say all the time and it works! Whether I am getting a charge reversed on my account, or whenever I call customer service for something, or when I’m driving on the road and people let me in front of them, it works! When you state an affirmation and really believe it the magic will begin to happen and you start to see evidence of it working. Then it becomes easy to maintain. If this affirmation is too big of a gap for you to believe, create one that you CAN believe.

