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Archangel Michael:

I Am Archangel Michael. Yesterday, as many Lightworkers can attest, was an all-hands-on-deck kind of day. Of course, in the Light of what is unfolding now on Earth, this is Good news. Another important stride was made. Lightworkers / Lovegivers contributing to the fulfillment of All who are for Freedom, endowing Freedom for All. You are the ones, refusing to buckle under the weight of what has been. You are the ones, shining and alighting the path out, up and free.

Yesterday, just as many of you were contributing in ways known and unknown to you, the channel of these messages was also involved in an Action of the Light. She, alongside many devoted Lightworkers, performed a coordinated Action of Light on the Inner Plains. It was brilliantly successful, as a stride forward and upward. So much so that we in the Company of Heaven have been able to extended its purpose, due the momentum achieved, and we in the invite you to participate, if you feel the call of your heart, in a magnified Action tomorrow. We will give the Action details to you in the morning and follow with an update and then a message (two in one day) the following day.

The kind of Action I speak of is a coordinated effort involving you and us, as one, which furthers the establishment of God’s Light and Love on Earth. You have participated in such Actions many times. Group meditations are an Action. Patricia-Cota Robles and others have facilitated global Actions such as establishing Chalices of Light that upgrade and elevate the entire Earth plain. Participants contribute through intentions of Good Will, Love, Healing and Peace. Would it make you grin to know that Dinarland is an extended Action of transformation and Love? Tomorrow you have the opportunity to use your power of choice and your radiant Light for another such furthering of healing, if you so choose.

It would assist if you would first scrupulously consider the importance and role of currency on Earth. What has been the primary currency for you, for others, for all of Earth? I tell you that I do not speak of the now defunct US fiat dollar, or any such thing.

In the higher realms, our currency is connection, compassion, unity, Love.

On Earth, the currency of victimhood has been paramount. You have been so hurt, so tortured, so toxified, so depleted that you have collectively established the roles and feelings of victim and predator as currency on Earth. For instance, you have been so beaten down that you have adopted an attitude of claiming your rights as a victim. That has elevated victimhood to a kind of currency. You can trade the terrible things you have endured for pity, entitlement and righteous indignation. Be brave. Be willing to seek and to SEE what you have turned into power, into currency.

We are here willing to kindly assist in your contemplation. Thank you for your Service. It matters greatly.

I Am Archangel Michael.
(channeled by Christine Burk 1/7/2017)

Read the original post here.



Archangel Michael:

It is your fan, your admirer, your champion, Archangel Michael. If that introduction puts you off a bit, makes you at all uncomfortable, then I trust that today’s message will help us become closer. I would like you to know me well. I care about you, personally. I am not distant from you. I am not a uni-type Angel or Ascended being. There is no such thing. We are all as unique as all of you are unique. Did you know that uniqueness is established as we are being created by God? On both sides of the Veil of Forgetfulness, we all express our uniqueness, throughout all our existence. Life is the grand opportunity to do just that, with gusto, originality and imagination.

I would like for you to know me. I want us to be close. I Am Archangel Michael, with many titles, qualities, joys, cares and responsibilities. In the higher dimensions, we embody the virtues of the offices we uphold. The offices we inhabit depend upon our capacity – our ability to hold and emanate Light – the grand scheme of Service, our choices and our Ascension. I Am Michael, a being, a child of God, an energy, a friend, a brother, knowable yet undefinable, one who loves and is loved and is love.

In the upside-down world of what Surface Earth has become, “sacred” has often taken on a lofty intimation, inferring somehow that sacred is holy as in aloof, exalted, superior. Sacred became one of the meanings and feelings that was intentionally coopted and reprogramed by the dark regime in order to distance you from intimacy with God. It is not by chance that “scared” is an anagram for “sacred.”

Every word is an address in reality, a point in existence, expressing a thought, a feeling, a meaning. The word sacred does carry a holy communication, yet that message is not about an unreachable, distant, supercilious God. Sacred is always present, as God is. The mundane is teeming with sacredness. Serving, cleaning, clearing, walking, breathing, beginning, feeling, helping, trying, embracing, expressing, ending, experiencing, exchanging, redeeming, carrying, crying, doing, discovering, being, wanting, having, giving – great or small, all are sacred. A breath, a moment, a prayer, a love – all are here and now, all are eternal, all are sacred.

Come close to God. Come as you are. You are utterly and dearly beloved, cherished. When you are ready, I invite you to come close to me. We are old friends. I am here to remind you, to support you, to shine the Light faithfully for you as you Awaken – as you have also done for me.

I love you. You are so very sacred.

I Am your Michael.
(channeled by Christine Burk 1/5/2017)

Read the original post here.



Archangel Michael:

It is Archangel Michael. Come, let’s visit Harmony. It is an existence of mutual respect, unfettered flow and easy being.


Everything is fluid, in motion, evolving. When we greet each other in the Higher Dimensions, we are aware of this. We gently, non-invasively scan one another, determining the most respectful approach. We do not carry into the meeting a previous detrimental notion of how the other being might behave. It is an understandable yet unfortunate side effect of living in such a dangerous dimension that you greet each other with suspicion and warning.

Instead, perhaps use your ability to scan, gently and non-evasively – you are already scanning with every interaction – to notice how the person you greet is doing. Then, offer a quality of love that would best serve that person: warmth, humor, understanding, patience, curiosity…. This is co-creating Harmony.


Laughter, the 5th dimensional portal to everlasting Prosperity of every kind. No tuning needed, just the watchful awareness that the humor not ever turn sour by humiliating, shaming or excluding another. That is not humor and does not result in a 5th dimensional transformation. Let go of all the serious righteousness that wears you down and wears you out and laugh. Laugh easily and often. Laugh it off. Laugh it UP.

Above and Below, Mother Earth Is Our Example

The Earth is on the move! Tune to her. Ask her about it. Approach her with respect and Love. Mother Earth will recognize your efforts and welcome you because she wisely dwells in Harmony, always. Even after all that humanity and others have done to her, she is awaiting your tender approach. Harmony. When Mother Earth enters a Council of Light gathering in the higher realms, there is always a respectful hush, an acknowledgement of her ever-loving demonstration of Peace and Harmony. No matter what is done to her, she is unmovable in her Love. May we all strive to be so.

I Am Archangel Michael.
(channeled by Christine Burk 1/4/2017)

Read the original post here.



Archangel Michael:

It is Archangel Michael. Hello and hearty congratulations! You are quickly seeing through the old subterfuge of control through intimidation. Instead, you are opting for inner speculation and community support. In doing so, you roll out the golden carpet for the realization of your long-awaited Prosperity. Know this, the bounty of your efforts and God’s grace will leave you stunned in awe at your Redemption appointments. Some of you receiving this message will receive God’s blessing in others ways – no less spectacular. Release yourself to get excited. You will not be deceived or disappointed at the given hour.

You there toiling on the surface for your glorious Ascension and the restoration of God’s Light on Earth could teach us here more than a thing or two about PERSPECTIVE. I bow to your Awareness, diligence and growing Mastery. So, today I will bring you my own favorite portals to the kind of perspective that results in the Highest Good of All, every time.
1) Awe. SEE through the eyes of AWE. Divine awe is brimming with wonder, humility and gratitude and leads to Co-Creation with God in the manner that uplifts and enriches. To really SEE means that the lantern of God’s discernment is lit and burning brightly in your heart. This is the Light of Truth, which doesn’t just serve you – it serves All.

2) Flexibility. BE flexible. This is one of the least lauded attributes of a Master, yet it is its own path to Enlightenment. There is a difference between doing flexibility and be-ing flexible. Doing flexibility is whipping up a contrived state of social nicety and fake willingness. Be-ing flexible means you are at ease, at peace, come what may. You are resting Awake in the sweet spot of Life, ready, caring, creative.
From here – our higher dimensional perspective – so much of what you work towards and look forward to is already energetically accomplished. We tenderly understand the conditions and energies you transmute and endure which basically makes our perspective not worth a hill of beans to you. Unless…you take a dip in the perspective pool with your friends Awe and Flexibility and SEE that you are privy to the higher dimensional view, because you are. Relax your gaze and see the picture within the picture. That’s the way.

Fondly and eternally, I Am your Archangel Michael.
(channeled by Christine Burk 1/3/2017)

Read the original post here.


Archangel Michael:
A warm embrace of peace to you all.  It is Archangel Michael.  Many of you are rag-doll exhausted.  Thank you for your steadfast service to your Awakening, your family, your community and your world.  Gather close together so that you may receive the Light sustenance from your community of fellow Lightworkers and restorative support from the Company of Heaven, your family beside you only a wisp of a dimension away.
Constancy, Faith, Inner Knowing and the Peace that Transcends Understanding
Constancy and Faith walk hand-in-hand.  Constancy is your Faith applied to the circumstances, feelings and experiences of your life.  Faith is the being; constancy is the doing.  Let’s break it down, and by that I do NOT mean we are going to apply deductive reasoning.  No, that mode of “thinking” has disserved you long enough.  Together, let’s expand our thinking instead of reducing it.  Through God’s intelligence which is within us, we will clarify what – in the Higher realms – is meant by Faith, Constancy, inner Knowing and the Peace that passeth all understanding.
What is Faith?  It is more, much more than blindly believing something or someone.  Real Faith, Divine Faith is following your inner Knowing, even and especially when that Knowing flies in the face of the evidence encircling you.  Self-honesty becomes paramount in deciding to believe inner Knowing or imposed programming.  It all boils down to where you are most invested.  If you want God Truth more than anything else, nothing can stop you from it.
Another tricky trap carefully laid to circumvent you heart while ensnaring your mind and manipulating your beliefs is that you must understand something, so that you can judge it, and only then will you know what to do or how to respond properly.  Your judgement plugs you in to the range of “appropriate mental and emotional responses.”  Your judgment provides the verdict, the conclusion you have ascertained through your “understanding.”  What a mish mash.  You manage to get to a conclusion without including your feelings and your intuition, your connection to your Higher Self.  The sneaky bit is that collectively, you are so used to this way of thinking that you have come to believe it is THE process for getting to how one feels.  Oh woe, it is not.  This process is designed to preclude feeling intelligence.
When you are ready to forgo this tedious not-so-merry-go-round, you will be astonished with how easy it is to give it up AND how much more pleasurable your life becomes when you do.  The solution:  choose Peace…be in Peace, first.  Amid all conditions and occurrences, be at Peace, no matter what.
Within you, there springs the fountain of eternal Peace, God.  Wherever you Love, you are Peace.  However much you displace your cellular pain memory and toxicity with the Light of God through your choices, you fill with Peace.  Peace is natural for you.  Through one little decision, one tiny act, one minute thought after another, reclaim your Peace.  You will reach a tipping point, and after that it will become easy to live from the Peace that transcends understanding.
Constancy with Use of the Violet Fire Heals Humanity, as You Ascend!   
The Violet Flame is a gift from God, the unfed – meaning the Flame gains its aliveness only from Father-Mother God – Flame is a benevolent high dimensional Consciousness which may be used to transmute and transcend personal and planetary dross.  Particular care was afforded in issuing the use of the Violet Flame to humanity for their Freedom.  You could call it a dispensation of safety that allowed humanity to wield the Flame before they re-attained the Mastery required to brandish it safely.  What a gift!  Humanity was generously granted use of the very thing that could be used to acquire their Freedom.
Constancy + Violet Flame = Freedom for ALL.  The generosity of heaven has not gone unmet.  Many souls on Surface Earth have perceived the Violet Flame’s Consciousness and purpose and have used it with wholehearted faithful devotion, causing miraculous transfiguration of themselves and the whole.
The most important component in applying the Violet Flame is that you do it from your heart.  There is exquisite fun to be had with unlocking the Light-encoded gifts embedded within decrees and such.  Yet all that is required for success is that you use the Violet Flame from your heart.  The Violet Flame cannot be used for harm – that is a tenant of the safety dispensation.
Take a breath, feel where you would like to be Lighter, and with all your heart, give it all you’ve got!  Together and aloud we decree:
“I Am the Violet Fire!  I Am the Purity God desires!
Earth is the Violet Fire!  Earth is the Purity God desires!
Humanity is the Violet Fire!  Humanity is the Purity God desires!
Let there be Light (x3)   Light, Light, Light!  
And let that Light be Saint Germain’s New Era of Love Peace and Freedom manifesting Now!”
I Am Archangel Michael.  I Am the Violet Fire!  I Am the purity God desires!
(channeled by Christine Burk 1/1/2017)



Archangel Michael:

Happy Glorious New Year Family of Earth! It is Archangel Michael.

When you work together in sincere collaboration, you Ascend collectively and individually. When you engage in war which includes low resonance dispute of any kind, you personally digress into the descending spiral, and you slow the progress of the restoration of God’s Light on Earth, including the global release of the Freedom Funds. Whether you are aware of this or not, whether you acknowledge it or not, matters not. Your choice to be loving or not is what impacts.

As has been revealed by God’s Ascended Earth Team, the Company of Heaven, through trustworthy messengers such as Patricia Cota-Robles (see New Year’s message below) and others, the beginning of this extraordinary year is ushered in by a miraculous gift of Love Light from God. I, Archangel Michael, am joyfully tasked by God to bring you – in unity with Father-Mother God and The Company of Heaven – an inspiring and insightful message on each of the first eleven days of 2017 to assist your Awakening and Ascension. Of course, it is God’s Plan for Earth at this time that global Awakening be ensured through many events, including the release of the Freedom and Prosperity Programs, the RV/GCR and NESARA/GESARA.

Every shred of loving effort, every drop of awakening Consciousness, every sentient choice to surrender your will to God’s is cumulative and everlasting. You rise or fall upon each and every decision you make. In every case, in all situations, demeaning others results in delay to the realization of our shared dream: liberation for all in the New Golden Age. Divine Truth does not ever belittle, berate, rebuke, scold or humiliate; Divine Truth creates Lightness of being.

I Am Archangel Michael standing in the Light with you and for you, as you choose.
(channeled by Christine Burk 1/1/2017)

Read the original post here.
