During this transition from 3D to 5D that humanity and the planet are currently going through it seems like we see nothing but violence and chaos on the surface. What we don’t see is the tremendous amount of love and light being showered on us in every moment. What is most needed right now is for people to increase the amount of love and light they can generate within themselves. Through everything every one of us is experiencing, we all need to stay steady and strong in holding our own light because that’s the only way we will collectively reach ascension. And 5D is where we wanna be! Hold the light and hold the line!
In my spiritual journey I have learned about Ashtar and the Galactic Federation. Kind of like Star Trek, but real. Ashtar is the Commander of the Intergalactic Fleets in this solar system. Be proud to show everyone your allegiance to the light-based Galactic Council and the Ashtar Command!
Sometimes we all need a little reminder that we are loved. If you feel alone or lonely or unloved, know that you are surrounded by those who do love you dearly. You may not be able to see them, but if you had any idea of how much we are loved by our Divine energetic family in higher dimensions you would not feel so sad. I know how hard it can be living in this 3D world, and maybe this message will give you some comfort when you are reminded that we are all adored so much by our Divine Source. Let that be the love that fulfills and guides you. And when you use this product maybe you will make someone else feel good, even just for the moment they pass you by. Share the love!
My intention with this “YOU ARE” affirmation shirt series is to complement the “I AM” affirmation t shirt series to remind and empower everyone who reads the message to FEEL and BE the message, or at least plant a seed or spark a knowing within them. The intention behind the design is to imagine the parentheses as your hands cupped around your mouth like a megaphone but instead of verbally saying the words the design communicates the message for you. People may not realize words do carry quite a powerful energetic impact so it’s best to choose them wisely and choose positively because you are sharing that vibration. BECAUSE WE ARE ALL ONE and what you do for yourself you do for everyone.