Perhaps you were a Reptilian or Annunaki in another life? Well now you have the once in a lifetime opportunity to rebirth yourself as a Pleiaidan! New AND improved!
*Requirements for purchase: Must have a sense of humor and ability to avoid taking things so seriously. Lightworker Lifestyle is not implying in any way that one race is better than the other so no righteous indignation hate mail please! Remember being playful and laughter is 5D!
The Orion constellation is known by many starseeds as the system of many of the races and civilizations involved with Earth now, and where so many of us come from. Many participated in and remember the Orion Wars, epic battles of the light fighting the dark, and the planetary ascension process we are in now is our time to heal and integrate these wounds and differences from the duality of separation into the unity of oneness. Celebrate your Orion heritage!
My intention with the “Star Origins” series is to celebrate our Starseed diversity and the civilizations we come from. There are so many and we only know about a few so when disclosure happens our knowledge will be exponentially expanded because we will be reunited with our star families! But for now we must find each other any way we can. Share your cosmic lineage!
This design is intended to celebrate the Divine Mother and all women who embody the Divine Mother in all her Glory. Celebrate the women in your life!!
I created this design to honor and celebrate the glorious being that is our Divine Mother Earth, Lady Gaia. We are at the time in our evolution where humanity is finally growing up and realizing that what we do to the planet we do to ourselves because WE ARE ONE with our Beloved Mother Earth and it’s time for us to become the guardians of the land that we are destined to be. WE LOVE MOTHER EARTH!
You may or may not be aware that Earth and humanity is in the midst of a historic transition from the lower frequencies of the 3rd density to the higher frequencies of the 5th density. And you may or may not be aware that the 5th density is all about Love and Oneness because duality doesn’t exist there. The New Earth that is being formed right now is moving towards the next Golden Age, and because we are all together, ALL Life, is raising in vibration there will be no more duality or separation, only unity and oneness. YAY NEW EARTH!
Everything comes from within, including happiness. So does suffering. Your reality exists inside your head, your consciousness, and you are constantly in every moment choosing how you want to feel. The majority of unconscious humanity is affected by many external influences so they believe their happiness comes from without. But those on the spiritual path who are doing the inner work know that you are the God of your world, your reality. And happiness is something you cultivate on the inside. Because when you look to the external world to make you happy you will find only empty, transient pleasures. Inner happiness is permanent and everlasting. Only you have the power to make yourself happy. CLAIM YOUR POWER!
This is a really exciting time to be alive on planet Earth! Humanity is finally evolving into unity consciousness and realizing that we’re all in this together! Through our exploration of the lower frequencies and now our ascent into the higher frequencies we are creating new solutions for the upliftment of all Life as we move through our human and planetary ascension. Through thick and thin, for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, WE’RE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER! I LOVE EVERYONE!!
In the “I AM BEAUTIFUL” design the intention is for you to feel and realize your own internal (and maybe external) beauty and for you to recognize and share this message for others who need help to see and remember their beauty within and without.
My intention with this “YOU ARE” affirmation tshirt series is to complement the “I AM” affirmation series to remind and empower everyone who reads the message to FEEL and BE the message, or at least plant a seed or spark a knowing within them. The intention behind the design is to imagine the brackets/parentheses as your hands cupped around your mouth like a megaphone but instead of verbally saying the words the design communicates the message for you. People may not realize words do carry quite a powerful energetic impact so it’s best to choose them wisely and choose positively because you are sharing that vibration. BECAUSE WE ARE ALL ONE and what you do for yourself you do for everyone.
Many people have worthiness issues because of the separation from Source and veil of amnesia we all chose to experience in our lifetimes on Earth. The time is now to heal these issues and remember Who You Really Are as an aspect of the Divine that is always worthy and unconditionally loved. Make a statement that empowers you to know you are completely worthy in every way. Own your divinity and worthiness because you are God within! YOU ARE MORE WORTHY THAN YOU KNOW! LET THAT SHIT GO!
My intention with this “YOU ARE” affirmation shirts series is to complement the “I AM” affirmation t shirt series to remind and empower everyone who reads the message to FEEL and BE the message, or at least plant a seed or spark a knowing within them. The intention behind the design is to imagine the parentheses as your hands cupped around your mouth like a megaphone but instead of verbally saying the words the design communicates the message for you. People may not realize words do carry quite a powerful energetic impact so it’s best to choose them wisely and choose positively because you are sharing that vibration. BECAUSE WE ARE ALL ONE and what you do for yourself you do for everyone.
“Be still and know that I AM GOD”. Anyone on the religious or spiritual path has surely heard this sentence brought to us by our dear Brother Jesus. The higher you go on your ascension path and the more diligent you are in your spiritual practice the more you really and truly begin to know and feel this as your own truth. Especially if you have a consistent meditation practice and are able to go deep within your consciousness, you experience Life beyond the material and become more and more aware of the oneness of all Life everywhere, and the Source of Life connecting everything together. When you reach God consciousness you know and feel that you truly are GOD WITHIN as a spark, an individualized unit of that Divine energy and sentience and you know that nothing exists that is not God. Claim the Power of God within YOU!
My intention with this “I AM” affirmation tshirts series is to enable the person using the product to FEEL and BE the message. Let the energy of the words empower you. Affirmations are meant to be said with strength and conviction which is reflected in the design – all caps and bold text. Whenever I read the words I actually DO feel the message because the energy of the words helps me connect with my own authentic internal soul power. People may not realize words do carry quite a powerful energetic impact so it’s best to choose them wisely and choose positively because you are programming yourself. If you are afraid or unwilling to declare this statement to everyone around you perhaps you still have work to do in claiming your power? Or maybe you’re afraid of people’s reaction or judgement of you? This motivational t shirts series is designed to empower you to explore your courage and discover how much you give people your power by still caring what they think of you enough to modify your behavior.
Say it with me: I AM LOVED. Sometimes we all need a reminder because we’re playing the human separation game and being in these lower frequencies cut off energetically and telepathically from each other makes it really easy to feel unloved, especially when you don’t Love yourself and need Love from other humans which you may not get the way you want/need it. But we are all Loved more than you could possibly know by all of the beings in the higher frequencies! Maybe you can’t see/hear/feel it but it’s true. And I LOVE YOU!
My intention with this “I AM” affirmation shirts series is to enable the person using the product to FEEL and BE the message. Let the energy of the words empower you. Affirmations are meant to be said with strength and conviction which is reflected in the design – all caps and bold text. Whenever I read the words I actually DO feel the message because the energy of the words helps me connect with my own authentic internal soul power. People may not realize words do carry quite a powerful energetic impact so it’s best to choose them wisely and choose positively because you are programming yourself. If you are afraid or unwilling to declare this statement to everyone around you perhaps you still have work to do in claiming your power? Or maybe you’re afraid of people’s reaction or judgement of you? This series of t shirts with inspirational sayings is designed to empower you to explore your courage and discover how much you give people your power by still caring what they think of you enough to modify your behavior.
Christina Aguilera said it best in her song of the same title, “I AM BEAUTIFUL” and she really owns her power. Start claiming your power back from believing in the programming and conditioning that makes you think or feel you’re ugly or anything but beautiful. The old adage is true, beauty really does come from the inside so stop focusing so much on external beauty and learn to Love yourself from the inside out and see yourself the way Source and all of the beings in the higher frequencies see you, absolutely gorgeous! Stop accepting what other people think or say about you and claim your power because I AM BEAUTIFUL no matter what they say! OWN IT!
My intention with this “I AM” affirmation series is to enable the person using the product to FEEL and BE the message. Let the energy of the words empower you. Affirmations are meant to be said with strength and conviction which is reflected in the design – all caps and bold text. Whenever I read the words I actually DO feel the message because the energy of the words helps me connect with my own authentic internal soul power. People may not realize words do carry quite a powerful energetic impact so it’s best to choose them wisely and choose positively because you are programming yourself. If you are afraid or unwilling to declare this statement to everyone around you perhaps you still have work to do in claiming your power? Or maybe you’re afraid of people’s reaction or judgement of you? This spiritual t shirts series is designed to empower you to explore your courage and discover how much you give people your power by still caring what they think of you enough to modify your behavior.
Most starseeds incarnate on Earth the same way as everyone else but our soul aspects/higher selves originate from other planets or universes. We look human and are playing the human game but inside we feel differently because many of us remember more of who we really are and feel like we are in this world but not of this world.
Most starseeds incarnate on Earth the same way as everyone else but our soul aspects/higher selves originate from other planets or universes. We look human and are playing the human game but inside we feel differently because many of us remember more of who we really are and feel like we are in this world but not of this world.
Starseeds incarnate on Earth the same way as everyone else but our soul aspects/higher selves originate from other planets or universes. We look human and are playing the human game but inside we feel differently because many of us remember more of who we really are and feel like we are in this world but not of this world.
Remember those “Calgon, take me away!” commercials in the 70s and 80s? Well I’m an 80s kid and I will remember that line until I ascend and probably beyond haha! Wouldn’t it be nice if Ashtar (or any other Starship Captain) could actually give us a break from the insanity of Earth once in awhile and let us visit his ship in our physical bodies – not just when we’re sleeping? Although I probably wouldn’t want to come back if I could leave……no, no I volunteered and it’s such an honor and a privilege to help birth a planetary ascension…of course I would come back! ?
We are all going through so much emotionally as we acknowledge, heal and release the emotions and feelings we’ve denied and repressed for so long. Some days it can be a little overwhelming; those are the days you throw on your “Sorry I’m Processing” shirt and let everyone know that you’re checked out and need some alone time.
Meditation can be practiced in many different ways. One of my favorite ways is to be in nature. It makes me so happy to walk along the river or sit among tall trees and just feel their life force. Being in the moment and feeling nature is a meditation because you’re slowing down and taking time to just be.
We have been taught to look outside of ourselves for answers; from other people, the media, religion, you name it but rarely are you told to look inside yourself for guidance unless you have a meditation or spiritual practice. Because truly all of your answers really are there, you just need patience for the clarity and understanding to unfold. When you sit in stillness or do muscle testing (kinesiology) and ask your subconscious/Higher Self(ves) yes or no questions many of your answers can be found. If more complex, you can ask yourself right before you fall asleep and the answer may come to you. There’s so many ways, you just have to go within to find your own answers because no one else can tell you what’s best for you.
Marcus Lemonis is one of my favorite entrepreneurs and I love his saying, “Trust the process” because you can apply it to pretty much anything in life, not just business. I like to use it spiritually, on tough days when it’s hard being on this planet. I remind myself to trust the process and remember that transformation takes time and that there is so much progress happening in the invisible, so much we don’t know about and it helps me deal with everything we’re going through. The Divine Combination of Faith and Trust is so essential during this ascension journey and when you Trust the Process you are able to ride the waves with ease, Grace and effortless flow.
If there’s anything I have learned on this spiritual journey it’s that the more I learn, the more I learn I don’t know anything. When we accumulate vast amounts of knowledge our egos want to make us feel important, special, maybe superior to other people but in reality what we know, (even the most brilliant people) is a drop in the bucket of all there is to know in creation. And when I think about all there is to know about how the world works and how much more beings in the higher dimensions know about what’s going on here and throughout the entire galaxy compared to our limited human perspective all I can do is throw up my hands, shrug my shoulders and say I surrender! I don’t know what’s going to happen but I trust that everything is working out the way it was intended. While we create our own realities we don’t know how everything is going to play out and interact with the collective reality, free will and many other variables so if we want peace within we have to accept the unknown and just say “I don’t know, but I trust” and really mean it or we will continue to live in fear and worry.
We are all aspects of our Divine Source and we all have the spark of Light within our souls. Without it we would not exist. We are all powered by our higher power, whatever name you want to call it that resonates with you. Even if you choose not to believe, are an atheist or agnostic; it doesn’t matter what role you play in your lifetime on Earth you are still connected and powered by God.
You are the Light. It feels like all we see and hear about is death, violence and darkness but that’s not true. There is more Light on the planet than ever. More and more people are awakening to the knowing that Love is all there is and that it starts with every single one of us. More and more people are remembering that THEY are the Light. On the days when you need a reminder or feel like the world needs a reminder, share this message and shine bright because through each one of us the Light is transforming our world into a beautiful place. Hold the Light and hold it steady!
My intention with this “YOU ARE” affirmation shirt series is to complement the “I AM” affirmation series to remind and empower everyone who reads the message to FEEL and BE the message, or at least plant a seed or spark a knowing within them. The intention behind the design is to imagine the parentheses as your hands cupped around your mouth like a megaphone but instead of verbally saying the words the design communicates the message for you. People may not realize words do carry quite a powerful energetic impact so it’s best to choose them wisely and choose positively because you are sharing that vibration. BECAUSE WE ARE ALL ONE and what you do for yourself you do for everyone.
The time is now for you to wake up from the illusion of limitation and remember that who we really are is unlimited because we are an aspect of Divine Love. Limitations only exist so we can experience them and rise above them to move forward in growth. You are not meant to allow them to imprison you in your mind. When you have a limiting belief such as ‘I’m not good enough’ or ‘who would love me?’ first you must identify and acknowledge the thought then you can go within and ask yourself where this thought comes from. It can take time but you can clear out all of these limiting beliefs and when you do you will feel unlimited because you are. We can do anything!
My intention with this “I AM” affirmation shirts series is to enable the person using the product to FEEL and BE the message. Let the energy of the words empower you. Affirmations are meant to be said with strength and conviction which is reflected in the design – all caps and bold text. Whenever I read the words I actually DO feel the message because the energy of the words helps me connect with my own authentic internal soul power. People may not realize words do carry quite a powerful energetic impact so it’s best to choose them wisely and choose positively because you are programming yourself. If you are afraid or unwilling to declare this statement to everyone around you perhaps you still have work to do in claiming your power? Or maybe you’re afraid of people’s reaction or judgement of you? This spiritual tee shirts series is designed to empower you to explore your courage and discover how much you give people your power by still caring what they think of you enough to modify your behavior.
It’s time to release your conscious/unconscious fears of letting your Light shine. No longer will we be persecuted for letting our Light shine. We are at a time in our evolution where your glorious Light is needed more than ever so let it shine brilliantly for all to feel with this declaration of your Light Being. Only the Light can reveal and transmute the darkness so say it loud and say it proud! Our time is NOW!
Our world is crazy and chaotic right now as we go through this integration and cleansing so I decided to create a message about the world that I envision for us someday. It’s a world where we all live in peace, love, harmony and unity and I’m holding space for this place every day. Join me and together we are aligning to this beautiful paradise for us to live in.
During this transition from 3D to 5D that humanity and the planet are currently going through it seems like we see nothing but violence and chaos on the surface. What we don’t see is the tremendous amount of love and light being showered on us in every moment. What is most needed right now is for people to increase the amount of love and light they can generate within themselves. Through everything every one of us is experiencing, we all need to stay steady and strong in holding our own light because that’s the only way we will collectively reach ascension. And 5D is where we wanna be! Hold the light and hold the line!
In my spiritual journey I have learned about Ashtar and the Galactic Federation. Kind of like Star Trek, but real. Ashtar is the Commander of the Intergalactic Fleets in this solar system. Be proud to show everyone your allegiance to the light-based Galactic Council and the Ashtar Command!
Sometimes we all need a little reminder that we are loved. If you feel alone or lonely or unloved, know that you are surrounded by those who do love you dearly. You may not be able to see them, but if you had any idea of how much we are loved by our Divine energetic family in higher dimensions you would not feel so sad. I know how hard it can be living in this 3D world, and maybe this message will give you some comfort when you are reminded that we are all adored so much by our Divine Source. Let that be the love that fulfills and guides you. And when you use this product maybe you will make someone else feel good, even just for the moment they pass you by. Share the love!
My intention with this “YOU ARE” affirmation shirt series is to complement the “I AM” affirmation t shirt series to remind and empower everyone who reads the message to FEEL and BE the message, or at least plant a seed or spark a knowing within them. The intention behind the design is to imagine the parentheses as your hands cupped around your mouth like a megaphone but instead of verbally saying the words the design communicates the message for you. People may not realize words do carry quite a powerful energetic impact so it’s best to choose them wisely and choose positively because you are sharing that vibration. BECAUSE WE ARE ALL ONE and what you do for yourself you do for everyone.