Your Life is a Reflection of What You’re Willing to Tolerate
Your outer life is a mirror of your inner life. It’s as simple as that. As within so without. Everything that manifests in the physical begins in the energetic and you are the creator of everything in your world whether you know/believe that or not. YOU ARE. Your thoughts are electric, your feelings are magnetic. Together they activate the Law of the Circle, aka the Law of Attraction. All of the thoughts you have when powered by strong enough feelings become your reality made physically manifest. Your belief system is made of experiences you had as a child that continued to be reinforced/validated throughout your life that became your worldview. Maybe you see the world as hostile or scary and you’ve trapped yourself in playing the victim game and refuse to take responsibility.
So what kind of life have you created for yourself? Do you love or hate your life? Do you take responsibility for creating it or do you blame everyone around you? Do you think your life just “happens” to you and you have no power? Has your life brought you to your knees in surrender? At some point during your life, especially when you’re not happy, it’s important to take a good, hard look inside yourself and your life. When you start asking yourself the really tough questions you’ve been avoiding things will improve and you’ll receive more clarity and direction. The theme of 2020 is claiming your power and releasing everything that’s no longer serving you. SO WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? CLAIM YOUR POWER! SET YOURSELF FREE FROM THE BONDAGE OF YOUR EGO! FACE AND RELEASE YOUR FEARS! YOU WILL NEVER BE FREE UNTIL YOU DO! CREATE THE LIFE YOU’VE ALWAYS DREAMED OF! IT’S ALL WITHIN YOUR POWER!