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Directory Category: Conscious News & Spiritual Information

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This site is dedicated to those of us who search for meanings - the meaning of life, the meaning of death, the meaning of God, and how to reconcile all this to what we may have learned over the years from the established religions and spiritual paths. All are welcome.
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Short Business Description covers the high-profile issues impacting humanity’s transformation from 3D to 5D known as the Great Awakening into Unity Consciousness (aka Ascension, The Great Shift, The Event) – the greatest evolutionary event in human history. All content is free, no advertising, and available in 100 languages. Topics: Enlightenment of Consciousness, NESARA-GESARA, Prosperity Funds, Global Currency Reset and Revaluation, ET Disclosure, First Contact, Galactic Human Evolution, The Galactic Federation of Light, Quantum Technology, Secret Space Programs, Suppressed Technology, Free Energy, Transparency, Secret Government, Social Justice, Channeled Messages, Body-Mind-Spirit Development, Book-DVD-CD Reviews.
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Body Mind Soul Spirit provides information about many topics including, metaphysics, natural health, food & diet, science and lifestyle. Being balanced in all areas of your life cannot be overemphasized. By maintaining balance in body, mind, soul and spirit, one can obtain optimum, balanced health.
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We now recognize that there is another bonafide intelligent species that occupies our world besides us. They have been here for millions of years and have CONSCIOUSNESS.

Until now, the true nature of these amazing creatures has remained obscured to most people with the exception of a few who've recognized their unique and exquisite qualities. The ancient Greek philosopher, Aristotle, was one of the earliest on record to acknowledge them, while the famed, Oracle of Delphi, connected to them on a spiritual plane during that same time frame. During that Golden Age of Enlightenment, many higher states of consciousness were available to Humans; the likes of which have not been seen until our present time.
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Short Business Description provides news, articles, and information about conscious living on planet Earth. Contributors to this site have diverse backgrounds and interests. But we do have one thing in common: we care about the planet earth and the consciousness of its inhabitants. We believe that to live consciously is to not only be aware of what is happening in the world, but to also take steps to raise our individual consciousness. By doing so, we raise our planetary consciousness and create a better world for us and future generations.
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Short Business Description is a fast growing multimedia and news hub dedicated to unusual and unexplained phenomena as well as alternative topics that may be ignored, denied or inadequately covered within the mainstream media - the first and already largest of its kind.

Hidden Truth Revealed - Secrets Declassified - Mysteries Decoded

As the world becomes increasingly complex, it can be more and more difficult to gain true insight into what is really happening at times. In an information age dominated by big corporate media driven opinion, is a unique pool of unfiltered video, photo and audio footage and a source for alternative breaking news that can be drawn upon to extrapolate a sometimes general, but a more often startlingly vivid picture of what is actually taking place.

Challenging Paradigms - Scientific Anomalies - Unexplained Phenomena

Many of the videos, photos and podcasts uploaded on have been banned from the mainstream media because of their challanging, controversial and often mind-boggling nature. That alone can only mean one thing: provides you hours and hours of rare and in many cases genuine research footage that many do not want you to see! advocates the freedom of humans for evolutionary self-determination, through revealing all hidden secrets that have been purposely and unlawfully concealed or simply have been forgotten by modern mankind over time.

Enter a new world, with new understanding, a new reality...

Contribute to and join the fast growing community, invite your friends, spread the word about and help to disclose the truth by uploading your unique footage now!
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Patricia is cofounder and president of the nonprofit, educational organization New Age Study of Humanity's Purpose, which sponsors the Annual World Congress On Illumination. Patricia was a marriage and family counselor for 20 years. She now spends her time freely sharing the information she is receiving from the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth. This is accomplished through her weekly on-line radio program, website, webinars, books, CDs, DVDs, e-mail articles and free seminars. The Divine Intent of these Celestial Sharings is to give Humanity greater clarity and understanding, as we progress through these wondrous but extremely challenging times on Earth.
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Celestial Blessings and welcome to your gateway to the universe that provides you with the latest news in planetary and universal shifts! Our mission and the purpose of this website is to bring you great content that will assist you in raising your consciousness and aid you in your soul evolution and ascension process.

We have got lots of channeled messages from various tribes of the universe and also articles which provide explanations of the esoteric and how you can implement these teachings to your spiritual path. As well as providing spiritual educational material, we also present channeled ascension tools such as guided meditations, activations, mantras and ascension courses and we offer a vast array of services such as distance healings, Chakras cleansing and balancing, cord cutting and so much more.
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At Golden Age of Gaia you will find a treasure trove of information related to all things spiritual, including channeled messages, information about New Earth and so much more.
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Director of Healing Haven, which researches, teaches and demonstrates the best of all proven methods for healing the whole person
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This is a source for deep thinkers, lifelong learners and truth seekers.

Here you will find thought-provoking and informative content to give you inspiration, food for thought and new ideas on how to uncover your inner potential. Our purpose is to help you expand your knowledge and consciousness, discover yourself and become a better person.
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The following is only a small fraction of topics which will be covered in detail in Legendary Times.

The origins of life on Earth
The emergence of intelligence on Earth
The evolution hoax - Darwin�s "missing link"
The true origins of religions
Technology of the Gods
The "chariots of the gods", such as the flying machines of ancient India, referred to as �Vimanas�
The "visions" of the prophets, such as Ezekiel, which recount eye-witness reports to their encounters with "real gods" ie. Aliens
The accounts of divine judgments in various ancient scriptures
The original core of global mythology: facts of misunderstood technologies
The intricate descriptions of the gods in ancient texts and scriptures
The vanishing of religious and mythological figures into "Heaven"
The cargo-cult behavioral patterns of past and present societies
The time-shift effects mentioned in ancient scriptures
The construction of and motivation behind prehistoric monuments for which there is, as of yet, no satisfying explanation
The worldwide architectural similarities of pyramids and other edifices
The origins of worldwide giant ground drawings and lines such as in Nazca, Peru, which have been designed to be seen in
entirety only from the air
The astonishing astronomical knowledge of "primitive" tribes of today
The promise of the return of the gods as specified in all world religions and mankind�s tremendous fear of this event
The origin of countless strikingly similar rock carvings and paintings all around the world
Strange, unexplained artifacts such as the pre-historic batteries of Baghdad, which do not fit into archaeological time frame

Legendary Times investigates how, from where or from whom ancient civilizations have acquired the knowledge to master such stupendous aforementioned feats which by today�s standards would seem to have required highly advanced and sophisticated technology and machinery. What really happened in our past...?


The topics covered in Legendary Times are so controversial due to their thought-provoking and downright volatile nature, other publications won�t even dare to tackle them... So if you like thinking on the edge, then Legendary Times is for you...
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A blog to take you deeper into understanding what is happening on earth, and how to move thru it with ease and grace!
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Live Purposefully Now is a popular personal development website featuring original weekly articles on happiness, inspiration, gratitude, productivity, success, hope, and positive living.
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Leave the herd. Find your pack. Connect with your Soul.

Our names are Aletheia Luna and Mateo Sol. We’re twin flames, spiritual mentors and soulwork teachers who blend a mixture of psychological, spiritual and shamanic insight throughout our writings.

We write about topics such as spiritual awakening, discovering and channeling your gifts (such as those that empaths have), thriving in loving relationships (like twin flames) and progressing as an old soul in spiritual maturation.

Our mission is to help you rediscover and reconnect with your soul through the practice of soulwork. By working with your soul, you’ll be able to live a life of joy, meaning and purpose.
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The NEW EARTH STAR INNER ACADEMY is the font for the lifetime Mysterium Teachings from the etheric Temple of Thoth of Maia Kyi’Ra Nartooomid (her work spans from 1967 and counting).
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Planetary Activation Organization was founded in November 1997 and is operated by Sheldan Nidle, a representative and lecturer who channels information and updates for the Galactic Federation of Light. Sign up for monthly webinars and email newsletters.
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Power of Positivity (PoP) is changing the world, one positive thought at a time. Through an amazing journey thus far, we’ve come to realize that by changing the most minute, measurable human action (thought), we can create an immense and immeasurable impact in the world through that thought.

As thoughts, words and actions we choose manifest themselves into real-world situations, a chain-reaction of positivity is spurred into others. The ripple effect of our purpose has spawned itself into hundreds, if not thousands of like-minded people, communities, articles and film projects that show a world of outer change through inner choices.

Unlike mainstream media outlets, PoP focuses on the good in the world, how you can expand that good within you, and how that expansion from within can generate more good for others.

Our coverage includes a variety of topics to help you live your best life, every day. You’ll see everything from thought-provoking editorial to resources, tips to add positivity into your personal and professional life, special guests and even culinary coverage (to feed more than just your mind). Our byline is “Every day is a day to shine. Shine on!”. We intend on shining brightly every day.
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We are a team of Neo-Universalists, Alchemists, and Adepts united in the cause of restoring and maintaining balance to the living Organism. We are a bridge to enlightenment through authentic actions driven by the full intention of liberating minds. This we do while being gratuituos when considering one another's spiritual expansion over material gain.

Our energetic potential on all levels is unfathomable and remains as such until it can be experienced without prejudice by the many facets of creation in tandem. When we take responsibly to rouse our neighbour to discover their unique gift and contribution to our existence we then take our stations in a much larger Ship akin to true relation”ships”, friend”ships”, partner”ships” etc.

Our research fields include but are not limited to:
Human Quantum Field Activation, Alchemy, Hypnosis, Telepathy, Clairvoyance, Telekinetics/Psychokinetics, Psychometrics, Precognition, Remote Viewing, Radionics, Psychotronics, Hyper-Lumionics, Hyper-Physics, Holo-Symbolics, Non-Local Mechanics, Quantum Subspace Torsion, HyperTemporal Physics, Tachyonic Energy Bombardment, Psionic Bio-Cybernetics, HyperScalar Interferometry, HyperScalar Electromagnetic Apportation, Inter-Dimensional Manifolds, Quantum Consciousness Resonance, Morphic System Signatures, Tetrahedral Cognition Systems, Trans-Dimensional Spiritronics, Soul and Dimensional Bodies, Soul Transfer Control Systems (afterlife), Zero Point Volitional Quantum Materialization, Universal Archetypal Co-creation Channels, Mass-Quantum Evolutionary Bio-Physics, and Organic Grid Restructuring.
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I have been 'channeling' and reading the Akashic Record since 1967. With little exception, my entire life has been focused on this avenue of perception. In a way you might say I have lived a "Temple" existence all of my life...not as part of a religious sect or retreat, but simply within my own sacred space. I now offer my experience of such a space to those who wish to touch into it.
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Spiritual Awakening is a roller coaster of emotions. It’s a miraculous journey into the heart and soul of what it means to be human. The Awakened State is a community network where we can all come together to support one another on this journey and learn together. If you’ve ever felt lost, afraid, uncertain or don’t remotely know what the heck is going on, we’re here to help you. Awakened State is a community to help you rise up, show up for yourself, own your magnificence and reunite with your Divine Higher Self.
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Just a team of free thinkers who want to share the truth on what’s really going on in the world and beyond . For those of you who are discovering the realm of the unknown it’s just the beginning .
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ruth Theory are new media facilitating the empowerment of humanity using honest, solution based and thought provoking ideas

Truth Theory are new media here to replace the old outdated disempowering paradigm. The way we perceive consciousness is changing and we deliver content that is congruent with this change. What you focus on amplifies and we feel that bringing honest empowering content to a wide audience creates an honest and empowered society.
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The Way of Love Blog is operated by Nancy Detweiler. Nancy: I dedicate "Pathway to Ascension" to the fulfillment of an internationally voiced prayer-The Great Invocation. This site was created with the knowledge that our planet is experiencing birth into a heightened awareness that we are not alone in the solar system or cosmos. We are accompanied and greatly loved by the Ascended Masters and members of the Galactic Federation of Light. Both groups work ceaselessly with us. Our imminent destiny is to ascend-as a planet and as individuals-into the 5th dimension of a New Earth and a New Heaven.