As we are multidimensional beings, many of us lightworker starseeds may have one or more aspects that are holding positions on starships or even commanding the ship! This design is a badge commemorating those who know or believe an aspect of their being is a Vegan Starship Commander. We are One together in space and on Earth!
This design is inspired by my bestie because we are two peas in a pod and during one of our conversations I jokingly said “We’re two Pleiadians in a pod” because he’s fascinated with Pleiadians and inspiration struck in the form of this Pleiadian tshirt! Wear this tshirt on your next intergalactic journey with your Pleiadian pea in your pod!
In my spiritual journey I have learned about Ashtar and the Galactic Federation. Kind of like Star Trek, but real. Ashtar is the Commander of the Intergalactic Fleets in this solar system. Be proud to show everyone your allegiance to the light-based Galactic Council and the Ashtar Command!