As we are multidimensional beings, many of us lightworker starseeds may have one or more aspects that are holding positions on starships or even commanding the ship! This design is a badge commemorating those who know or believe an aspect of their being is a Arcturian Starship Commander. We are One together in space and on Earth!
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As I understand it, Lemuria is the feminine complement to Atlantis so this design is the complement to the Atlantis Restoration Team tshirt. Once while reading about the destruction of Lemuria I started crying and had a strong reaction to the words so I’m pretty sure I was there and I feel a connection to Lemuria. You know in your heart if you are part of the Lemuria Restoration Team!
Sirian Ground Crew members, you know who you are! Share your affiliation proudly with your uniform tshirt as you go about your day and fulfill your earthly mission!
This is a really exciting time to be alive on planet Earth! Humanity is finally evolving into unity consciousness and realizing that we’re all in this together! Through our exploration of the lower frequencies and now our ascent into the higher frequencies we are creating new solutions for the upliftment of all Life as we move through our human and planetary ascension. Through thick and thin, for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, WE’RE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER! I LOVE EVERYONE!!
Starseeds incarnate on Earth the same way as everyone else but our soul aspects/higher selves originate from other planets or universes. We look human and are playing the human game but inside we feel differently because many of us remember more of who we really are and feel like we are in this world but not of this world.